المعرفة القانونية - Legal Knowledge @legal_knowledgee Channel on Telegram

المعرفة القانونية - Legal Knowledge


قناتك إلي المعرفة تقدم محتوى شامل لكل ما يخص القانون والمحاماة في مصر، بما في ذلك المراجع والموسوعات القانونية بصيغة PDF والمعلومات القانونية الهامة .. ⚖️'
• نحترم حقوق الملكية تواصل معنا لحذف أو إنساب محتوى لك.

Legal Knowledge (Arabic)

Legal Knowledge (المعرفة القانونية) is a Telegram channel created for legal enthusiasts and professionals. The channel username is @legal_knowledgee. It serves as a virtual library for legal resources, offering a diverse and rare collection of law books in PDF format, as well as important legal information. Whether you are a law student, a practicing lawyer, or simply interested in the field of law, Legal Knowledge has something valuable to offer. We respect intellectual property rights and strive to provide accurate and reliable information to our followers. Feel free to reach out to us for any content removal requests or attribution inquiries. Stay informed and enhance your legal knowledge with us on Legal Knowledge!





