Unaddressed Letters (@letters_to_unknown)の最新投稿

Unaddressed Letters のテレグラム投稿

Unaddressed Letters
Unspoken words carry the most beauty and the pain too ! So I'll be sharing all my unsaid words here ..

Please ask for permission when share my writings and provide proper credits.
~ @logomonaic
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46 枚の写真
最終更新日 01.03.2025 08:36


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Unaddressed Letters によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

It gets hard sometimes
To say what I feel

We're 1000+ now 🎉
Thank you everyone for joining here to read all the mess my mind creates.
Love you all❤️

Something might have gone wrong in her head,
To stay with me, being the only one who did that

The way I broke when you left
Might not heal even if you choose to come back.

Sometimes loss turns
memories to dreams.


Sometimes, things are better
Lost than saved

"There's a piece of me in you,
In everything you do",
And that's why I don't hate myself anymore because of you!

Wish I knew you would
be the story that would
make me regret it all

To all those who self-hate ,
You're loved, you're worth being loved, please be kind to yourself.

Maybe it'd never be easy,
As long as I'd be me