Mathavan Ulaganathan (@mathavanulg) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Mathavan Ulaganathan टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Mathavan Ulaganathan
NISM Certified Research Analyst ✅

♦️Never Consider Trade Updates as Investment Advice, Just For Educational Purposes!

Further Info -- @mathavan_ulaganathan
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अंतिम अपडेट 11.03.2025 07:45

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Mathavan Ulaganathan द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Mathavan Ulaganathan

03 Dec, 05:35


-- Hedge Setup in Minor Profits..

-- Same positions, No changes.

-- No changes in my view... More probably we should end near 25k-- this year end!
Mathavan Ulaganathan

03 Dec, 04:01


Good morning 🌄
Mathavan Ulaganathan

02 Dec, 04:32


This offers a great chance for Indian companies, as long as India isn't affected by tariffs too. 👍
Mathavan Ulaganathan

01 Dec, 07:44


Exclusive Document only for You! ⚡️

NTPC Green IPO is Over:- But We analysed it and Valuation is Just OK!

(So we didn't applied for it & Also Shared the Detailed Analysis Report in Our Finage Investor Community)

- Shared few other IPOs with Parent Company that can list in Future

Here is an exclusive Document For You to Analyse and Apply for Best IPO under shareholder quota 🤗
Mathavan Ulaganathan

29 Nov, 13:37


What Our Finage Investor Community Provides 👇🏽

- Research Reports with Fair Value Included (Sector,Stocks,Overall Market,Bonds,IPO)

- Fair value of Multiple Stocks in an Excel Sheet which updated Regularly

- Concall Notes & Updates

- Important FII/DII Purchases : Updated Regularly

- Our Recent Investment Buys and Exits

- Discussion Forum

Strictly No Buy/Sell Recommendation

To join 👇
Mathavan Ulaganathan

29 Nov, 10:03


Nifty tried breach Upside... But cant able Sustain in higher levels...

Back to Range bound! 🙂‍↔️
Mathavan Ulaganathan

21 Nov, 01:49


Quite an Issue For #adani Stocks

Few stocks are already in Nifty 50 Index 😐
Mathavan Ulaganathan

19 Nov, 13:18


They don't want our Portfolio to be In Green 💚😅😅
Mathavan Ulaganathan

19 Nov, 09:23


Whether the Market is Bearish or Bullish,
If your portfolio has overvalued Stocks!

Then you won't be making Optimum Returns in the long run!

-- Already Updated About #knrcons & Calculated Fair Value for that...

Do Learn Further if you wish!
Mathavan Ulaganathan

19 Nov, 07:38


If your Portfolio Moved More than 2%

Then Great... you got Quality & Valueable Picks in your Portfolio!

Or Else Just Reshuffle it! 👍😊