Major Patriot is a Telegram channel dedicated to celebrating patriotism and promoting love for one's country. With engaging content, inspiring stories, and a supportive community, Major Patriot aims to unite individuals who share a passion for their homeland. Whether you are a veteran, a first responder, or simply someone who takes pride in your country, Major Patriot offers a space where you can connect with like-minded individuals and celebrate the values that make your country great. From sharing historical facts to highlighting acts of kindness and bravery, Major Patriot is a platform where patriotism is celebrated in all its forms. Join Major Patriot today and be a part of a community that honors and cherishes the spirit of patriotism.
13 Feb, 17:07
07 Feb, 20:29
03 Feb, 18:31
02 Feb, 21:40
01 Feb, 11:47
31 Jan, 21:14
31 Jan, 21:05
27 Jan, 14:25
26 Jan, 20:05
25 Jan, 03:47
24 Jan, 21:05
24 Jan, 20:17
04 Nov, 06:47
23 Oct, 11:36
17 Oct, 15:14
10 Oct, 11:22
07 Oct, 15:35
28 Jul, 18:27
26 Jul, 21:04
25 Jul, 15:43
24 Jul, 16:35
22 Jul, 13:10
21 Jul, 19:02
21 Jul, 18:57
21 Jul, 18:43
21 Jul, 18:40
15 Jul, 19:12
14 Jul, 15:37
07 Jul, 16:51
27 May, 06:04
25 May, 08:02
23 May, 18:30
23 May, 04:51