Der neueste Inhalt, der von @MattyMooreChannel auf Telegram geteilt wurde.
02 Mar, 11:00
I’ve not watched a vid like this in quite some time.
I found it motivating, so I thought I’d share it with you all.
Matty @MattyMooreChannel Telegram
Link to vid here:
21 Feb, 20:32
Imagine if this happened in the U.K. and other countries!
Matty @MattyMooreChannel Telegram
Link to vid here:
09 Feb, 15:07
Where can I buy BOVAER FREE milk from?
Great vid showing us where to get milk from.
Matty @MattyMooreChannel Telegram
Link to vid here:
03 Feb, 09:42
Weather Warfare
Geoengineering destroying Ireland with hurricane-force winds ripping off roofs and uprooted trees. This is all to keep climate propaganda in the news.
Join us now ∙ Channel ∙ Chat
03 Feb, 09:41
Hey Folks, Sorry the Channel has been quiet. I haven't been able to get back to posting until now. The Storm in Ireland last week caused serious damage around my property and I have only managed to get power back to my home today.
I want to thank @vcmthecat, @SCK17, @Dystopia_Now, @Qhhtila, @GriffinsAreReal, @Karilynn9, @JeanneRoman and Mig for keeping the Channel and Chat going ❤️
01 Feb, 12:26
12 Jan, 22:35
Using Vinegar To Clear Chemtrails Goes Viral In Italy
Evaporating vinegar generates negative ions which counteracts HAARP chemtrailed positively ionised skies. This knowledge has started to spread all over the world but the people of Italy are the absolute wayshowers!