Mathematics Spmnetic!™ 🔢 @mathematicspmnotes Channel on Telegram

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢


This channel belongs to @thespmneticofficial, and a platform for sharing notes and exercises 🤘🏻

For any enquiries, please directly ask in our discussion group

Mathematics Spmnetic!™ 🔢 (English)

Welcome to Mathematics Spmnetic!™ 🔢 🎉 Are you looking for a platform to enhance your understanding of mathematics? Look no further because @mathematicspmnotes is here to help! This channel, managed by @thespmneticofficial, is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive notes and exercises to help you excel in mathematics. Whether you are a student preparing for exams or simply want to sharpen your math skills, this channel has got you covered.

Join us in this exciting journey of learning and discovery. With our carefully curated materials, you can strengthen your mathematical knowledge and boost your confidence in tackling even the toughest problems. The resources shared here are designed to cater to various learning styles and levels of expertise, ensuring that everyone can benefit from them. 📚✍️

If you have any questions or need further clarification on any topic, feel free to engage with our community in the discussion group. Our team is always ready to assist you and provide the support you need to succeed. 🤘🏻✨ Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your math skills to the next level. Join Mathematics Spmnetic!™ 🔢 today and unlock your full potential in the world of numbers and equations. Let's make math fun and rewarding together! 🌟🔢

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Feb, 13:20

Ada nak tanya apa apa soalan takk? Nak tanya pasal homework ke (korg dh ada homework ke?) haaa mana tau subscribers dalam group ni boleh tolong jawab ke😼 Admin admin pon adee jangan risau Insyaallah akan ada org jwb😌

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Feb, 13:18

Wuuu tahniah yang dapat 3/3 yang tak dapat,its okayyy hari esok sentiasa ada, jangan malu buat silap sebab kita dalam proses belajar. Yg penting awk belajar dari kesilapan okey? I think that's all,thank you jawab quiz sayaa🙈

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Feb, 12:54

Sorry la bagi soalan sudut je... Min suka sudut...huehehe😼

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Feb, 12:53

Soalan 2

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Feb, 12:53

Soalan 3

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Feb, 12:53

Soalan 1 cari hasil tambah X dan Y

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Feb, 12:53

Hyeee guysss🥸 Nak bagi kuiz ni...sikittttt jee and soalan pon senang😋 tapi siapa nk cabar diri skit...cuba congak. Jangan guna calculator lansung kayy? Nak guna pon tak pe tapi...tak mencabar la kan😏

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Feb, 09:37

Hantar jawapan dekat sini ye

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Feb, 09:36

Siapa nak latihan Bab 1 tingkatan 4

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Feb, 06:02

Nanti 2.45 saya share jawapan dia ye

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Feb, 06:02

Sedia tak buat soalan ubahan.

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Feb, 06:01

Hi semua

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Feb, 05:02

batch 07 mesti ada buku ni dulu kan?

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

06 Feb, 14:22

utk yg lepas habis spm

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

06 Feb, 12:02

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned « Come and join guys🔥🔥🔥»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

06 Feb, 12:02

Come and join guys🔥🔥🔥

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

06 Feb, 10:44

Last day SPM, day 16!

we've done all the papers alhamdulillah!

it won't be easy, but it will be worth it and it's the effort, not the result.

Ya Allah, kami berharap kepadaMu, kau lembutkan lah hati penanda kertas SPM kami.Tenangkanlah dan bukakanlah pintu hati mereka. Semoga mereka dapat menanda kertas kami dalam keadaan yang aman. Amin

وَأُفَوِّضُ أَمْرِي إِلَى اللَّـهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ بَصِيرٌ بِالْعِبَادِ

cr: @/amsyarothman

akhir kata, byee yang dah left all channel subjects, thank you for your support! kalau boleh stay channel ni, stay la okay! all info about after school, spm result etc admin will update here.

Salam SPM, batch 08 🙏🏻

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

06 Feb, 08:13

me: sibuk mencari keje

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

06 Feb, 08:10

cer citer sikit dunia lepas habis spm

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

06 Feb, 08:10

selamat datang ke era berehat/bekerja/prepare utk sambung belajar/cari kerja tetap😺

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

06 Feb, 08:09

dengan ini,berakhirlah era spm utk batch 07

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

06 Feb, 02:01

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*FORM 5 MATHS CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 413-889-0092 PIN: 796 139 619# Topic: *F5 C1 SUBTOPIC 1.2 INVERSE VARIATION//UBAHAN SONGSANG(PART 1)* Time: *8pm-9:30pm* Link for class today. See you all later❤️»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

06 Feb, 02:01

Or dial: (US) +1 413-889-0092
PIN: 796 139 619#

Time: *8pm-9:30pm*

Link for class today. See you all later❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

05 Feb, 14:44

i'm not a guy but i think i want to make it as my philosophy too

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

05 Feb, 14:34

btw terima kasih byk2 kpd batch 07 yg sudi beri nasihat,tips2
you guys are amazing

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

05 Feb, 14:32

btw,yg 07
admin jumpa satu nasihat ni dulu, bila dh habis spm, luangkanlah masa dgn family, bila time puasa, manfaat masa sebaiknya dgn family,sbb nanti klu kita dah masuk um/ukm/ipg/usm/upnm/matriks/usim/iium/form 6/ dlll ,susana buka puasa dah lain

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

05 Feb, 14:30

antara yg mencuri perhatian admin...yes,betul kawan boleh berubah,sbb admin sendiri berubah masa form 4,kawan ckp masa admin form 4,admin selalu sedih dll...
pesanan utk diri admin jugak,hargai apa yg ada depan mata🫂

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

05 Feb, 14:22

ada tak nasihat kehidupan utk adik2

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

05 Feb, 14:17

ada nasihat utk adik2 aliran srt?

