💙 ምኞቴ 🔸
#ክፍል_ 1️⃣9️⃣
አለቻት እሺ እደውልልሻለው ኤዲዬ ደህና ሁኝ ብላ ረዲ ስልኩን ዘጋችው።
...ቢኒያም ከስራ መጥቶ ወደ ቤቱ ሲገባ ኤዲ ቤት የለችም፡፡ "ኤዲ...ኤዲዬ!" እያለ ተጣራ
ምናልባት ወደ ጓዳ ዉስጥ እንደሆነች ብሎ ኤዲ ግን የለችም ነበር፡፡ ወደ ዉጭ ወጣና
እማማ በለጡን ተጣራና...
..."ኤዲ የት ሄዳ ነዉ?" አላቸዉ፡፡ እማማ በለጡም
..."እ...ሐኪም ቤት ሄዳ ነዉ፡፡" አሉት፡፡ ቢኒ ድንግጥ አለ፡፡
..."መቼ? ምን ሆና? ምን አገኛት? እና አትከተሏትም ነበር ወይም አደዉሉልኝ?" እያለ ጥያቄ
በጥያቄ ላይ እየደራረበ እማማ በለጡን የጠየቃቸዉን ጥያቄ የመመለሻ አፍታ አሳጣቸዉ፡፡
ይሄን ከማለቱ ወዲያዉ የግቢዉ በር ተከፈተና ኤዲ መጣች፡፡ በጣም አምሮባት፤ ከደስታ
ብዛት ፊቷ ላይ ፀሐይ የወጣች እስኪመስል ድረስ አብርታለች፡፡ በረዶ የሚመስሉት ነጫጭ
ጥርሶቿ ይፍለቀለቃሉ፡፡ ቢኒያም እንዳያት በጣም ደስ አለዉ፡፡ አሟት ነበር የመሰለዉ እሷ
ግን እንደጨረቃ ፈክታ፤ ከፀሐይ አብርታ ብቅ አለች፡፡ ገና የነጋ መሰለዉ፡፡ ለሱ ንጋቱ ኤዲ ነች፡፡ ያለ ኤዲ ሁሌም ጨለማ ነዉ የሚሆንበት፡፡ ወደነሱ ቀረበችና..."ቢኒ ና ወደ ቤት እንግባ" ብላዉ እጁን ይዛ ሳበችዉ፡፡ ሰላምታ እንኳን አልሰጠቻቸዉም ነበር፡፡ ደስታ አስክሯታል፡፡ ቢኒም ምንም አልተናገረም ዝም እንዳለ ተከተላት፡፡ እማማ በለጡ ..."ኤዲዬ ደህና መጣሽ?" ፊቷን ሳታዞር ወደ ቤቷ እያመራች "አዎ እማማ" አለቻቸዉ፡፡ ዉስጧ የሆነ ነገር አለ፡፡
ለቢኒያም እስከምትነግረዉ ቸኩላለች፡፡ ቤት ከገቡ ቡኋላ እየተፍለቀለቀች በደንብ ሳቀች፡፡
..."ኤዲዬ ምን ተገኝቶ ነዉ? ሆስፒታል አይደለም እንዴ የሄድሽዉ" አላት ቢኒ
..."አዎ ሆስፒታል ነበር የሄድኩት" አለችዉ
..."ምንሽን አሞሽ ነዉ?"
..."ወይኔ በፈጣሪ እንዴት አደረገሽ የኔ ፍቅር" ብሎ እጆቹን ሆዷ ላይ አድርጎ አይን አይኗን
ያያታል፡፡ ኤዲ አሁንም ጥርስ በጥርስ እንደሆነች ናት፡፡ የምትስቀዉ እሱን ላለማስጨነቅ
እንደሆነ አድርጎ ነዉ ያሰበዉ - ቢኒ፡፡
..."የኔ ፍቅር" አለችዉ ድምፅዋን ለስለስ አድርጋ
..."ወዬ የኔ ቆንጆ"
..."የሆነ ነገር ልንገርህ?"
..."አዎ ንገሪኝ ፍቅሬ...ምንድን ነዉ እሱ?" እያለ ይመለከታታል፡፡
..."የ ሶስት ወር እርጉዝ ነኝ!" አለችዉ፡፡ ቢኒ የሰማዉን ማመን አቃተዉ፡፡ አራት አመት
እምቢ ብሏት እንዴት አሁን??
