أحدث المنشورات من LONG ͲᎬХͲ (@longtextbuloli) على Telegram

منشورات LONG ͲᎬХͲ على Telegram

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-merepost text tidak dikasi cr?denda sebesar 800kc no cicil, ide mahal syng.
Since : 03 Juni 2023
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43 صورة
8 فيديو
آخر تحديث 11.03.2025 07:47

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أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة LONG ͲᎬХͲ على Telegram


21 Jul, 06:34


halo guys aku kangen bikin longteks tapi aku sibuk banget pls

15 Jul, 03:14


eh ini uda lama banget ga aktif😔😔

11 Apr, 02:56


uahhmm good morningg cantiikuu, sayangkuu, duniaaku, come on wake up sayangg, what did u dream about last night ? happy or not ? i hope ur dreams are always good okayy. slamat pagii cantikuu && selamat memulai kgiatann di pagi yang cerah inii yyaa, do not skip breakfast okay ? , sarapann itu pnting jngan sampai ktinggalan, supaya kamu lebih kuat lagii buat jalani kgiatann kamu. have a nice day bb , jalani hari ini dngan senyum yaaa ‼️ kalau hari masi blum baik juga gapapa yaaa sayang, apapun yangg trjadi di hari inii jngan sampe bkinn kamu ga semangat lagi, hruss truss semangat okey ? tenang cantii, masih ada hari esokk yang mungkin bklan lebih seruu dari hri inii, masih adaa hari slanjutnyaa yang kita gatau mungkin bkalan lebih baik dari hari ini, hari - harii yang bikinn mood kamu jadi jelee ituu enggaa ada di kalender sayang, bisa kpann aja trjadinyaa kan ? sooo kamu harus selaluu semangat okayy untuk jlani hri - hari kamuu, semangat truss untuk hri ini, esokk, && seterusnyaa ^^ smogaa hari ini bkal banya kebahagiaan dteng ke kamu, pray for the best. take care of ur health today, don't make ur body sick, let's be strong, there are still lots of fun things out there that u haven't tried yet. for today i hope happiness comes to u, i hope u are always happy, whenever and wherever, cheer up for today cantikk 🤍🤍

.for girl
#text g'morningg

11 Apr, 02:56


g'night cantik, malem ini free ga ? disinii aku mau ngomong seriuss sama kamu boleh ? , minta waktunya sbntar aja yaa, sebelumnya akuu masihh ragu banget buat ngomong tntang hal ini, but hari ini aku nyoba beraniin diri buat ngomong ke kamu, sblumnyaa sorry if it's not romantic okay ? , i'm nervous to say it, i want to talk if . . aku suka sama kamu, maaff yaa kalau gada romantis nya hhehe, i'm really nervous :d , kalau kamu nanya gmnaa aku bisa suka kamu aku juga gaa tau, rasa ini tiba - tbaa aja dateng, && aku gbisaa pndem prsaan ini truss - trusan, aku perlu jujur tntang perasaan ini ke kamuu, i say sorry before. kalau kamu blum bisaa jwab skrangg gapapaa, aku kasih wkt sampe kamu bnerr - bener siap buat pilih jawabnn yang tepat, ohya akuu ga maksa kamu ko buat kamu suka aku balik, but if u really don't like me, let me fight for u, okay? gapapa kan klau aku prjuangin kamu? it doesn't take long, soo, do u want to be my girlfriend love? apapun jwban kamu aku hargai, but i have high hopes that u will accept me

.for girl
#text nembak cewe

11 Apr, 02:54


bb i want to tell u smthing . . i say sorry, maaf krnaa slama ini aku uda egois sama kamu, jjurr aku orang nyaa bner - benerr egois . . , aku slaluu mntinginn ego aku sndirii , sikap aku sharusnyaa enggaa egois gini ke kamuu, aku gbolee egoiss sama pacarr akuu sndirii :<< , sayangg maaff yyaAa atss smww sikap - sikap jleeg akuu ke kamu . . ૮◞ ‸ ◟ა , akuu trlalu egois, aku bkal truss nyoba buat brhenti jadii orangg yang egoiss, help me until i can okay ? maaff yyaa bb klaw ngbikinn kamu jadii nggaa nyman sama sikap akuu yang kyaa gini :cc , pastii kamuu uda muakk banget sama keegoisan akuu . . . maaff krnaa sikap egoiss aku ngbikinn kamuu jadii gsukaa / ilfeel , ntahh kenapaa aku punyaa sikap egoiss kayaa ginii :<< , i really, really apologize to you for my selfish attitude, i regret having had that attitude . . skali lagii maaffinn sikap akuu yang egoiss inii, cuma kata 'maaf' yangg bisaa aku ucapinn ke kamu, aku hrapp kamu bisaa maaffinn sikap aku yangg egoiss, i will continue to try to change, to not have this bad attitude .

.for girl/boy
#text maaf krna egois

11 Apr, 02:49


sni bb request, gsh cacicu yh

17 Feb, 11:46


to my sweetest (ur bias name). i send u wishes for a beautiful morning/night that are filled with the loveliest dream abt me. i would like to say thanks for taking me as i am and loving me so much. you're special, you're the sweetest and the most caring and the most amazing boy anyone could ever wish for. you're so kind and sweet in every situation and you have such an amazing heart for the lord and that's one of the numerous things i admire you. i wanted to ask you something well i couple questions, "did you eat today?" "how's ur day?" "did you smile?" remember you are loved and some people don't deserve ur love some aren't worthy enough to have ur love u're going to find someone who is worthy and someone who does care about you and loves u deeply. so many people love u, u're so amazing i'm so lucky to be apart of ur life. i'm so grate full for u (ur bias name) thank you for staying strong, thank you for trying your best, i'm so proud of you, i really am i love u<3 you really like born by amazing words, i even almost lost all the words i have. how could i possibly reply to your entire string of words? i'm starting to wish that i could string up some great words for you. but for all those damn precious words, thank you so much lil' prince (ur bias name). i wish i can be the best for you to keep your smile on your lips everyday.listen, u're perfect. perfect to me, every u do makes me happy when i'm with u, i feel happy when i'm with u, so basically i like everything about u. u're good enough for me, u're the best thing ever, i love u cause u're my (ur bias name), i love (ur bias name) always do. sayangg, i just wanna something to u, u're amazing, u're handsome, u're my beloved, i just wanna love u, and spend my day with u. ur mine, ur all fucking mine. no one else is like u, no matter how similar someone may look ir act like u, no one is truly u. a world without u woulf be different, no matter how u see it. meeting u was the biggest happiness in my life, i choose you. and i'll choose you, over and over. without pause, without a doubt in a heartbeat i'll keep choosing u.

for idol girl/boy
#text bulolin idol

14 Feb, 05:53


opreq juga sini!!

14 Feb, 01:45


Halo sayang happy valentine day ya, aku juga sekalian mau ngucapin makasih buat kamu karena udah mau bertahan sejauh ini sama aku, trimksih udah nerima aku dan ngasi kepercayaan sama aku. Aku beruntung bisa kenal kamu sejauh ini ohiya maaf ya kalo aku belum bisa jadi yg terbaik buat kamu, tapi aku mohon kalo misalnya aku ada kesalahan sama kamu tolong bilang ya?biar aku bisa ngoreksi diri dan lebih memantaskan diri buat kamu, oke?I love you always🤍

.for girl/for boy
#text ucapan happy valentine buat pacar

13 Feb, 10:49


Req siniiii mumpung gada kerjaan