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

05 Feb, 14:17

ada nasihat utk adik2 yg ambik aliran agama?

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

05 Feb, 14:17

ada nasihat utk adik2 yg ambik akaun?

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

05 Feb, 14:17

ada nasihat utk adik2 sc stream?

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

01 Feb, 06:05

Jom masuk BATCH '09
Angpau menanti anda🔥🔥

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

01 Feb, 05:35

NOTE: Angpau packet will be distributed to those stay until *END OF CLASS*
Sesiapa yang kekal sampai ke *akhir kelas* akan menerima angpau

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

01 Feb, 00:13

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*FORM 4 ADD MATH CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 401-285-6421 PIN: 621 964 332# Topic: *F4 C1 SUBTOPIC 1.1 Functions//Fungsi(PART 2)* Time: *2pm-3:30pm* Link for class today. See you later❤️»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

01 Feb, 00:13

Or dial: (US) +1 401-285-6421
PIN: 621 964 332#

Topic: *F4 C1 SUBTOPIC 1.1 Functions//Fungsi(PART 2)*
Time: *2pm-3:30pm*

Link for class today. See you later❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Jan, 13:42

akan dikemas kini, stay tune ya ☺️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Jan, 13:42

Mathematics Spmnetic
-carian pantas-

1. perkongsian bermanfaat

2.perkongsian bersama batch 07

3.soalan trial 2024 topikal

4.modul algebra
*algebra wajib kuasai

5.penerangan dan jawapan kertas trial math johor 2024
-terima kasih atas perkongsian lazylofi👍-

6. tips maths

7. tips calculator

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Jan, 13:32

kawan ckp belakang? kawan tak suka bila kita berjaya? kawan benci kita sebab kita ada kelebihan?sedih sbb kawan tak nak kita berjaya?

ada satu nasihat ni,

"takpe, okla tu dia dah tunjuk belang,at least kita tahu perkara sebenar pasal dia...drpd kita berterus-terusan tak tau perkara sebenar pasal dia masa berkawan"

perkara baik,jadikan contoh
perkara buruk,kita jgn ikut

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Jan, 13:29

kesilapan membuatkan kita terus belajar,
kesakitan membuatkan kita lebih kuat
pengalaman menjadikan kita lebih berani
tanggungjawab menjadikan kita lebih matang

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Jan, 13:27

kita mesti pernah overthinking kan,pasal sambung belajar, tak sambung belajar pun boleh kaya,
saya finally dpt jawapan utk persoalan ni

"tuhan akan bagi rezeki dekat org yg dia nak"

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Jan, 13:25

senior sy pelajar straight A+...dia pernah ckp dgn sy dan kawan2 sy,
" baik mcm mana pun dgn kawan, result dia result dia,result kita,result kita"

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Jan, 11:59

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned « Lai lai lai Cny mode, must have semangat belajar add math. Faster join🔥🔥🔥»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Jan, 11:59

Lai lai lai
Cny mode, must have semangat belajar add math.
Faster join🔥🔥🔥

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Jan, 08:04


Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Jan, 06:36

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*FORM 5 ADD MATH CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 321-586-0413 PIN: 539 156 274# Topic: *F5 C1 SUBTOPIC 1.2(PART 2) Perimeter of segment//Perimeter tembereng* Time: *8pm-9:30pm* Hi guys, here is the link for class today. See you…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Jan, 06:36

Or dial: (US) +1 321-586-0413
PIN: 539 156 274#

Topic: *F5 C1 SUBTOPIC 1.2(PART 2) Perimeter of segment//Perimeter tembereng*
Time: *8pm-9:30pm*

Hi guys, here is the link for class today. See you later.❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Jan, 04:05

hi and salam everyone, today last day kita open application for spmnetic leader ya, student form 5 2025, batch 08 yang nak try, don't forget to fill in the form 😼

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

30 Jan, 18:52

Any requests or suggestion to make this channel more engaging?
Will be helpful!🙌

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

22 Jan, 11:59

SPM Day 11

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

21 Jan, 23:41

hai hai

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

21 Jan, 23:41

hi gd morning!