..."እዉነትሽን ነዉ ኤዲዬ? ለማረጋገጥ ያክል ጠየቃት፡፡ ኤዲ ለአዎንታ እራሷን ነቀነቀች፡፡
ቢኒ ምድር ጠበበችዉ፡፡ ኤዲን እቅፍፍፍ አደረጋት፡፡ ሰዉነቷ ላይ ጥምጥም ብሎባት ይስማት ጀመር፤ ግንባሯን...፤ አይኗን...፤ ጉንጯን...፤ አፍንጫዋን...፤ ከንፈሯን...የቀረዉ የለም፡፡ በየመሃሉ እየጮኸ 'ፈጣሪ ሆይ ተመስገን' ይላል።ኤዲም ትፈለቀለቃለች፡፡ ደስታ ቢገድል ኑሮ ከቢኒ ቀድማ ትሞት ነበር፡፡ ከምንም በላይ ያስደሰታት መፀነሷ ሳይሆን ቢኒያም እንደዚህ ሲደሰት ማየቷ ነዉ፡፡ በርግጥ የደስታዉ
ምንጭ ማርገዟ ቢሆንም...፡፡ቢኒ አሁንም እየጮኸ ጌታዉን ማመስገኑን አላቋረጠም፡፡ 'ጌታ ሆይ አመሰግንሀለው' እያለ ላንቃዉ እስኪበጠስ ድረስ ይጮሃል፡፡ እንደገና ቀጥ ብሎ ፈቲን በመሳም
ያጣድፋታል፡፡ ደስታቸዉ እንደቀጠለ ነዉ፡፡...
...ኤዲና ቢኒ ከዚያ ሁሉ ፈንጠዝያ ቡኃላ አብረዉ ቁጭ ብለዉ ራት እየበሉ ረዲ ደወለች፡፡
ቢኒም ስልኩን በኤዲ ሊያስነሳዉ አለና ..."ሆ ሆ ነገሩ እናንተ ወሬ ከጀመራችሁ ስለማታበቁ
እኔ ካዋራኃት በኃላ እሰጥሻለሁ" ብሏት ስልኩን አንስቶት ረድኤትን ማወራት ጀመረ፡፡ እያወሩ
እያለ ኤዲ አላስወራም አለችዉ፡፡ በትክክል እንዳያወራ ታጎርሰዋለች፡፡ በመሃል ትስመዋለች
ቅብጥ ቅብጥብጥ አለችበትና ረበሸችዉ፡፡ ቢኒም "ዉይ እንቺ እስኪ አዉሪያት" ብሎ
ስልኩን ሰጣት፡፡
... ኤዲና ረዲ ማዉራት ጀመሩ፡፡
..."ረዲዬ ራት እየበላን ነዉ፡፡ እንብላ አለቻት ኤዲዬ የተባረከ ይሁን ብሉ እሄ ቢኒ ሽሮ እንኳን መስራት አይችልም ስትላት ሁለቱም ተሳሳቁ በተለይ የኤዲ ሳቅ ከስከዛሬዉ ለየት ያለ ነበር፡፡ ፍንድቅድቅ አለች፡፡
..."ደግሞ ለሽሮ ሌላም አስተምረዋለሁ" አለቻት ረዲ ለፈቲ
..."ሌላ ሌላዉንማ እኔ አስተምሬዋለሁ" ብትላት በሳቁ ላይ ቢኒም ተሳትፎ ነበር ከት
ብለዉ ሳቁ፡፡ ሃሃሃሃ ሂሂሂ ኪኪኪኪ ...
..."ሆ" አለች ረዲ ..."ራትሽን የምትበይዉ ምላስ ነዉ እንዴ ወሬ ለቆብሻልሳ"
..."እረ እሱን ተይዉና ...ይልቅ የምወልዳት ልጅ ሴት ከሆነች ያንቺ ሞክሼ ነዉ የማረጋት ረድኤት ...እላታለሁ፤ ወንድ ከሆነ ግን ቢኒ ነው ስም የሚያወጣለት፡፡" ስትላት ረድኤት ደነገጠች፡፡
..."ኤዲዬ አረገዝሽ እንዴ?"
..."ዉይ ረዲዬ በደስታ ብዛትኮ የነገርኩሽ መስሎኝ ነዉ፡፡ አርግዣለሁ፡፡ ዛሬ ሆስፒታል ሂጄ የሶስት ወር እርጉዝ ነሽ አሉኝ" አለቻት፡፡ ረድኤት...
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The Essence of Love in Amharic Poetry
Amharic poetry is a rich and vibrant expression of the Ethiopian cultural landscape, where emotions are intricately woven into the fabric of language. Among the many themes explored in this poetic tradition, love stands as one of the most profound and celebrated subjects. The exploration of love in Amharic poetry goes beyond mere romantic affiliation; it encapsulates the essence of human connection, longing, joy, and sorrow. In this article, we delve into the nuances of love as depicted in Amharic poetry, examining how poets convey their feelings through evocative language, imagery, and symbols. The power of words in these verses serves as a reflection of not just personal experiences, but also broader societal sentiments. Love, in this context, is portrayed as a universal yet deeply personal experience that resonates with readers and listeners alike. This exploration is also significant in understanding the cultural values and emotional expressions that define Ethiopian society. As we unravel the layers of love in Amharic poetry, we invite readers to engage with the words that represent both individual feelings and collective cultural identity.
