Maxime Bernier @maximebernier Channel on Telegram

Maxime Bernier


Leader of the People’s Party of Canada

Chef du Parti Populaire du Canada


Maxime Bernier (English)

Maxime Bernier, the Leader of the People's Party of Canada, is a prominent figure in Canadian politics. With a vision for a stronger and more prosperous Canada, Maxime Bernier has been advocating for policies that prioritize individual freedom, personal responsibility, and limited government intervention. As the leader of the People's Party of Canada, he has been a voice for those who believe in small government, lower taxes, and a more sensible approach to national issues. Maxime Bernier's commitment to transparency and accountability has earned him a strong following among Canadians who are looking for a change in the political landscape.

The Telegram channel '@maximebernier' provides followers with updates on Maxime Bernier's latest speeches, events, and policy announcements. It serves as a platform for supporters to engage with one another and stay informed about the People's Party of Canada's initiatives. With a growing number of subscribers, the channel is a hub for like-minded individuals who share a common belief in the principles of freedom and limited government.

If you are looking to stay informed about Maxime Bernier's efforts to bring positive change to Canada, join the Telegram channel '@maximebernier' today. Stay connected with fellow supporters and be a part of the movement towards a stronger and more prosperous nation. Together, we can make a difference in shaping the future of Canada.

Maxime Bernier

13 Nov, 00:56

Hear why John Ede, PPC Candidate for Vancouver Quadra, stepped up, why the PPC, and the values he brings from his homeland. A fresh take on Canada’s future!

#CanadianPolitics #PPC #JohnEde #PeoplesParty #MCGA #vancouverquadra #vancouver #vancouverbc #vancouverbccanada

Maxime Bernier

13 Nov, 00:11

Do you agree with Pandering Pierre

Maxime Bernier

12 Nov, 23:47

It's Official!

I'm honoured to announce that I've joined forces with @MaximeBernier and the @peoplespca to stand up for my neighbors in Parkland, Alberta, and all across Canada.

Join us at to support our mission to restore Freedom, Responsibility, Fairness, and Respect in our country.

"I have known Jason for a few years now, he is a genuine, endearing and generous man. I am very happy that he is running as a candidate with us in the next election. He will be an exemplary MP who listens to the people in his riding." - Maxime Bernier

Watch my announcement and catch Maxime's full interview with @NadineWellwood below.

Together, let's make a difference!

Maxime Bernier

12 Nov, 14:40

People's Principles w/ @MaximeBernier & @NadineWellwood

Maxime Bernier

11 Nov, 15:30

We will remember them.

Maxime Bernier

11 Nov, 15:28

Nous nous souviendrons d’eux.

Maxime Bernier

10 Nov, 22:17

PPC State of the Nation Gala 2024, Burlington Ontario @peoplespca
@MichaelBator6 @JeffEvely @kellan_howard
@MaximeBernier @randyhillier @NewGenPPC

Maxime Bernier

10 Nov, 22:13

🇨🇦🇺🇸 @MaximeBernier & @realDonaldTrump Want To Axe The Paris Climate Accords..

PP Would Rather Not Mention The Accords That He Voted In Favour Of..

And Would Prefer To Chant "Axe A Tax" To Make Gullible People Believe He Is On Our Side, Fighting Against The UN Climate Agenda..

Maxime Bernier

10 Nov, 22:05

Nous avons eu un gala fantastique hier à Burlington, en Ontario, avec plusieurs de nos candidats de la région environnante!

Merci aux organisateurs et aux participants!

Maxime Bernier

10 Nov, 22:04

We had a fantastic gala yesterday in Burlington, Ont. with many of our candidates from the surrounding region!

Thank you to the organizers and participants!

Maxime Bernier

10 Nov, 22:03

I was invited to meet with members of the @canada_hindu today in Scarborough. No dressing up, no pandering!

Like the PPC, they support an end to mass immigration and believe immigrants should integrate into Canadian society rather than live in ethnic ghettos.