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

21 Jan, 15:38

continue fighting for spm guys🌱

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

21 Jan, 15:38

jangan biarkan kita dibantai

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

21 Jan, 13:11

kalau sy bosan sy nak cari video maths yg ok utk disharekan kat sini...blh bagitau nak topik apa..sblm ni admin share video tajuk circle,trigo

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

21 Jan, 12:38

utk adik 08,09 😄😁

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

21 Jan, 12:37

nah pil2 yg wajib diambil😁

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 12:17

yea,admin pun batch 07😁

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 12:16

admin personally, kita sebenarnya blh buat anything yg kita fikir masa budak2 kita takkan buat..if i could meet my younger self rn, i will say, rn i'm struggling a lot, but at least i try to get things yg saya nak dari dulu lagi. u know what, kau dh banyak berubah masa remaja. if u think dulu takleh ckp di khalayak ramai,skrg boleh, dulu tak suka maths,skrg kau pulak yg cuba tlg org utk subjek maths..😄😸.dulu kau fikir takleh nyanyi, haritu kau nyanyi depan ramai student 😂🥹...go and explore the least u try,jgn takut utk mencuba❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 12:12

selain nasihat dlm study,ada tak nasihat for your younger self yg nak share kat adik2

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 12:07

admin pun banyak nangis je tadi HAHA

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 12:06

ada yg nak nangis ke,nangis la kat sini

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 12:04

mcm mana teruk abg2 akak2 suffer masa spm? i don't want to think dpt straight A ni senang dan indah

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 12:00

Jom masuk guys❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 11:55

mcm mana nak study kalau penat...nak rehat tapi exam lagi 3-4 hari

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 10:39


Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 10:31

SPM Day 9

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 08:57

kepada batch 08,09 yg nak tips belajar blh tekan #heart2heartwbatch07 dan baca kat ruangan comment tu

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 08:54

nota yg diperlukan secukupnya,buku/kertas utk tulis2 masa ulangkaji

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 08:54

jgn lupa bawak ic,alat tulis secukupnya, air minuman

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 08:53

hai semua goodluck utk exam esok

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 07:12

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*FORM 5 MATHS CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 662-685-2130 PIN: 280 140 575# Topic: *F5 Chapter 1 Subtopic 1.1(1st part)* Time: *8pm-9:30pm* Hi guys, here is the link for the 1st form 5 class tonight. See you all later batch '08❤️»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 07:12

Or dial: (US) +1 662-685-2130
PIN: 280 140 575#

Topic: *F5 Chapter 1 Subtopic 1.1(1st part)*
Time: *8pm-9:30pm*

Hi guys, here is the link for the 1st form 5 class tonight. See you all later batch '08❤️

We will learn direct variation/ubahan langsung🤩

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

20 Jan, 07:06


BATCH '08/ BATCH '09
For those need math/add math videos to help in your revision// study the syllabus ahead, you may refer to my youtube videos for help. Sharing is caring❤️❤️


Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Jan, 06:36

useful student hacks ?

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 22:26

bunga larkspur
esok kita tunggu bunga apa

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 22:25

selamat belajar dan semoga berjaya batch 07

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 22:20

admin pun sibuk belajar addmaths...tido pukul 4:15 mcm tu...ada yg tak tido ke?

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 17:53
soothing music for study

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 16:49

belum tido sebab tengah study kawan baik kpd maths kan

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 14:21

harini bunga lili,esok nak bunga apa?

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 12:48

semoga, semua yang ada dalam ni dapat teruskan perjuangannn.. doakan min tauuu.. min minta maaf sekiranya min tak banyak membantu korang😔 setakat mana min mampu min bantu tapi mcm tak banyak 😭 apa ii pun goodluck on your next paper💪🏻 do your best batch 07!! anddd be ready batch 08😍

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 12:02

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned « Jom masuk guys🔥🔥»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 12:02

Jom masuk guys🔥🔥

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 10:35

SPM Day 5

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 10:06

For those need help in add math spm batch '07, you may refer to my youtube channel for videos. Most of the topics are here❤️❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 06:40

tahniah batch 07 teruskan perjuangan

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 02:47

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*4TH LAST ADD MATH EXTRA CLASS IN COUNTDOWN FOR SPM* Or dial: (US) +1 470-485-9779 PIN: 368 162 862# Topic: *Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 7 Linear Programming//Pengaturcaraan Linear* Time: *8pm-9:30pm* [2nd link incase 1st…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Jan, 02:47

Or dial: (US) +1 470-485-9779
PIN: 368 162 862#

Topic: *Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 7 Linear Programming//Pengaturcaraan Linear*
Time: *8pm-9:30pm*

[2nd link incase 1st link full]

Hi guys, we will learn chapter 7 today together and complete it. ❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Jan, 15:27

boleh tak komen jap
1. sebab apa suka channel mathematics spmnetic
2. kandungan/posting apa yg paling korang suka
3. perkara yg boleh buat utk admin improve (jika ada)

