أحدث المنشورات من KororFX Msnr+TST (@malaysiansnr2) على Telegram

منشورات KororFX Msnr+TST على Telegram

KororFX Msnr+TST
Here I will post my chart breakdowns and analysis using malasiyan snr
1,413 مشترك
16,372 صورة
404 فيديو
آخر تحديث 12.03.2025 04:58

أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة KororFX Msnr+TST على Telegram

KororFX Msnr+TST

01 Dec, 02:44


assalamu'aleykum family
Good Morning
KororFX Msnr+TST

30 Nov, 21:14


50slots are available now, You can join now
KororFX Msnr+TST

30 Nov, 21:14


I really don't need many , a few brutal traders is a lot better than a bunch of kuchi complainers that enjoy giving up and making excuses every chance they get
KororFX Msnr+TST

30 Nov, 21:13


Just updating , team is pumping , now is last intake for new batch
KororFX Msnr+TST

30 Nov, 21:02


🤣🤣🤣 these guys are crazy about making money kkkkk
KororFX Msnr+TST

30 Nov, 20:56


i go in Full margin now BTCUSD
KororFX Msnr+TST

30 Nov, 20:45


VIP Signals + Mentorship for Lifetime

Costs- Only $75 (USD)

You'll get;

- Daily Live charts
- Live sessions on zoom
- Daily signals
- TST Videos & Documents
- Live support 24/7

if you interest my services , DM me;

KororFX Msnr+TST

30 Nov, 20:44


who followed BTCUSD sell?

are you happy?
KororFX Msnr+TST

30 Nov, 20:40


i am not focusing on my strategy to be the Best but all i want is to be a consistantly making Money.
KororFX Msnr+TST

30 Nov, 19:22


Being a member of TST requires ;

1. To follow My IB
2. To have real account with required Deposit amount
3. To post screenshots of trade results
4. To attend Sunday Classes
5. To do 3x Back-testing per week
6. To use only Snatcher Technique

Direct Registration Link
