I am a lost person who does not know my place on earth.
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Последний контент, опубликованный в لـ قلِـبـჂ̤ 🫂❤️🩹 на Telegram
فأنا انسانٌ مفقودٌ لا أعرفُ في الأرضِ مكاني.
I am a lost person who does not know my place on earth.
I am a lost person who does not know my place on earth.
تستطيع ترتيب نفسك عندما تكون وحيدًا.
You can arrange yourself when you are alone.
You can arrange yourself when you are alone.
ولا زلنا نبحثُ عَن الحياة ، بالرغمِ أننا فيها.
We are still searching for life, even though we are in it.
We are still searching for life, even though we are in it.
قريبًا لن يبقى في هذهِ الروح مُتسع لشيءٍ. 🌧🌧
Soon there will be no room left in this soul for anything.🌧🌧
Soon there will be no room left in this soul for anything.🌧🌧
لن تُرجع ماخسرتهُ بالحزن ولا بالدمعِ إن طال.
You will not regain what you lost with sadness or tears if it takes a long time.
You will not regain what you lost with sadness or tears if it takes a long time.
كل الأنهيار متراكم على صّدري.
All the collapse accumulated on my chest.
All the collapse accumulated on my chest.
ما أنا إلا كتلةٌ من الصّمتِ والإنطوَاء.
I am nothing but a mass of silence and introversion.
I am nothing but a mass of silence and introversion.
الشعُور بالوحدة كافي لجعلك حزينًا.
Feeling lonely is enough to make you sad.
Feeling lonely is enough to make you sad.