Welcome to the Telegram channel titled "قَدْ شغَفَها حُبّاً" managed by the username m_e175. This channel is a space where love and passion intertwine, like two pieces of ice melting into one unified water. The channel delves into the complex emotions of love, from the moment of realization 'إنِّي رُزقت حبها' to the intense feeling of being consumed by love 'قَدْ شغَفَها حُبّاً'. Through poetry, quotes, and reflections, the channel captures the essence of love in all its forms. Whether you are a hopeless romantic seeking inspiration or simply interested in exploring the depths of human emotions, this channel offers a unique perspective on love. Join us on this journey as we unravel the intricacies of the heart and soul, one word at a time.
05 Oct, 19:46
16 Aug, 10:51
08 Jul, 12:54
08 Jul, 12:53
23 Jun, 05:21
21 Jun, 13:09
18 Jun, 20:18
16 Jun, 06:31
16 Jun, 06:29
15 Jun, 13:25
14 Jun, 07:29
12 Jun, 20:02