Dr. Martin Kulldorff @martinkulldorf Channel on Telegram

Dr. Martin Kulldorff


Dr. Martin Kulldorff

Professor Harvard Medical School. Disease surveillance methods. Infectious disease outbreaks. Vaccine safety. Free SaTScan, TreeScan and RSequential software.
Boston, USA

Dr. Martin Kulldorff (English)

Are you interested in disease surveillance methods, infectious disease outbreaks, and vaccine safety? Look no further than Dr. Martin Kulldorff's Telegram channel! As a Professor at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Kulldorff is a leading expert in the field, with a wealth of knowledge to share. Based in Boston, USA, he is dedicated to providing valuable insights and updates on these crucial topics. His channel offers free access to SaTScan, TreeScan, and RSequential software, making it a valuable resource for researchers, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in public health. Join the conversation and stay informed on the latest developments in disease surveillance and vaccine safety. Follow @martinkulldorf on Telegram today!

Dr. Martin Kulldorff

25 Jan, 23:26

The 15,000 physicians (<2%) who were wrong about the unscientific Covid lockdowns and vaccine mandates are now opposing @ RobertKennedyJr though he was correct and wants to restore evidence based medicine. That's gaslighting of the highest order.

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

25 Jan, 23:19

The best thing we can do to increase vaccine confidence is to put somebody like RFK in charge and let him do all the vaccine safety studies that are needed.

And we'll find out exactly what works and what doesn't work with vaccines. So to me, as a vaccine, pro-vaccine person, I'm very excited to have RFK as the next secretary of HHS.

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

25 Jan, 21:17


What everyone was waiting for finally happened!

Let's show how patriotic we are!
Everyone should join! Let's show him that we are active here too!

Now is the time to show warmth to our president!

“ Nothing is accidental! “

Wish him welcome!! HE REALLY DESERVES IT!!


Donald J. Trump

Dr. Martin Kulldorff

07 Jan, 23:47

Honest evaluation of our Covid pandemic response is important to avoid repeating same mistakes next time. Florida just released their 144 page final grand jury report. Super interesting. https://acis-api.flcourts.gov/courts/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/cms/case/172e2f34-0a47-41fa-a92f-6fc5ad21b4c9/docketentrydocuments/014d2065-ab2b-40b7-b42e-534adf57e553

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

02 Jan, 22:46

Atlas "part of inducing fear was to say 'novel' virus as if we knew nothing ...Fauci said 'the public is not afraid enough'
Tegnell "people who are afraid don't do logical things"
Atlas "it was so obvious for those of us who knew what to do, but that's not how the world reacted"


"People who are afraid don't do logical things" - Anders Tegnell

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

01 Jan, 15:55

"The parallels between Semmelweis’s story and the Great Barrington Declaration (@ gbdeclaration) authors recall the adage that history may not repeat itself, but it sure rhymes." - Dr. @ ehlJAMA @ UCLA


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

29 Dec, 21:50

No-lockdown Sweden had the lowest excess pandemic mortality, but @ sciam keeps lying about those that argued against school closures and other unscientific lockdowns that harmed public health.

They should rename their magazine "UnScientific American".


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

29 Dec, 17:40

"The WHO is not a science based organization and we shouldn't pay 1.2 billion for politically charged opinions" - Dr. @ VPrasadMDMPH @ UCSF


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

28 Dec, 23:25

CNN has a complete meltdown over people no longer trusting vaccines.

Vaccine fanatics pushing unscientific Covid vaccine mandates caused distrust in vaccines.

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

19 Dec, 15:22

Artificial intelligence only seems intelligent to non-intellegent people.

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

18 Dec, 21:11

The problem for the scientific community is not that its leaders got the pandemic wrong. To err is human. It's that they abandoned:
1) Evidence-based medicine
2) Basic principles of public health
3) Open scientific discussion
4) Academic freedom

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

14 Dec, 23:57

Unlike Dr. Fauci, those of us who wrote and signed the @ gbdeclaration don't need a pardon, as we were right about focused protection instead of lockdowns.


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

14 Dec, 21:36

"We're finding [the DNA plasmids] in the bloodstream of patients and we're beginning to see it in tumors...if there are exosomes involved...[and] these plasmids can replicate and they can shed, then you've got a sort of a self-amplifying vaccine."

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

01 Dec, 19:34

@ DrJBhattacharya is the right person to restore integrity and evidence based medicine to NIH.

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

01 Dec, 18:52

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

01 Dec, 18:51

"The academic and public health establishments have ignored criticism of their abandonment of scientific principles during the pandemic." - @ JohnTierneyNYC


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

27 Nov, 19:30

In 2020, @ NIHDirector Francis Collins called @ DrJBhattacharya a "fringe epidemiologist" while calling for a devastating take down of our nti-lockdown @ gbdeclaration. After proven right, Jay has now been nominated as the next @ NIHDirector.
Truth prevails!


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

27 Nov, 19:03

Wonderful! @ DrJBhattacharya will restore evidence based medicine as our next @ NIHDirector.👆

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

25 Nov, 23:39

Dr. @MartyMakary "is the first nominee for FDA commissioner I have seen in my entire life who has ever said anything that went against corporate interests .. He is not a pharma-shill. He has true integrity." -@ VPrasadMDMPH


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

23 Nov, 21:43

Wow‼️ @ NBCNews is critical of @ FDA nominee @MartyMakary for being a proponent of natural immunity, which we have known about since the Athenian Plague in 430 BC. That's like criticizing the @ NASA chief for believing that the earth is round, not flat.


