At 26, a young man is just finishing University. And spend the next 5 years looking for a job. Some 10 years.
At 30, some persons are still waiting to go serve (Nysc).
After service, he will use the next 5 years to look for a job.
At 35, he'll eventually get a 70k job.
At 40 the salary is not even enough to take care of his basic needs because at this age many people are counting on him then he starts thinking of going for a master's degree so he could stand a chance of getting a better job.
At 45 baba can't even put money together to marry not to talk of raising kids.
That's why you see men in their 30s and 40s not even thinking of marriage. Many people in their 40s who are highly educated can't even boast of 1 million naira in their bank account. How does such a person think of settling down?
Permit me to say.
In this part of the world. Relying on Academics alone is a setup.
If you're 25 and still struggling to gain admission. I'll advise you to perish that idea.
Go pick up a form for a part-time program in any university close to you and start doing something alongside. It could be a job or a business. Don't go and camp yourself in a 4 wall of a university going a full-time program at this age.
This is my opinion you're free to counter it. In all you do. Don't waste your life.
I love you and I wish you all the best.