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Jan, 15:13

ucapan drpd team mathematics spmnetic juga

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Jan, 14:10

bismillah, semoga batch 07 diberikan kemudahan dalam menghafal, diberikan ingatan yang kuattt dan diberikan kelancaran dalam menjawab kertas peperiksaan agama islam pada esok hari. bittaufiq wannajah semuaaa.. this is the timee untuk tebus balik kesalah waktu trial and this is the time untuk kita tunjukkan kebolehan kita semua

min nak minta maaf if ada salah silap.. 0-0 tauu.. goodluck semuaa hwaitingg🫶🏻🫶🏻

hasbunallah wanikmal wakil, wanikmal maula, wanikman nasir💫

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Jan, 12:07

ohh tak tau pulak mrsm pun buat gitu...guna buku yg dicop mrsm ka? admin guna buku nota ( kedai rm2)

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Jan, 08:38

mak admin pun buat buku tu...dia kata dulu2 trending
maybe korang pun boleh buat...byk memori blh simpan...selain memori gambar2 dkt phone

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Jan, 08:36

guys, ni takde kaitan dgn maths,lebih kepada kenangan sekolah...admin buat buku khas utk kawan2 tulis pasal diri diorang,kat bawah tu diorang tulis mesej utk admin...utk ckg2 pun...bila baca balik best tau...dan motivating bila baca mesej ckg...ckg admin tadi mula2 kata "kamu ni mcm org dulu2 la😂"

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 19:47

kredit: cikgu arzman

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:38

Mula 10.30pm

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:38

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:23

Rami2 reply sia, iboh bergerek indah lam discussion🫠

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:21

Apa oo gerek lam bm, lupak indah🫠🫠

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:18

Make sure korang dh bergerek kata org srwk dengan kertas formula ( math, addmath and fizik )

Nanti gerek kita tu yg akan bantu dlm exam 🤭🤭🤭

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:01

sharpener jgn lupa....

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:01

betul tu

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:01

Paling penting, semua ilmu math yang ada mesti bawa masuk dewan exam juga🤭🤭

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:00

let's pray for miracle also

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:00

pensel 2B

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:00

30 cm

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:00

long ruler

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 14:00

Calculator jak ka?
Flexible ruler dan set geometri jangan lupa juga🫠🫠🫠

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 13:59

anak2 jgn lupa tinggalkan cover calculator luar dewan,jgn bawak masuk ke dlm dewan exam

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Jan, 13:29

Langkah kerja
Credit to PPD SERIAN

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Dec, 02:29

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*FINAL MATH INTENSIVE CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 307-370-1348 PIN: 254 429 577# Topic: *10th Intensive lesson maths Form 4 Chapter 10 Financial Management//Pengurusan Kewangan* Time: *4:30pm-6:00pm* [2nd link incase 1st is full]…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Dec, 02:29

Or dial: (US) +1 307-370-1348
PIN: 254 429 577#

Topic: *10th Intensive lesson maths Form 4 Chapter 10 Financial Management//Pengurusan Kewangan*
Time: *4:30pm-6:00pm*

[2nd link incase 1st is full]

Hi guys, here is link for class today. Please take note today class start at 4:30pm. ❤️❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

31 Dec, 00:03

Godspeed 07, All the best untuk paper 4, semoga apa yang didengarkan kita dapat tangkap dan jawapan kita semua sama dengan skema, Aamin🤲🏻🤲🏻⭐️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

30 Dec, 22:22

Countdown SPM bertulis:
2 days left!

Tahniah (nama), (nama) dapat straight A+. Mak ayah bangga dengan (nama).

11 tahun kau belajar. Takkan nak akhiri zaman persekolahan dengan keputusan yang teruk? Gagal, bangkit lagi. Jangan putus asa, sampai kau boleh senyum bila dapat keputusan SPM nanti.

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

30 Dec, 13:17

☝️ explanation for each questions
( trial paper johor 2024)
mohon maaf sekiranya terdapat kesalahan. sila rujuk guru sekolah jika terdapat kesalahan. boleh ulangkaji sama2😁

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

30 Dec, 13:14

this is the answer scheme btw.

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

30 Dec, 13:14

quick note , theres an error for the answer scheme at question 16.

i even clarified it with my teachers.

the actual answer is A, not B.

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

30 Dec, 13:14

questions 31-40 .

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

30 Dec, 13:14

questions 21-30 .

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Dec, 08:26

Jom masuk guys🔥🔥

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Dec, 07:18

Hi guys, we will start a bit later at 4:30pm ya. Please take note👍

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Dec, 05:05

DM @maayaa1702 strictly serious buyer's only !!!! Price can be reduced...

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Dec, 04:04

kredit kepada pemilik asal

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Dec, 04:04


Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Dec, 02:33


Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Dec, 02:00

Countdown SPM bertulis:
6 days left!

