Lucrative James Squad


Lucrative James Squad

23 Oct, 07:59

More bets will be out tomorrow

Tonight if I’m feeling like a late night work session

A lot of spots I’m eyeing up and most of them are smash spots honestly

Expect a few 4-5 unit bombs to add to the one we already have

Lucrative James Squad

23 Oct, 03:15

Make sure you comment on the new YouTube video guys I wanna know your thoughts!

Lucrative James Squad

23 Oct, 02:11


New style of content for me so comment on the video any feedback you have for future shows

Interested to hear your thoughts, enjoy!

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 21:01

UFC 308 breakdown video coming TODAY

This is a new style of content I am bringing to the game

I think you will love it and I’d like to hear your feedback on this one

So I can improve in the future

Stay tuned for this one

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 20:57

UAE warriors ends up in profit

The win streak is back on

1 losing week out of last 7

Watch what I do to UFC 308

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 17:58

2-1 with one bet remaining

The only losing bet dislocated his shoulder, complete random variance injury

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 17:57

Winning night on UAE warriors locked in 👍

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 11:13

I am going to sleep now so will not be able to answer any questions - the fights start in 4 horus by my clock - I hope to wake up to some cash

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 11:12

Bets released to all members now

This is the first time we have bet on UAE, it is not a super popular orgnisation so the best places toget lines are:


Most of the regional scene bets we place like Cage Warriors and Oktagon are available on a bunch more bokies but this org seems to not be, but it's still available on a good selection above (and I am sure a few more which I do not know about)

Good luck

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 11:01

What’s up guys - I am going to do something special

I will release our UAE bets to ALL subs now

I’m pissed that our 6 week winning streak came to an end last week so want to give these bets out

I won’t do this every week - it’s just a gesture of good will this time, in future these will remain for Elite subs as they have been all year

All Elite guys have had ample time to get on first and at the best lines this time as well

I’ll give it another 10 mins before I release them to all subs

Hope you enjoy 👍

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 08:28

Also - bunch of solid spots this week I will add when the time is right

6 weeks of winning in a row
1 week loss (last week)
Bounce back week this week trust me

And something else exciting coming soon as well that will make us more units - I will not mention anything yet because I do not want anybody to know, and you know they be lurking in this chat - but, I will let you all know soon

I'm motivated and pumped now

Let's get this W on UAE and move on to UFC 308 massive PPV

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 08:27

UAE Warriors bets added - lock in RIGHT NOW

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 08:22

More UAE bets coming now - event goes down soon so lock ASAP

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 04:04

I didn’t lock any prop bets yet although I am eyeing a bunch

The reason is because they’re hardly out anywhere marketwide

And as you know I never tip props if they aren’t released on multiple books

Anybody who is tipping props for UFC 308 already is a fraud

Stat inflation on early lines

Plain and simple

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 04:03

UFC Bets now UP! Go and lock them in boys

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 03:23

Brief intermission on LIFE
Now back to betting

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 03:11

I have a huge play going on in the background right now boys

I haven’t spoken about it at all

I’m already 6 figures deep with many more to invest

I’m a gambler gotta take risks

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 02:43

UFC up next

Lucrative James Squad

22 Oct, 02:42

UAE is a regional scene event and for Elite Zone guys only