🪽 روح is a Telegram channel created by the user @lili754. The title, which translates to 'Spirit' in English, reflects the essence of the content shared on this channel. Here, users can find a variety of posts and messages that aim to uplift the spirit and bring positivity into their lives. Whether you are looking for inspirational quotes, motivational stories, or just a friendly chat with like-minded individuals, 🪽 روح has something for everyone. The channel is a safe space where members can connect, share their thoughts, and find support in times of need. Join 🪽 روح today and let your spirit be uplifted!
20 Jan, 17:57
19 Jan, 21:54
18 Jan, 17:54
17 Jan, 23:14
15 Jan, 09:14
12 Jan, 22:04
09 Jan, 11:24
08 Jan, 16:38
07 Jan, 08:04
05 Jan, 21:04
05 Jan, 06:45
04 Jan, 23:06
04 Jan, 22:46
21 Dec, 10:28
20 Dec, 10:39
19 Dec, 16:29
18 Dec, 07:02
18 Dec, 07:01
18 Dec, 07:00
23 Nov, 08:19
21 Nov, 23:08
21 Nov, 21:44
20 Nov, 15:56
02 Nov, 13:48
27 Oct, 09:20
27 Oct, 09:19
16 Oct, 21:09
13 Oct, 22:30
12 Oct, 09:36
09 Oct, 06:01
09 Oct, 05:57