The early bird always catches the worm, so keep maintaining bangun awal study dan jangan lupa tahajud (if you are a muslim) - aynafirds

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Dec, 00:28

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*SPM MATHS EXTRA CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 385-350-0848 PIN: 996 726 789# Topic: *K1+K2 TRIAL MATEMATIK SET 4 DISCUSSION* Time: *4pm-6pm* [2nd link incase 1st full] Hi guys. We will discuss…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Dec, 00:28

Or dial: (US) +1 385-350-0848
PIN: 996 726 789#

Time: *4pm-6pm*

[2nd link incase 1st full]

Hi guys. We will discuss trial paper 2024 today. Don't forget to join❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

26 Dec, 16:30


Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

26 Dec, 09:06


#amalan #doa #tips

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

26 Dec, 08:43


- senang nak fokus kat bab yang masih lemah
- untuk ulang kaji last minute

MATEMATIK (with analisis) - COMPLETE (F1-F3)

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

26 Dec, 08:24

TRIGO LOVERS, Come and join🔥🔥

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

26 Dec, 07:37

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 22:10

Subscriber disayangi sekalian.Jangan lupa bawa IC yer😄😍😔😍😔😍😍😄😘😄😍😄😍😔😍

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 22:09

jgn lupa check poket supaya tak terbawa barang larangan

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 22:09

goodluck kepada calon spm amali physics

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 22:09

guys,graph addmath,math,physics,chem,bio kena pakai pensel 2B...ckg sy ckp

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 21:38

Countdown SPM bertulis:
24 days left!

Study bodo sebab mu hudoh tak kan nak jadi hudoh and bodo lagi

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 21:28

korang nak sy buat cam ni lagi ke

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 15:31

pukul 1 tido balik

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 15:27

admin dah bangun

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 15:08

jom tido jap

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 15:07

tak study physics,mesti korang study subjek aliran korang/maths

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 15:07

tgh study and ngantuk? tido jap..admin pun nak tido jap
pukul 11;25 kita bangun

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 13:42

Jangan pernah lupakan bahawa setiap kegagalan adalah sebahagian daripada perjalanan kejayaan. Apa yang penting ialah usaha dan keberanian untuk bangkit setiap kali jatuh. Jika hari ini terasa sukar, ingatlah bahawa esok adalah peluang baru untuk berubah dan berkembang. Kamu mampu, kerana di dalam diri ada kekuatan yang belum sepenuhnya diteroka. Berikan masa untuk diri sendiri, kerana kamu berhak untuk bahagia.

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 05:20

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 05:19


- senang nak fokus kat bab yang masih lemah
- untuk ulang kaji last minute


Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Dec, 01:49

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned Deleted message

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Dec, 23:18

Countdown SPM bertulis:
26 days left!

MASA tidak menentukan segalanya tapi USAHA menentukan segalanya - sylvrs

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Dec, 12:12


Trial question (problem solving)

✎ᝰ. @kitschter

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Dec, 12:03

Jom masuk guys ❤️❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Dec, 02:32

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*SPM ADD MATHS EXTRA CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 252-427-1526 PIN: 342 396 136# Topic: *K1 TRIAL PAPER DISCUSSION SET 1* Time: *8pm-10pm* Hi guys, here is link for extra class today. See you later❤️»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

07 Dec, 02:32

Or dial: (US) +1 252-427-1526
PIN: 342 396 136#

Time: *8pm-10pm*

Hi guys, here is link for extra class today. See you later❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

26 Nov, 12:04

Jom masuk guys❤️❤️❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

26 Nov, 01:47

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*INTENSIVE CLASS MODERN MATHS* Or dial: (US) +1 304-621-9753 PIN: 145 554 403# Topic: *4th intensive class Modern Maths Form 4 Chapter 4 Set Operations(Operasi Set)* Time: *8pm-9:30pm* Hi guys, we will learn on sets tonight.…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

26 Nov, 01:47

Or dial: (US) +1 304-621-9753
PIN: 145 554 403#

Topic: *4th intensive class Modern Maths Form 4 Chapter 4 Set Operations(Operasi Set)*
Time: *8pm-9:30pm*

Hi guys, we will learn on sets tonight. Anyone who is weak on this chapter please join to revise this chapter ya❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

25 Nov, 12:02

Jom masuk guys❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

25 Nov, 05:36

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*INTENSIVE CLASS ADD MATHS* Or dial: (US) +1 502-622-8056 PIN: 201 038 660# Topic: *4th intensive class Form 4 Chapter 4 Indices,Surds&Logarithms(Indeks,Surd Dan Logaritma)* Time: *8pm-9:30pm* Hi everyone, this is the link…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

25 Nov, 05:36

Or dial: (US) +1 502-622-8056
PIN: 201 038 660#

Topic: *4th intensive class Form 4 Chapter 4 Indices,Surds&Logarithms(Indeks,Surd Dan Logaritma)*
Time: *8pm-9:30pm*

Hi everyone, this is the link for tonight intensive class❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

24 Nov, 22:31

Countdown SPM bertulis:
38 days left!

Jika kamu tidak tahan lelahnya belajar, maka kamu akan menanggung peritnya kebodohan - Imam Syafie - ☹️☹️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

24 Nov, 13:51

kredit: pemilik asal

doakan semoga admin2,batch 07 dipermudah urusan,diberikan idea bernas,jitu dan mantap semasa menjawab spm

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

24 Nov, 13:27

Dont count the days, make the days count.

study efficiently, use study techniques that work for you.

i personally use active recall methods, ill write down questions based on the study material and test myself using those questions.

for example ; when studying history, ill write down questions like

“Huraikan tentang peristiwa 13 Mei 1969.”

i’ll answer the questions orally (speaking to myself), for example ;

“Peristiwa 13 Mei berlaku disebabkan oleh keputusan pilihan raya 1969. Ia juga berlaku disebabkan ketidakstabilan ekonomi dan sosial. Ianya tertumpu pd kawasan Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor.”

ill even write marks beside the question to know which question i got wrong and which i got write.

for example ;

“Huraikan tentang peristiwa pemisahan Singapura.” ( /6). (6 points total)

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

24 Nov, 11:59

Jom guys 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

24 Nov, 11:59

Salam semua anak-anak yang sedang berusaha.

