أجاب الابن: أب ثاني غيرك !
استغرب الأب من إجابة ابنه الصغير وسأله عن السبب فأجابه:
أنت اشتريت امرأة أخرى غير أمي!!
لم يستطع التعليق على كلام ابنه،، فنزل إلى مستوى تفكيره وقال له:
ولـ قراءة المزيد اضغط هنا 🥺🥺💔💔🔥🔥
Cold reality-واقع بارد is a Telegram channel with the username @love_isolation. This channel provides a space for individuals who may feel isolated or misunderstood in their daily lives. The title suggests a sense of harshness and truth, inviting members to confront the cold reality of their circumstances. The description 'They all wish you would fail, let them down' hints at a supportive community that understands the struggles of feeling constantly judged or criticized by others. The inclusion of the Siđra link @dylan2_Bot suggests that the channel may also offer resources or tools for self-reflection and growth. Join Cold reality-واقع بارد for a supportive community that embraces the truth of your experiences and empowers you to overcome obstacles with resilience and strength.
06 Dec, 08:14
06 Dec, 07:03
05 Dec, 19:14
05 Dec, 16:44
04 Dec, 09:44
20 Nov, 00:44
19 Nov, 00:33
18 Nov, 19:27
26 Oct, 06:44
26 Oct, 06:10
27 Sep, 15:10
06 Sep, 19:54
06 Sep, 19:39
03 Sep, 15:59
03 Sep, 15:59
03 Sep, 06:35
02 Sep, 17:16
02 Sep, 10:37
02 Sep, 10:28