Welcome to the 'talk โก' Telegram channel, run by the username @m0m3m. This channel is a safe space for individuals who may be feeling damaged and disconnected from life. It provides a platform for open discussions, support, and encouragement for those who are struggling with their mental health or facing challenging times. The username @m0m3m, who describes themselves as nothing but a damaged person, aims to create a community of empathy and understanding within this channel. Through sharing experiences, thoughts, and feelings, members can find solace and connection with others who may be going through similar struggles. Whether you're seeking a listening ear, advice, or simply a place to express yourself authentically, 'talk โก' is here for you. Join us and be a part of a community that values compassion, vulnerability, and support. Remember, you are not alone. โก
10 Jan, 17:30
08 Jan, 23:11
30 Dec, 23:32
26 Dec, 20:03
11 Dec, 16:16
20 Nov, 23:03
29 Oct, 22:56
11 Oct, 23:06
02 Oct, 12:29