Kita dalam fasa terakhir sebelum exam. Cg pasti, semua pelajar ada perasaan yang bercampur. Excited nak habis sekolah, takut nak exam etc.

Untuk yang nervous atau takut, cg nak remind, buat je tugasan korang. Hari tu cg ada baca satu buku ni, dalam buku tu dia kata kita buat task kita je. Abaikan task orang lain.

Contoh, pelajar task dia belajar. Fokus pada tu saja. Jangan fokus pada result. Sebab result tu, penanda SPM yang akan uruskan. Itu task dia.

Tiap kali gelabah rasa masa tak cukup etc, tengok balik apa korang dah buat. Study tak? Kalau ya, task korang dah selesai. A+ bukan kerja korang. Kerja korang adalah berusaha.

Cg harap semua usaha anak-anak dibalas setimpal malah lebih lagi. Semoga diberi ketenteraman dalam masa yang penuh ketidakpastian. Gitu.

All the best semua.

cg sopi

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

24 Nov, 06:03

boleh komen,share gambar kat sini kalau dah siap

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

24 Nov, 06:02

ni soalannya

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

24 Nov, 06:00

maths game
1. 1 minggu 1 file soalan
2. dah siap boleh tangkap gambar dan komen saya dah siapp🥳
3. skema kat dalam fie pdf,boleh scroll bawah

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

24 Nov, 03:11

no, you got enough time to study

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

24 Nov, 03:10

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*SPM MATHS EXTRA CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 956-752-6594 PIN: 821 540 379# Topic: *SPM 2023 MATHS PAPER 2 DISCUSSION* Time: *8pm-10pm* Hi guys, we will discuss maths actual spm 2023 paper 2 today all questions. Don't miss…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

24 Nov, 03:10

Or dial: (US) +1 956-752-6594
PIN: 821 540 379#

Time: *8pm-10pm*

Hi guys, we will discuss maths actual spm 2023 paper 2 today all questions. Don't miss out. Share the link to your friends too❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

23 Nov, 23:48


Form 5: Trigonometric (N9 trial)


✎ᝰ. @kitschter

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

23 Nov, 22:45

Countdown SPM bertulis:
39 days left!

Pastikan pengakhiran 11 tahun belajar itu indah.

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Nov, 11:27

Hi guys, the class timing is postponed to *8:30pm-10pm*. Please take note👍

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Nov, 09:02

drop your doa for yourself and batch 07 bestie❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Nov, 03:05

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*MATHS INTENSIVE CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 478-292-3967 PIN: 861 098 403# Topic: *3rd intensive class Modern Maths Form 4 Chapter 3(Logical Reasoning//Penaakulan Logik)* Time:*8pm-9:30pm* Hi guys, we will be entering 3rd…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

19 Nov, 03:05

Or dial: (US) +1 478-292-3967
PIN: 861 098 403#

Topic: *3rd intensive class Modern Maths Form 4 Chapter 3(Logical Reasoning//Penaakulan Logik)*

Hi guys, we will be entering 3rd chapter for form 4 revision today. Don't forget to join❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

18 Nov, 22:05

Countdown SPM bertulis:
44 days left!

You can do it 💪🏻 run to your dreams!

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

18 Nov, 16:25

happy learning

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

18 Nov, 15:40

link soalan :

selamat mencuba menjawab soalan

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

18 Nov, 13:13


Form 5: Matrix

✎ᝰ. @kitschter

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

18 Nov, 11:57

Jom masuk guys❤️❤️❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

18 Nov, 08:16

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*ADD MATH INTENSIVE CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 813-435-5491 PIN: 938 476 943# Topic: *3rd intensive lesson add maths Form 4 Chapter 3(System of Equations//Sistem Persamaan)* Time: *8pm-9:30pm* Here is link for add math class…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

18 Nov, 08:16

Or dial: (US) +1 813-435-5491
PIN: 938 476 943#

Topic: *3rd intensive lesson add maths Form 4 Chapter 3(System of Equations//Sistem Persamaan)*
Time: *8pm-9:30pm*

Here is link for add math class today.
Please join if you are weak in this chapter. It is the basic for all your add maths chapters❤️❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

17 Nov, 21:56

Countdown SPM bertulis:
45 days left!

I can get straight A , I can do it

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

17 Nov, 11:56

Hi guys. You may start to join now❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

17 Nov, 07:08

Countdown SPM bertulis:
46 days left!

