Unaddressed Letters (@letters_to_unknown) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Unaddressed Letters टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Unaddressed Letters
Unspoken words carry the most beauty and the pain too ! So I'll be sharing all my unsaid words here ..

Please ask for permission when share my writings and provide proper credits.
~ @logomonaic
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अंतिम अपडेट 01.03.2025 08:36

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Unaddressed Letters द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

There isn't any end to this pain, is it?

Can't this be without any promises,
But just you staying forever?

I wish I could say to you,
The words that'd help you heal

Do you still have my roses with you,
Just like I have your memories close to me?

Sore eyes, faded smile,
Don't ask me why,
I've been like this for a while

Does that pain have to stay?

I wish I could numb these feelings

What about the times
When you needed me,
And I needed myself,
But I still chose you?

Wish you knew what
you meant to me

You're loved