تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا ❤️ @learnenglishwithusm Channel on Telegram

تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا ❤️


تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا (Arabic)

مرحبا بكم في قناتنا 'تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا' على تطبيق تيليجرام. إذا كنت تبحث عن طريقة ممتعة وفعالة لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية، فأنت في المكان الصحيح! هذه القناة مخصصة لمساعدتك على توسيع مفرداتك وتحسين مهاراتك في اللغة الإنجليزية، سواء كنت مبتدئًا أو متقدمًا. نقدم مجموعة متنوعة من الكلمات والعبارات بشكل يومي، مما يساعدك على تعزيز مهاراتك بشكل مستمر ومنتظم. انضم إلينا اليوم واستمتع بتجربة تعليمية فريدة وممتعة. سنكون هنا دائمًا لمساعدتك على رحلتك في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية!

تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا ❤️

25 Dec, 11:38

فقرة المصطلحات

The Forest People
Colonel Wilbur and his wife Mary were flying over the tropics in their private plane. But suddenly the engine caught fire. It was impossible to extinguish the fire, so they were forced to land in the forest.
“What are we going to do?” said Mary. “Can you fix the plane?”
Wilbur said, “That’s impossible. I am not a technician, and the plane is out of gasoline. We’ll have to find help.”
Wilbur and Mary walked through the forest. It was difficult to find a path through the trees. Mary even tore her dress on sharp thorns. Suddenly, they saw some huts and lots of miniature people, cooking and making weapons with flint.
“I’ll ask them for help,” said Wilbur.
“No! Don’t go! They are deformed!” said Mary. “They’ll harass us! They may have a contagious virus that will make us sick! We won’t know how to cure it. We’ll surely end up as corpses!”
Wilbur tried to persuade Mary to go to the forest people, but she refused to integrate with them. She had the assumption that the small people were dangerous. “Let’s keep walking. We’re sure to find someone sooner or later.”
For three days, the couple searched, but they found no one who could help them in their crisis. It was uncomfortable, and they were hungry without any source of nutrition. Plus, the forest was filled with dangerous beasts. Finally, Mary agreed to return to the forest people.
When Wilbur and Mary arrived at the village, the forest people immediately welcomed them. They gave them bread made from barely to eat and a place to sleep. The next day, the forest people led Wilbur and Mary through the trees, and they promptly arrived at a small town. From there, they took a bus to the city where they found
an embassy.
Mary was sorry that she had not trusted the forest people sooner. She learned the value of not discriminating
against people who are different.

تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا ❤️

24 Dec, 21:20

Tropic 🛎️

تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا ❤️

24 Dec, 21:20

Promptly 🛎️

تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا ❤️

24 Dec, 21:20


تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا ❤️

24 Dec, 21:18

Harass 🛎️

تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا ❤️

24 Dec, 21:18


تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا ❤️

19 Dec, 13:42

فقرة المصطلحات
Thucydides and
the Plague of Athens

Thucydides was the world’s first historian. Presently, we get most of our knowledge about ancient Greece from his writing. But Thucydides didn’t just write about history, he lived through it. However, he almost didn’t survive one historical event: the Plague of Athens.
In 430 BCE, an army attacked the city of Athens, where Thucydides lived. Thousands of people hid from the army behind Athens’ large walls. The city became very crowded
as the population expanded. Then a horrifying disease broke out. People summoned doctors. But it was to no avail because no one understood how the disease spread.
It seemed random. They didn’t know that it was an organism. Instead, they defined disease as a punishment from their gods. Thucydides was incredulous that gods caused the plague, but he explained why others believed it. There was an old, long verse which predicted the disease. To paraphrase it, the verse said the gods would send a disease during a war. As a result, large crowds gathered at shrines to ask the gods to stop the plague. But the situation only worsened because these people were so close to each other they became sick. That’s how they learned a fundamental lesson about the plague: it spread from person to person.
People wanted to leave the crowded city, but they dreaded what the army outside would do to them. At this time, Thucydides got sick, too. He quickly scribbled down notes because he thought he would soon die. His writing shows a stark contrast between people’s behavior before and during the plague. There were riots, and people ignored laws. They didn’t think they’d live long enough to be punished. Many sick people were left to die in solitude because no one wanted to be near them. The plague lingered for two years. But luckily, Thucydides survived. Without his writing, we would know much less about ancient Greece and the Plague of Athens.

تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا ❤️

19 Dec, 13:25

تم تدوين المصطلحات 😉 مع نطقها اكثر من مرة باليوم
هل تدون مصطلحاتك ؟

تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا ❤️

19 Dec, 12:44


تعلم مفردات انجليزيه معنا ❤️

19 Dec, 12:43
