Madinah Arabic Learning @madinaharabiclearning Channel on Telegram

Madinah Arabic Learning


Arabic Journey with Muslimah @SlaveofAllah01

Arabic Fusha(standard),grammar & hifdh for kids & adults
📍Online islamic madrasah for kids

Madinah Arabic Learning (English)

Are you looking to embark on an exciting Arabic language learning journey? Look no further than 'Madinah Arabic Learning'! This Telegram channel, also known as @madinaharabiclearning, is your go-to destination for mastering Arabic Fusha (standard), grammar, and hifdh for both kids and adults. Led by the knowledgeable Muslimah @SlaveofAllah01, this channel offers a comprehensive online Islamic madrasah experience for children looking to deepen their understanding of the Arabic language.

Whether you are a beginner starting from scratch or someone looking to brush up on their language skills, 'Madinah Arabic Learning' has something for everyone. With a focus on providing quality education in a supportive online environment, this channel is dedicated to helping learners of all levels achieve their language learning goals.

In addition to the valuable content shared on the Telegram channel, 'Madinah Arabic Learning' also offers additional resources on their website and their YouTube channel So, what are you waiting for? Join 'Madinah Arabic Learning' today and start your Arabic language learning journey with a community of like-minded individuals passionate about language and culture!

Madinah Arabic Learning

03 Jan, 16:20

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أنا الآن في الحرم
مكة، الحمد لله. أشعر بالراحة والسكينة، وكان هذا فعلاً ما أحتاجه!

• اللهُم تقبل منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال، واغفر لنا ذنوبنا، واهدنا إلى الصراط المستقيم.

• أسأل الله أن يرزقنا جميعاً زيارة بيته وأن يعيننا على طاعته وحسن عبادته

~ مسلمة

Madinah Arabic Learning

09 Dec, 15:51

Read, understand and try to summarise this short story in your own words in Arabic

Madinah Arabic Learning

22 Oct, 19:16

Assalamualaikum everyone!

Interested to learn Arabic but wondering where to begin on your Arabic Learning Journey?

Here’s a simple, practical pathway to get you started:

1. Build your Vocabulary 🧠
Start with common, everyday words (e.g., Vegetables, Fruits, Family, Places etc). Focus on at least 10 new words each week and try to use them in your daily life.

2. Master Basic Grammar 📕
Learn the basics of Arabic grammar. Start with pronouns (attached and detached), simple sentence structures, and the most commin verb forms (past,present and future). Don’t worry- baby steps!

3. Form simple sentences🗣️
With your new vocab and basic grammar, start forming “baby” sentences. Think of phrases like “I am eating orange” or “She is at home”. Practice combining words to express basic ideas.

4. Practice listening and speaking 🎧
Listen to Arabic in poems, podcasts or short videos to get familiar with how it sounds. Then, try speaking-record yourself ot chat with someone in the group. No need to be perfect- just try!

5. Immerse yourself 🌍
Add a bit of Arabic to your daily life - label things in Arabic, watch short clips, or read short stories. The more exposure, the better!

6. Be consistent 🗓️
Little by little, you’ll get there in shaa Allah! Set aside 15-30mins daily to focus on Arabic

Let me know how I can help you through this group in shaa Allah, If you have any questions or need resources feel free to ask in shaa Allah!

Madinah Arabic Learning

21 Sep, 01:01

Few Arabic Questions beginning with 'WHAT'

1- مَاذَا تَفْعَلُ؟maza taf'al
What are you doing?

2- مَاذَا تَقْرَأُ؟maza taqra'u
What are you reading?

3- مَاذَا تَكْتُبُ؟maza taktubu
What are you writing?

*Note that these verbs are used when asking for a male

*Check the comments to know how to ask these questions for a female

Madinah Arabic Learning

15 Aug, 04:41

Struggling with Arabic Grammar?

Focus on These Essentials First!

Wondering where to start with Arabic grammar without getting overwhelmed?

Here’s a quick guide:

1. Nouns
(Masculine/Feminine, Pronouns(attached and detached), Demonstrative Nouns, Singular/Plural)

2. Verbs
(Past, Present, Future)

3. Commanding Verbs
(How to give commands)

4. Prepositions
(Connecting words)

5. Adverbs
(Describing actions)

6. Adjectives
(Describing nouns)

7. Mudhaf Mudhaf Ilayh
(Possessive phrases)

Get these down, and you’ll be forming sentences in no time in shaa Allah!


Madinah Arabic Learning

10 Aug, 12:30


If you're at the intermediate level and looking to improve your Arabic reading skills, this book is one of the good choices.

Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of it (reading any book):

1) Read at least 1-2 pages every day.
2) Try translating the text into your preferred language.
3) Pick out 5-10 new words (you'll likely come across plenty).
4) Jot down these new words in a notepad or whatever works best for you.
5) Practice using these new words by forming sentences, or try incorporating them into conversations with an Arabic-speaking partner (native speakers are ideal), or even talk to yourself in the mirror.

Hope this helps!

Got any other tips or methods for learning and practicing Arabic? Drop them in the comments below ⬇️!

Madinah Arabic Learning

29 Jun, 16:57

اللهم سخر لي كل شيء ولو كان في نظري مستحيلا
Oh Allah, make everything subject to me, even if it seems impossible in my view

اللهم حقق لي أمنيتي و بشرني بما أنتظر
Oh Allah, fulfill my wish and give me good news of what I am waiting for

ربي إني وضعت حلمي بين يديك
Oh Allah I’ve placed my dreams in your hands

وأملي بك لا يخيب أبدا
My hope for you will never be disappointed

اللهم سخر لي جنود الأرض وملائكة السماء
O Allah subject the soldiers of earth and angels of heaven to me

وكل من وليته أمري
And everyone I put in charge of my affairs

Madinah Arabic Learning

17 Jun, 02:31

Eid-ul-adha Mubarak to all the members in our group 🎊

May Allah accept our sacrifices and bless us & our family with HIS blessings

On this blessed occasion, I humbly ask you all to keep me in your prayers❤️
~ Muslimah

Madinah Arabic Learning

24 May, 07:27

Madinah Arabic Learning

25 Apr, 11:39

Madinah Arabic Learning

09 Apr, 20:42

Happy Eid Al-Fitr🩶

كُلُّ عام و أنْتُمْ بِخَير

Madinah Arabic Learning

29 Mar, 09:29

هَلْ تَعْلَمون ما الدعاء الذي وصانا به النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم لندعو به في ليلة

Pronunciation in the comment below

Do you know what dua has been recommended by our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s) for us to pray on the laylatul qadr?

Madinah Arabic Learning

12 Mar, 17:05

I pray that this Ramadan changes you and heals you.

I pray that you win all of your silent battles by the end of this Ramadan.

I pray that you find yourself as a better believer, brother/sister, son/daughter, friend, etc. by the end of this Ramadan.

Ramadan mubarak to all you beautiful souls 🤍

May Allah swt increase your Imaan and accept all of your efforts. May He allow you to make the most out of each day and night.
آمیـــــــــــــن یارب العالمین