And I love the message on their t-shirts: Support the country you live in, or live in the country you support!

That’s how we unite Canadians from different backgrounds.

Maxime Bernier

10 Nov, 22:03

J’ai été invité à rencontrer des membres de @canada_hindu aujourd’hui à Scarborough. Pas de déguisement, pas de racolage!

Comme le PPC, ils veulent mettre fin à l’immigration de masse et croient que les immigrants devraient s’intégrer à la société canadienne plutôt que de vivre dans des ghettos ethniques.

Et j’adore le message sur leurs t-shirts : Soutenez le pays dans lequel vous vivez, ou vivez dans le pays que vous soutenez!

C’est ainsi que nous unissons les Canadiens de différentes origines.

Maxime Bernier

10 Nov, 22:02

"There's a quiet momentum in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary. I can feel it. People are ready for a big change."-@MaximeBernier
#PPC #PPC2025 #MaximeBernier #maximebernier4PM @DanbQc #CPC

Maxime Bernier

10 Nov, 01:52

2024 State of Our Nation Event starts 7:30PM EST with PPC Leader Maxime Bernier and special guests Randy Hillier

Maxime Bernier

10 Nov, 01:22

PPC - State of Our Nation

Maxime Bernier

10 Nov, 01:20

A full house at the third annual People's Party State of the Nation Gala!

We're networking, developing new strategies, and organizing our party to bring the campaigns the people deserve in the next election!

The future is bright and purple!

See anyone you recognize below?

Maxime Bernier

09 Nov, 17:40

Les gauchistes wokes disent que les politiciens populistes de droite comme moi, Trump et d’autres sont des « fascistes ». Ils ont complètement tort.

La lutte pour les droits et libertés fondamentaux est le contraire du fascisme.

Réduire la taille de l’État et son pouvoir sur votre vie est le contraire du fascisme.

Protéger la liberté d’expression est le contraire du fascisme.

Se soucier de l’autonomie et de la dignité des individus au lieu de jouer à la politique identitaire tribale est le contraire du fascisme.

Opposer l’aventurisme étranger et la participation à des guerres inutiles est le contraire du fascisme.

Pour que notre société s’épanouisse, il nous faut aussi un minimum de stabilité, d’ordre et de cohésion sociale, fondés sur des frontières sûres ainsi que sur une identité nationale positive et des valeurs fondamentales partagées par tous.

Mais les gauchistes fous pensent que nous sommes des fascistes parce que nous rejetons la balkanisation, la désintégration sociale, la haine de soi, le dénigrement constant des valeurs traditionnelles et de notre patrimoine culturel, et les idéologies radicales qui nient des réalités fondamentales de la nature humaine comme l’existence de seulement deux sexes.

Ces gens ne sont pas seulement politiquement mal avisés, ils sont mentalement perturbés. Ils ont été infectés par des virus mentaux qui les poussent à adopter et à propager des idées et des comportements autodestructeurs. La gauche woke croit littéralement que notre société et notre civilisation doivent être détruites.

Nous devons ramener la rationalité, sinon notre pays et toute la civilisation occidentale finiront par s’effondrer. C’est pourquoi le PPC n’est pas seulement un parti politique engagé dans une compétition conventionnelle pour gagner des élections, mais aussi un mouvement qui mène une guerre culturelle à long terme.

Maxime Bernier

09 Nov, 17:39

Woke leftists are saying that right-wing populist politicians like me, Trump, and others are “fascists.” They are utterly wrong.

Fighting for fundamental rights and freedoms is the opposite of fascism.

Reducing government size and power over your life is the opposite of fascism.

Protecting free speech is the opposite of fascism.

Caring about individual autonomy and dignity instead of playing tribal identity politics is the opposite of fascism.

Opposing foreign adventurism and participation in pointless wars is the opposite of fascism.

For our society to flourish, we also need a minimum of stability, order and social cohesion, based on secure borders as well as a positive national identity and fundamental values shared by all.

