Kubernetes Architect @kubernetesarchitect Channel on Telegram

Kubernetes Architect


News and links on architecting and developing apps on Kubernetes curated by the @Learnk8s team

Kubernetes Architect (English)

Are you interested in architecting and developing apps on Kubernetes? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Kubernetes Architect'! This channel, curated by the @Learnk8s team, is your go-to source for news and links related to Kubernetes. Whether you are a seasoned Kubernetes professional or just starting out, this channel offers valuable insights, tips, and resources to help you stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in the Kubernetes ecosystem. With a focus on providing quality content, 'Kubernetes Architect' ensures that you are always well-informed and equipped to navigate the world of Kubernetes with ease. Join today and take your Kubernetes skills to the next level!

Kubernetes Architect

30 Jan, 19:11

Skaffold is a command line tool that facilitates continuous development for Kubernetes applications.

You can iterate on your application source code locally and then deploy it to local or remote Kubernetes clusters.

More: https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/skaffold

Kubernetes Architect

30 Jan, 15:11

In this article, you'll learn how to troubleshoot Kubernetes Persistent Volume binding issues, including resolving PVCs stuck in a "Pending" state, understanding the "Released" state, and best practices for managing PV lifecycles and reclaim policies.

More: https://medium.com/@steveroy7026/troubleshooting-kubernetes-persistent-volume-binding-issues-5884a4c72cfb

Kubernetes Architect

29 Jan, 19:11

Goldilocks is a utility that can help you identify a starting point for resource requests and limits in Kubernetes.

More: https://github.com/FairwindsOps/goldilocks

Kubernetes Architect

29 Jan, 15:16

In this article, you'll learn how to simplify Helm values files using YAML anchors, reducing redundancy and improving readability in your Kubernetes deployments.

More: https://dev.to/pczavre/streamlining-helm-values-files-with-yaml-anchors-bpp

Kubernetes Architect

29 Jan, 15:06

Gari Singh, Product Manager at Google, discusses the multi-tenancy architecture patterns in Kubernetes.

He explains why teams should design for multiple clusters from day one and shares when to use namespace-based isolation (for workloads with similar profiles and updates) versus dedicated clusters (for full isolation and custom operators).

He recommends implementing a flexible model that supports both approaches through a namespace-as-a-service abstraction layer that works across single and multiple clusters.

Watch the full interview: https://ku.bz/RHb2QCKxs

This interview is a reaction to Artem Lajko's episode https://ku.bz/zp0L7-xM4

Kubernetes Architect

29 Jan, 11:31

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 116:

💥 Node.js 20 upgrade: a journey through unexpected heap issues with Kubernetes
🐳 How to optimize Kubernetes for large Docker images
📈 How to optimize autoscaling in Kubernetes using metrics based on application workflows
🔎 Container internals series: seccomp
🛑 Preemptible pods

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/116

🌟 StormForge — the only JVM workload rightsizing solution for Kubernetes https://ku.bz/PJjcy3PwL

Kubernetes Architect

28 Jan, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Security Architect with Adobe Inc.
💰 $191.7K to $345.7K a year
🏠 From the office in Seattle, WA / San Francisco / San Jose, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b6de3faf-adb8-462a-9dd9-260446149b27

Software Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $180K to $339.25K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States of America, Canada
→ https://kube.careers/t/aa46f505-bb2b-449c-a47a-65146dee1167

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b9a90583-a0e8-4f13-b776-839c8b1d6275

Solution Architect with Rackspace US Inc
💰 $180K to $308K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States of America
→ https://kube.careers/t/2bee09cf-b4df-4d83-8d27-ef9205bdc483

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States of America
→ https://kube.careers/t/7a84e3ee-270f-4c18-b89b-ac0a8a928743

👉 Browse all 1170 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

28 Jan, 19:11

OpenCost give teams visibility into current and historical Kubernetes and cloud spending and resource allocation.

These models provide cost transparency in Kubernetes environments that support multiple applications, teams, departments, etc.

More: https://github.com/opencost/opencost

Kubernetes Architect

28 Jan, 15:11

Discover how to move beyond traditional Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) methods and leverage tools like KEDA to scale your applications more efficiently and reduce costs.

More: https://medium.com/@csardalmacioseplveda/how-to-optimize-autoscaling-in-kubernetes-using-metrics-based-on-application-workflows-7f899fdef4d9

Kubernetes Architect

28 Jan, 11:31

Platform Engineer Artem Lajko breaks down observability into three distinct layers and explains how tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and Falco serve different purposes.

