The Lazarus Initiative (English)
The Lazarus Initiative is a groundbreaking channel on Telegram that offers a unique experience for those looking to explore new ideas and engage in thought-provoking conversations. Led by Sacha Stone, the channel features online live-stream broadcasts in a series of symposiums that cover a wide range of topics. From spirituality and philosophy to science and technology, the Lazarus Initiative is committed to providing a platform for open dialogue and intellectual exchange. By joining the channel, users can sign up for the latest broadcasts and participate in discussions that challenge conventional thinking and inspire creative solutions. The Creative Living section of the Lazarus Initiative is particularly noteworthy, as it beautifully extends the human expression through art, music, and other forms of creative expression. If you are someone who is passionate about exploring new ideas and connecting with like-minded individuals, the Lazarus Initiative is the perfect channel for you. Join us today and be part of a community that is dedicated to expanding the boundaries of human knowledge and understanding.