Luciel Studio @lucielstudio Channel on Telegram

Luciel Studio


Photo and Video editing unity

‼️Cuma butuh IDZ, bukan vilog‼️

Time Commis order
Tuesday - Friday : 10AM - 5PM
- Catalogue : @catalgueLStudio
- Format : @formandpayLS
- tnc : @tncLStudio

Owner @lucielstar
Order ke @LucielStudio_bot

Luciel Studio (English)

Welcome to Luciel Studio, a vibrant community of artists, photographers, and creatives who come together to share their passion for visual arts. Founded by a group of like-minded individuals with a love for all things creative, Luciel Studio is the perfect place for anyone looking to connect with fellow art enthusiasts, showcase their work, or simply be inspired by the incredible talent within the community. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out on your artistic journey, Luciel Studio offers a supportive and welcoming environment where you can grow and learn from others. Join us today and become a part of our artistic family! Who is it? Luciel Studio is a Telegram channel dedicated to bringing together artists, photographers, and creatives from around the world. What is it? It is a platform for showcasing and sharing visual art, connecting with like-minded individuals, and fostering a supportive community for artists of all levels. Join Luciel Studio today and unleash your creativity!

Luciel Studio

04 Dec, 03:30

Yg mo pesen VIP juga msih bisa ya

Luciel Studio

04 Dec, 02:55

Open ya ges tpi yg mo order regular bisa chat ke odie/ bot dlu

Luciel Studio

03 Dec, 01:14


VIP hanya khusus pesanan pose single/ couple / group max 4 ava

apa saja yang didapat?
▫️Photo sesuai referensi yang dikasih (60 - 80% kemiripan)
▫️photo sudah include pose, BG, props, remini dan filter
▫️dapet versi no BG juga
▫️bisa di take di jam malam (max 21.00 WIB)

⚡️Price / Photo
Single : Rp. 15.000
couple : Rp. 25.000
Group : Rp. 50.000 (3 - 4 ava)

cara order?
tinggal kirim foto reff ke @lucielstar

Luciel Studio

03 Dec, 01:14

Morning all, buat yg mo order bisa ke bot/ odie dlu ya

Luciel Studio

02 Dec, 15:00

Yg mo order ke luciel ttp bisa yak. Yg pesana regular (no rush) bisa di take senin dpn tgl 9 des. Kalau butuh minggu ini, bisa pesen yg VIP

Luciel Studio

02 Dec, 15:00

Limited pose yg luciel tdi pagi ditake. Hasilnya udh ta kirim semua ya bisa dichek ke chat nya masing2. Thank you yg udh antusias beli pose tidak senonoh ini

Luciel pamit SLR dlu ya selama 1 minggu ini. Krna mo ada something lah :v

Luciel Studio

02 Dec, 13:02

slot pengerjaan odie buat bsk sisa 1 yak

Luciel Studio

01 Dec, 01:34

Luciel tgl 1 - 8 Des ga bisa ngerjain orderan ya, terutama orderan photogroup.

Jika disini ada yg mo order single / couple pose bisa hubungi bot / elodie dlu.

Luciel Studio

01 Dec, 01:31


Open jasa unity pose, retouch, redraw, dan logo

Harap untuk diBACA dulu sebelum order.

Editor custom pose
@Elodiezpt : khusus single pose
@lucielstar : couple dan group pose

Senin - Jumat
Luciel : 10.00 - 17.00 WIB
Elodie : 12.00 - 17.00 WIB

Sabtu - Minggu : khusus inrush (open 2 slot aja)

🟢Senin,  2 Desember
▫️Luciel : close
▫️Elodie : open 3 slot

🟢Selasa, 3 Desember
▫️Luciel : close
▫️Elodie : sisa 1 slot

🟢Rabu, 4 Desember
▫️luciel : close
▫️elodie : open 3 slot

🟢Kamis, 5 Desember
▫️Luciel : close
▫️️elodie : open 3 slot

🟢Jumat, 6 Desember
▫️Luciel : close
▫️Elodie :

Take a note ‼️
❗️wajib copy format dan kirim ke @lucielstudio_bot
❗️ pastikan sudah membaca tnc sebelum memesan
❗️ jika ingin bertanya bisa chat aja ke @lucielstar // @Elodiezpt

Luciel Studio

09 Nov, 14:26

Mo tanya ges, di kpop bias klian siapa aja?? Mo coba ta gambar dan ta buat photocard gitu :v

Ga ngikutin kpop soalnya

Luciel Studio

09 Nov, 12:33

Open order digital art

Ava klian bakal di draw macam animeh kyk gini. Temanya mugshot

Rp. 50.000 > Rp. 30.000
‼️Open utk 3 slot aja

Yg minat bisa chat ke @lucielstudio_bot

Luciel Studio

23 Sep, 15:31

Welcome to Luciel Studio

Jam Pengerjaan,
Senin - Jumat : 10.00 - 17.00 WIB

Process pembuatan menggunakan unity (bukan vilog). pastikan untuk chek tombol2 di bawah ini sebelum memesa

Luciel Studio

23 Sep, 05:33

Bukan ViaLogin, Hanya butuh IDZ

⚡️ Luciel // @Lucielstar
⚡️ Elodie // @Elodiezpt

Waktu pengerjaan
⚡️Elodie : Senin - Jumat : 12.00 - 16.00 WIB
⚡️Luciel : selasa - jumat : 10.00 - 17.00 WIB

Software yang di gunakan
🖥 Unity

🔣 Unity Pose
🔣 Animation 3D
🔣 Retouch
🔣 Redraw / Digital Art
🔣 Watermark / Logo

TnC and Regulations
❗️Pastikan untuk baca dlu sebelum order.
🔣Tnc and regulations🔣

Format order
Buat yang mau order bisa liat format order nya disini
🔣 Format order 🔣

Qris all wallets (gopay, shopeepay, dana, dll)
Order ke ➡️ @LucielStudio_bot
If you have any questions, you can DM @lucielstar ✉️

Luciel Studio

23 Sep, 04:10



Luciel Studio

23 Sep, 02:45

Khusus pesana inrush, aku mau klian nya juga bisa FSR kalau klian mau ditake cepet ya 🙏

Aku ga nrima lg pesanan inrush utk birthday, min h-3 / h-5 sebelum birthday / deadline nya

Luciel Studio

23 Sep, 02:42

Sebelum ta rombak aku mau tegasin lg buat yg mau order, kalau kalian mau hasil pesanan klian bagus, kalian nya juga kalau mau order kudu jelas yak 🙏

Jgn bilang "terserah/ karep mu". Kita disini cuma bikin yg sesuai klian minta aja.

Semisal bingunh tanya aja gpp 🙏

Luciel Studio

23 Sep, 01:01

Dan ch ini bakal ta rombak lagi, biar next yang mau pesen mohon bgt ikutin prosedur cara order disini ya 🙏