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💜3rd Stage Dentistry 💜
7,132 人の購読者
1,873 枚の写真
39 本の動画
最終更新日 07.03.2025 00:06


ملخصات سلسبيلةة
5,058 人の購読者
Wisdom Team
3,042 人の購読者
د. محمد غازي
2,695 人の購読者

💜3rd Stage Dentistry 💜 によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

💜3rd Stage Dentistry 💜

21 Sep, 21:19


اعزائي من الاشياء المهمه الي لازم تعرفها كطبيب هو وقت ظهور كل سن باسنان كلا الفكين ااعلوي والسفلي ةهذا حيفيدك بالتشخيص والعلاج وخاصه بالاطفال من تكون عندهم Mixed teeth لانو تعرفون تصير فتره انتقاليه بين لبني والدائمي

وللعلم حتى من ينطوكم الاكسري ويكلولكم شخصو هل شي هم حيساعدكم وانشالله هل موضوع حنطرقله من اشرحلكم الاكسري ..

وبعد شي هو بالاسنان الprimary دشوفون اكو shed time هذا يعني للوقت الي بي بعد السن والجذور يصير بيها resorption وتوكع ويجي بمكانها الدائمي
الرجاء كتابه هذي الملاحظات او الاطلاع عليها 🤍
💜3rd Stage Dentistry 💜

21 Sep, 21:15


1- Connector.2- conserves. 3- 2mm. 4- temporary restoration. 5- Beveled shoulder. 6- full-metal. 7- Parallel. 8- Partial veneer (three quarter). 9-post crown. 10- depth orientation groove. 11-reduced retention or pulp damage.
1- To prevent fracture of the incisal portion of ceramic crown.
2- 1-Young patients under 18 years old, because the gingiva-tooth relationship will change with time.
2-The two unit system can be repaired if crown is damaged.
3-When the endodontically treated tooth is to be used as a bridge abutment, it is not necessary to do the post crown preparation parallel with the adjacent teeth.
3- To create a collar inside the crown to increase resistance of preparation margin.
4- To remove any unsupported enamel and protect the buccal cusp tip from chipping during function.
5- To reduce the occlusal forces on pontic area.
6- To reduce the possibility of bridge bending which effect on abutment tooth.
1- Jacket shoulder all around.
Facing beveled shoulder buccally chamfer all around.
2- 1.5mm labially in facing . while 1mm in jacket.
3- Jacket indicated mainly for anterior while facing is used any where in mouth.
4- It is hygienic and best esthetic.
5- The root surface area of the abutment teeth had to be equal or more than that of the teeth being replaced with pontics.
1- False …… convex
2- False …..sharp angled
3- True
4- False……..it has week fixation in bone.
5- False ……… one step reduction is indicated.
6- True.
7- False ……. Key way may be prepared.
8- True.
9- False……… due to inclined shoulder preparation.
10- False ………. Key way is prepared.
11- True.
الاجوبه النموذجيه
💜3rd Stage Dentistry 💜

21 Sep, 21:02


اسئله اوبرتف مد سنين سابقه
💜3rd Stage Dentistry 💜

20 Sep, 17:33


Various questions. Test yourself to benefit
Prepared by Dr. Ammar and Dr. Muthanna
💜3rd Stage Dentistry 💜

19 Sep, 10:24


🔵أسئلة الأوبرتف فاينل

رؤوس أقلام
1-disadvantages of adhesion
2-packable opaque
4-deep cavity not relation
5-smear layer
6-friable enamel
7-class 1 internal line angels
8-after condensation
10-more esthetic than linear one
11-gamma 2
12-penetration of resin
13-intercuspal distance
14-pulpa floor parallel
15-gen 5th selective etch
16-acid etch smoothening
17-nib chisel
18-low speed not necessary cooling
19-DO simple
20-c factor lowest
21-ceramic inlay less expensive
22-wedge hold band
23-surface free energy lesser
24-insufficient contact food impaction
25-undercut indicated for class 4
26-beveling lower incisors

ملاحضه:الاسئله غير كامله