Lagi awak fikir sempat ke tak, lagi tak sempat, biar sesal sekarang, jangan sesal bila dah masuk dewan peperiksaan - addel'

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

17 Nov, 02:28

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*SPM MATHS EXTRA CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 440-462-3441 PIN: 295 808 794# Topic: *SPM 2023 MATHS PAPER 1 DISCUSSION* Time: *8pm-10pm* Hi guys, we will discuss spm 2023 maths actual objective paper today. Don't forget to join❤️»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

17 Nov, 02:28

Or dial: (US) +1 440-462-3441
PIN: 295 808 794#

Time: *8pm-10pm*

Hi guys, we will discuss spm 2023 maths actual objective paper today. Don't forget to join❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

16 Nov, 11:56

Jom masuk guys🔥🔥🔥

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

16 Nov, 09:39

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*SPM ADD MATHS EXTRA CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 505-738-1772 PIN: 660 660 779# Topic: *SPM ADD MATHS PAPER 2 2022 DISCUSSION* Time: *8pm-10pm* Hi guys, here is the link for class tonight. See you all later❤️»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

13 Nov, 09:44

sungguh dalam

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

13 Nov, 07:56

Jom masuk guys terutamanya yang lemah f5 bab 7 matematik. LAST CLASS for Chapter 7🔥🔥

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

13 Nov, 02:22

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*FORM 5 MATHS CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 234-252-0611 PIN: 419 878 216# Topic: *F5 CHAPTER 7 REVISION CLASS* Time: *4pm-5:30pm* Hi guys, we will do revision for chapter 7 maths today. Please share the link around to your…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

13 Nov, 02:22

Or dial: (US) +1 234-252-0611
PIN: 419 878 216#

Time: *4pm-5:30pm*

Hi guys, we will do revision for chapter 7 maths today. Please share the link around to your friend also that want to join the revision class❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

12 Nov, 22:03

Countdown SPM bertulis:
50 days left!

Hidup ni pilihan, buat sekarang atau menyesal?

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

12 Nov, 13:57

tak ramai upnm but woww ramai org yg dream uni dia kat luar negara

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

12 Nov, 13:26

what's your dream university/college ?
me: upnm

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

12 Nov, 11:59

Jom masuk guys❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

12 Nov, 02:27

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*MODERN MATHS INTENSIVE CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 651-571-0620 PIN: 379 381 126# Topic: *4th intensive lesson F4 Mod Maths CHAPTER 2(Number Bases//Asas Nombor)* Time: *8pm-9:30pm* Here is the link for class today. See you…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

12 Nov, 02:27

Or dial: (US) +1 651-571-0620
PIN: 379 381 126#

Topic: *4th intensive lesson F4 Mod Maths CHAPTER 2(Number Bases//Asas Nombor)*
Time: *8pm-9:30pm*

Here is the link for class today. See you all later❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

11 Nov, 22:16

Countdown SPM bertulis:
51 days left!

Come on guyss, this is the time to show our potential! Man Jadda wajadda 🫶 - laylbulan

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

11 Nov, 11:54

Jom masuk guys❤️❤️❤️💪💪💪

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

11 Nov, 05:33

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*ADD MATH INTENSIVE CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 970-426-5531 PIN: 684 189 071# Topic: *2nd intensive class F4 Add Maths Chapter 2(Quadratic Functions//Fungsi Kuadratik)* Time: *8pm-9:30pm* See you all tonight❤️ All Form 4/Form…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

11 Nov, 05:33

Or dial: (US) +1 970-426-5531
PIN: 684 189 071#

Topic: *2nd intensive class F4 Add Maths Chapter 2(Quadratic Functions//Fungsi Kuadratik)*
Time: *8pm-9:30pm*

See you all tonight❤️
All Form 4/Form 5 are welcomed to join🤝

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

10 Nov, 11:05

kalau nak dapatkan kertas trial spm 2024,tekan #trialspm2024

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

10 Nov, 10:59

2024 spm trial papers
credit to the respective owner

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

10 Nov, 07:54

🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩Come and join guys the ACTUAL SPM MATHS PAPER 2022 DISCUSSION

Ilmu free❤️❤️❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

10 Nov, 03:34

- Spm preloved books here.
- All the prices stated.
- pm me if you're interested : @maayaa1702
- payment : TNG & online payment only
-postage Rm 10(Semenanjung)
Rm 20 (Sabah n Sarawak)

For more details feel free to pm

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

10 Nov, 01:57

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*SPM MATHS EXTRA CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 470-466-0263 PIN: 405 751 284# Topic: *SPM 2022 MATHS K1+K2 SECTION C* Time: *4pm-6pm* Link for class today. See you all later❤️ We will discuss SPM 2022 MATHS PAPER🔥🔥»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

10 Nov, 01:57

Or dial: (US) +1 470-466-0263
PIN: 405 751 284#

Topic: *SPM 2022 MATHS K1+K2 SECTION C*
Time: *4pm-6pm*

Link for class today. See you all later❤️

We will discuss SPM 2022 MATHS PAPER🔥🔥

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Nov, 13:05

#mathspm (trials 2024)