But the crazy leftists think we are fascists because we reject balkanisation, social disintegration, self-hate, the constant undermining of traditional values and our cultural heritage, and radical ideologies that negate basic facts of human nature like the existence of only two sexes.

These people are not just misguided politically, they are mentally deranged. They have been infected by mind viruses that drive them to adopt and spread self-destructive ideas and behaviours. The woke left literally believes our society and civilization must be destroyed.

We must bring back sanity or else our country and all of Western civilization will eventually collapse. That’s why the PPC is not just a political party involved in a conventional competition to win elections, but also a movement fighting a long-term cultural war.

Maxime Bernier

09 Nov, 14:28

Watch the livestream today at

Maxime Bernier

09 Nov, 13:00

He can compete against other men if he wants to, and get psychological help for his feelings of emptiness.

The PPC will maintain separate competitions for women in which biological men cannot participate in sports regulated and funded by the federal government.

Maxime Bernier

08 Nov, 17:22

Good morning, everyone! We're beyond excited for tomorrow and our 3rd Annual Gala!**

For the first time ever, we’re going live, and we might just have a surprise guest or two joining us. Stay tuned as our team gets everything set up today—more exciting news to follow.

We can't wait to share this incredible evening with you all. Don't forget to visit []( for more details!

Maxime Bernier

08 Nov, 17:21

Everyone in America and Canada help me get @MaximeBernier get to 300,000 followers on X.

Tout le monde en Amérique et au Canada m'aide à faire en sorte que @MaximeBernier atteigne 300 000 followers sur X.

Maxime Bernier

08 Nov, 16:12

Found an EXCELLENT interview with Max. All the most common "talking points" ie "Split the vote" "What is Max doing now but nothing?" etc etc, given by the doubters, are addressed here!… @elonmusk @joerogan @MaximeBernier @peoplespca

Maxime Bernier

08 Nov, 16:05

Vous voulez savoir à quel point Pierre le racoleur est sérieux pour ce qui est de mettre fin à l’immigration de masse, ou même la réduire légèrement?

L’immigration n’est même pas mentionnée dans les « sondages » bidons que les faux conservateurs envoient à leurs partisans parmi les priorités qu’ils suggèrent.

Maxime Bernier

08 Nov, 16:04

You want to know how serious Pandering Pierre is about ending mass immigration, or even slightly reducing it?

Immigration is not even mentioned in the phony “surveys” the fake Conservatives keep sending their supporters as one of the priorities that should be his “top focus”.

Maxime Bernier

08 Nov, 13:23

Maxime Bernier

07 Nov, 04:29

Donald Trump a gagné gros hier.

Les choses vont devoir changer au Canada si nous ne voulons pas être laissés pour compte.

Maxime Bernier

07 Nov, 04:28

Donald Trump won big yesterday.

Things will have to change in Canada if we don’t want to be out-competed.

Maxime Bernier

06 Nov, 16:52

Watch this. One of the most relevant analyses of the US election results you will get.

Regardez ceci. C'est l'une des analyses les plus pertinentes des résultats des élections américaines.

Maxime Bernier

06 Nov, 16:31

The legacy media can’t impose their far left woke perspective anymore. Too many people can see through the lies.

They can stop being activists masquerading as journalists, and instead do their job as professionals who offer serious and objective content.

Or they will continue to sink into irrelevance.

Maxime Bernier

06 Nov, 16:30

Les médias traditionnels ne peuvent plus imposer leur perspective woke d’extrême gauche. Trop de gens ne sont plus dupes des mensonges.

Ils peuvent décider de cesser d’être des militants qui se font passer pour des journalistes et faire plutôt leur travail en tant que professionnels qui offrent un contenu sérieux et objectif.

Ou bien ils continueront à sombrer dans l’insignifiance.

Maxime Bernier

06 Nov, 16:30

The era of rainbows and unicorns is over. Cope.

Maxime Bernier

06 Nov, 16:29

L’ère des arcs-en-ciel et des licornes est terminée. Vous allez devoir vous y faire.