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

23 Nov, 15:11

How to end conflicts or interests in medicine, by @ VPrasadMDMPH: Eliminate scientists with pharma-ties from FDA, NIH, CDC and CMS advisory boards.


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

15 Nov, 22:23

It's time to return to evidence-based medicine, with @ DanProft and @ amyjacobson on @ MorningAnswer

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

15 Nov, 22:21

United States have shorter life expectancy than Greece, Slovenia, Spain, Ireland, Taiwan and Puerto Rico.
We need to do better than that‼️

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

12 Nov, 23:37

To restore integrity and strength to medical research and science, I hope @ Stanford's @ DrJBhattacharya will be our next @ NIHDirector

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

31 Oct, 22:02

After his @ washingtonpost promoted unscientific Covid lockdowns benefitting his @ amazon business, while slandering me and other scientists, @ JeffBezos is now arguing for truth in journalism. Wow!

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

31 Oct, 20:21

The unsung heroes of public health are the plumbers, janitors and garbage collectors.

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

31 Oct, 17:23

Common mucosal system and immunity

Professor Robert Clancy announces some of his new research findings. The microbiome and using bacteria based preparations to impressive theraputic effect, often without expensive drugs.


The Covid pandemic drew attention to the distinctive system of mucosal immunity and its limited interplay with systemic immunity with which we were more familiar. The pandemic coincided with a period of fifty years from the recognition of a communicating mucosal immune system. John Bienenstock called this “The Common Mucosal Immune System” (CMS). Lessons relevant to Covid on the relevance of mucosal immunity to both the pathogenesis of disease and vaccination strategies were slowly learnt. Early in the pandemic, protracted changes in the intestinal microbiota were noted that correlated with the progress and severity of infection, and later were linked to development of post-Covid syndrome. The purpose of this review is to pull together through the lens of Covid-19 how a viral infection of the respiratory mucosal space connects with systemic immunity on one hand, and mucosa-related microbiota on the other, within a single integrated mucosal system, to create a carpet of protection. Infection within this unified system can induce changes in balance between microbiota and the relevant local immune response at distant mucosal sites, which in turn, can impact the outcome of the inciting infection in either a deleterious or beneficial manner. Within the broader framework that includes systemic immunity, outcomes of both infection and vaccination, reflect a controlled balance determined by downregulation via suppressor T cells seeded from mucosal sites of infection. The integrity of this comprehensive system has been queried based on regional differences. Such a view fails to recognise mechanisms of critical outcomes of Covid and its management, and opportunities for innovative therapeutic intervention. Variations throughout the mucosal apparatus such as “offsite” generation of airway immunity in the gut and differences in microbial characteristics of microbiomes, reflect adaptation to local influences without compromising the essential qualities of a global mucosal protection system: communication, integration, and cooperation. A central unifying factor for a “Mucosal Immune Microbiome Protection System” or MIMPS, is the idea that a single set of gut-associated lymphoid tissues characterised by specialised M cells, samples appropriate microbiome to generate global mucosal immune defence.

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

13 Oct, 06:18

To cut down on health misinformation, governments should simply retract its own misinformation during the pandemic, such as the dismissal of infection acquired immunity.

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

11 Oct, 17:40

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

11 Oct, 15:57


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

09 Oct, 05:06

"Their lockdowns were implemented. Their policies failed - and killed and destroyed millions."

- @ ScottAtlas_IT, the only public health policy expert in the Trump White House; slandered for favoring focused protection and open schools


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

08 Oct, 18:47

By avoiding lockdowns, Sweden had less collateral public health damage than USA, resulting in lower excess mortality in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Many Americans died unnecessarily.

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

07 Oct, 03:59

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

06 Oct, 04:55

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

06 Oct, 04:55


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

05 Oct, 13:49

How can a child grow up in a war zone? Fantastic and deeply moving new novel by Lebanese-American author Thérèse Soukar Chehade, based on her own experience.

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

05 Oct, 08:30


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

04 Oct, 18:41

With only emergency authorization, Pfizer and Moderna ads had to declare that their COVID vaccines were not fully tested. They did not! Nor did their ads follow the law of reporting side effects.


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

04 Oct, 16:26

Four years ago today, with @ SunetraGupta and @ DrJBhattacharya, we published the @ gbdeclaration, advocating focused protection instead of school closures and other lockdowns.

Thank you all 940,000 co-signers. We were proven right‼️


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

29 Sep, 16:19

⚡️⚡️⚡️Real-Time Daily News⚡️⚡️⚡️
👋 We are a team of independent journalists who decided that enough is enough 🛑. We became tired of reading the same lies over and over again worded differently, and decided to start our own channel where you can discover the truth. We stand by free speech and our content shows it.

Join👉 Real-Time Daily News to follow the truth! 🌍
Join👉 Real-Time Daily News to follow the truth! 🌍

Dr. Martin Kulldorff

22 Jul, 19:05

Yttrandefriheten är borta i EU och USA.
Mitt samtal med @ MagnusThorn @ kvartalet


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

20 Jul, 16:42


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

19 Jul, 15:33


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

19 Jul, 15:21

The UK Covid inquiry report just released is a "wholesale attack on the lockdown approach"


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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

19 Jul, 06:18

What Went Wrong with COVID-19 Policies? with Martin Kuldroff

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

14 Jul, 03:25

Powerful people can always say what they want. It's the rest of us who need free speech.

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

14 Jul, 03:25

The US government and social media censored scientific truths during the pandemic, and people died because of it.

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