Simultaneous eq

✎ᝰ. @kitschter

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Nov, 11:58

Jom masuk guys. Kita akan bincang SOALAN SEBENAR SPM 2021 ADD MATH HARI INI❤️❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Nov, 07:28

Hi guys, the class is postponed to 8pm-10pm. Please take note👍

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Nov, 02:59

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*SPM ADD MATHS EXTRA CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 484-841-5972 PIN: 192 046 704# Topic: *SPM ADD MATHS PAPER 1 2021 DISCUSSION* Time: *8pm-10pm* Hi guys, we will be discussing spm actual paper today. Don't forget to join to…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

09 Nov, 02:59

Or dial: (US) +1 484-841-5972
PIN: 192 046 704#

Time: *8pm-10pm*

Hi guys, we will be discussing spm actual paper today. Don't forget to join to learn the techniques on how to answer❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Nov, 23:21

Countdown SPM bertulis:
54 days left!

You have yourself and you know what is best for you so don't ever stop in the middle of the road you are on!! You can rest for a while but don't ever think of giving up okay 🫵🏻

I wish the best for all of us (batch 07) rest well & love yourself :)
Wish you have a good day buddy's 🧸 - R

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Nov, 19:52

Group belajar spm batch 07




semoga membantu
doakan keputusan spm kita semua A+...amin

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Nov, 16:05

goodluck for those revising the lessons/sleep early to wake up early/catching up with the lessons/attending tuition classes and etc

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Nov, 16:04

hari ni hari sabtu, bolehlah tido lambat study ( i mean kalau esok pagi nak tido sbb ngantuk malam sibuk study, esok cutiiiii)

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Nov, 11:56

Jom masuk guys ❤️❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Nov, 11:02

⍟ doa bagi murid yang nak duduk untuk exam ⍟
#notes ༄
#angelz ༄
🝮︎︎︎︎︎︎︎☾︎ @study_angelz ☽︎🝮︎︎︎︎︎︎︎

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Nov, 10:47

kredit kepada pemilik sebenar

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Nov, 10:47

Dear teachers, this is collection of SPM Trial Papers 2024:

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Nov, 05:12

kelas percuma

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Nov, 05:12

Gred Matematik D, E, G? Tak sempat nak study?

Kami faham sangat situasi awak sekarang! Malam ni ada kelas online dengan Sir Race yang akan bantu awak semua tukar gred Matematik dari D, E, G jadi A. Jangan fikir tak sempat, sebab masih ada cara untuk improve dalam masa singkat!

Sir Race akan ajar teknik-teknik last minute yang power dan mudah faham, so awak boleh jawab soalan SPM dengan lebih yakin. Tak perlu stress, datang kelas ni, kita settle sama-sama!

Jangan lepaskan peluang ni. Klik link ni untuk dapatkan akses percuma👇👇👇

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Nov, 02:27

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*FORM 5 ADD MATH CLASS* Or dial: (US) +1 475-522-0421 PIN: 794 427 211# Topic: *F5 C5 SUBTOPIC 5.3(PART 3)* Time: *8pm-9:30pm* Hi guys, we will be finishing normal distribution(taburan normal) and Chapter 5  in our class…»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

08 Nov, 02:27

Or dial: (US) +1 475-522-0421
PIN: 794 427 211#

Topic: *F5 C5 SUBTOPIC 5.3(PART 3)*
Time: *8pm-9:30pm*

Hi guys, we will be finishing normal distribution(taburan normal) and Chapter 5  in our class tonight. Remember to join ya❤️❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

28 Oct, 21:52

Countdown SPM bertulis:
65 days left!

Be the main character in your own stories and let the biggest plot twist happen with a happy ending
- raziqawie

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

28 Oct, 11:35


TRIAL ( Selangor, Kelantan, Melaka Terengganu, SABK,YIK, Negeri 9,JUJ Pahang, Perak, Johor DAERAH,Kedah SPMU + Pertengahan ( Kelantan SABK YIK Terengganu Pahang Kedah )
Semua Ikut Bab .



Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

28 Oct, 10:29

Hari ini ISNIN

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

28 Oct, 10:29

Krlas Matematik
530 pm hingga 7 pm

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

28 Oct, 10:29

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Oct, 22:32

Countdown SPM bertulis:
66 days left!

No more turning back, let's do our best! - deendeen

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Oct, 13:37


Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Oct, 13:27
soalan trial matrmatik
kredit kepada pemilik asal

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

27 Oct, 13:26




Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

26 Oct, 11:58

Jom masuk guys🔥🔥🔥

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

26 Oct, 07:00

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢 pinned «*FORM 5 ADD MATH CLASS* Topic: *F5 ADD MATHS C5 BINOMIAL DISTIRIBUTION(last part)* Time: *8pm-9:30pm*" Hi guys,here is the link for the class today. Last part of Binomial will be covered today, don't miss out❤️❤️❤️»

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

26 Oct, 07:00


Time: *8pm-9:30pm*"

Hi guys,here is the link for the class today. Last part of Binomial will be covered today, don't miss out❤️❤️❤️

Mathematics Spmnetic! 🔢

26 Oct, 06:48

Trial papers boleh dapatkan di