What are the common themes related to love in Amharic poetry?
Amharic poetry frequently explores themes of romantic love, familial affection, and platonic relationships. Poets often depict the beauty and complexity of love, highlighting its capacity to bring joy as well as pain. The imagery used in these poems can transform ordinary experiences into profound reflections on love's power, often drawing on nature, spirituality, and personal narratives to convey deeper meanings.
Additionally, love in Amharic poetry often intertwines with cultural values, reflecting societal expectations and norms surrounding relationships. Themes like loyalty, sacrifice, and devotion are prevalent, portraying love as a commitment that transcends mere emotion. Through metaphor and allegory, poets celebrate the multifaceted nature of love, making it relatable to a diverse audience.
How does Amharic poetry reflect Ethiopian culture?
Amharic poetry serves as a mirror to Ethiopian culture, encapsulating its history, traditions, and values. The language itself is rich with nuances that allow for deep emotional expression, reflecting the societal norms that govern interpersonal relationships. Poets often draw from cultural symbols and traditional practices, making their verses resonate with readers who share similar life experiences.
Moreover, the themes explored in Amharic poetry often address collective issues faced by society, such as love's role in community bonding and family ties. Through poetry, the cultural significance of love is emphasized, showing how it acts as a unifying force within families and among friends. The shared understanding of love within Ethiopian culture is vividly illustrated through these poetic expressions.
What role do metaphors and imagery play in expressing love in Amharic poetry?
Metaphors and imagery are crucial tools used by poets to evoke the intensity of love in Amharic poetry. By comparing love to elements of nature, like the sun or the moon, poets can convey feelings of warmth and illumination that love brings into one's life. Similarly, contrasting images might be employed to depict the tumultuous aspects of love, such as storms or darkness, illustrating love’s complex nature.
Imagery goes beyond visual representation; it encompasses sensory details that allow readers to feel the emotions conveyed in the poetry. The use of rich, descriptive language creates vivid mental pictures that resonate with the audience on a personal level. This ability to encapsulate emotions through imagery makes Amharic poetry a powerful medium for exploring the depth of love.
What is the significance of love in Ethiopian society?
Love holds a central place in Ethiopian society, influencing social structures and personal relationships. It is often regarded as a foundational element of family life, where love binds relatives and fosters a sense of belonging. This societal view of love promotes strong community ties, making it a crucial aspect of social cohesion.
In addition to familial love, romantic love is celebrated in various cultural contexts, often reflecting traditional customs and values. Weddings and partnerships are marked by vibrant ceremonies that honor love and commitment. The significance of love thus extends beyond personal feelings, manifesting in cultural practices that reinforce its importance within Ethiopian society.
How can one engage with Amharic poetry to appreciate its themes on love?
Engaging with Amharic poetry can be a deeply enriching experience for those seeking to appreciate its themes on love. Reading poetry aloud can enhance the emotional resonance, allowing listeners to feel the rhythm and musicality of the language. Additionally, participating in poetry readings or community gatherings where such poetry is shared can provide insights into cultural interpretations of love.
For those unfamiliar with Amharic, seeking translations or bilingual collections can facilitate understanding. Exploring the context in which these poems were written also adds depth, helping readers grasp the cultural and emotional nuances embedded within the verses. Ultimately, fostering a connection with Amharic poetry opens doors to not only understanding love but also experiencing the rich heritage of Ethiopian literature.
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ቁራጭ ቃላት በርሌምን በአማርኛ ቁር የቆመው ቃላት ነው። ይህ ቃላት ከነኝ ፍቅር በማለት፣ የሚገኘው ልጅ አዶኒ በማለት ዳዊት መገኘት የተቻለው ነዶን ብሏል። ስለዚህ፣ ብርሃነም ከላይ ኪራይ በማቅረብ ለማበተን ፍቅርን የሚያከብር ነው። ለመተንተን፤ የምርጫ ዕያሽ እና አዝናኝ ተግባራት ይምረጡ። ቁራጭ ቃላት ለመላክ፣ የተወዳጁት አትክልት እና የማንካስ አጋሮች እና ወንድሞቻም ስለሆኑ፣ መልኩን ይዠቃል። ለማለት የመያዣዎችን ቅጥረኛ ሰጪበት በጊዜው ተጠቃሚ አሳልፎ ማስቀመት እና ለበሮንቱ ማንካስነት በፈለገ ጥያቄ።