You will learn:

- How to implement the three-layer model (external, internal, and OS-level) and why each layer serves different stakeholders
- How to choose and scale observability tools using a label-based approach (low, medium, high)
- How to manage observability costs by collecting only relevant metrics and logs

Watch (or listen to) it here: https://ku.bz/9sGxhmm8s

🌟 This episode is brought to you by Learnk8s — Become an expert in Kubernetes! Join the next Advanced Kubernetes workshop this January: https://learnk8s.io/training

With @Birthmarkb "Kubernetes historian" Farrell

Kubernetes Architect

27 Jan, 19:11

In this article, you'll learn about Argo Rollouts and how to implement blue-green deployment strategies.

More: https://medium.chuklee.com/argo-rollouts-blue-green-deployment-75dbeff4ea19

Kubernetes Architect

27 Jan, 15:16

In this article, you'll learn how to handle PostgreSQL schema migrations efficiently in Kubernetes and avoid common issues like deadlocks and zombie pods.

More: https://blog.devgenius.io/efficiently-handling-postgresql-schema-migrations-in-kubernetes-201bf739acbd

Kubernetes Architect

27 Jan, 15:06

Nicholas Walker, Director of Product at StormForge, discusses three notable tools in the Kubernetes ecosystem: vCluster for creating virtual clusters in minutes instead of provisioning separate clusters, (NOS) for GPU fractionalization in AI/ML workloads, and Prometheus 3.0.

He shares hands-on experience using vCluster for development environments, explains how NOS can optimize expensive GPU workloads, and highlights Prometheus 3.0's upcoming improvements that promise to reduce resource usage and network traffic by 50%.

Watch the full interview: https://ku.bz/B2NBhFRY4

Kubernetes Architect

25 Jan, 12:46

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States of America
→ https://kube.careers/t/e51e0558-16c8-434a-9d35-5ff094ffc0f8

Software Engineer with Calendly
💰 $212.5K to $345K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States of America
→ https://kube.careers/t/189fbf6d-196b-4d99-a3c1-d03c7456872f

Software Engineer with ServiceNow
💰 $192.7K to $337.3K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States of America
→ https://kube.careers/t/3155752a-b515-469f-8bd0-1e5e9d08e3c1

Head of Infrastructure with Freenome
💰 $197.2K to $304K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States of America
→ https://kube.careers/t/a56de5e4-fc55-48e9-a512-60d650a0d2f6

Machine Learning Engineer with Matterport
💰 $160K to $294.1K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States of America
→ https://kube.careers/t/0da9717c-fa1a-4e08-9a60-c1053b7ed810

👉 Browse all 1189 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

24 Jan, 19:11

In this article, you'll learn about the unexpected HEAP issues that arose during a Node.js 18 to Node.js 20 upgrade in a Kubernetes environment, and how to troubleshoot and resolve performance problems related to memory and CPU reservations.

More: https://deezer.io/node-js-20-upgrade-a-journey-through-unexpected-heap-issues-with-kubernetes-27ae3d325646

Kubernetes Architect

24 Jan, 15:11

In this article, you'll learn about the importance of testing Helm charts, the potential issues that can arise from using unpackaged Helm charts and how to work around them using different names or repositories for each dependency.

More: https://tech.aabouzaid.com/2024/06/do-not-use-unpackaged-helm-charts-devops.html

Kubernetes Architect

23 Jan, 19:11

In this article, you'll learn how to master multi-cluster management with Karmada, a tool for deploying and managing applications across multiple Kubernetes clusters and discover the best centralized logging, monitoring, and automation strategies.

More: https://dev.to/hkhelil/karmada-deep-dive-into-managing-multiple-aks-clusters-1j08

Kubernetes Architect

23 Jan, 19:06

In this case study, you'll learn how to analyze and optimize Kubernetes CPU configuration to prevent performance issues.

This includes determining appropriate CPU requests and limits and creating diagrams to visualize utilization metrics.

More: https://medium.com/@xianshuang.zhang/incident-caused-by-inappropriate-cpu-request-and-limit-configurations-on-gke-42177fb456ae

Kubernetes Architect

23 Jan, 18:06

The Trivy Operator leverages Trivy to continuously scan your Kubernetes cluster for security issues.

The scans are summarised in security reports as Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions, which become accessible through the Kubernetes API.

More: https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy-operator

Kubernetes Architect

23 Jan, 15:11

This article explains how Kubernetes deployments enable seamless application updates.

Learn strategies like rolling updates, Canary, and Blue/Green deployments to maintain uptime and rollback techniques for quick recovery from failed releases.

More: https://medium.com/@ahmedd.abdelhedi/understanding-kubernetes-deployments-zero-downtime-upgrades-explained-4d44c00c5964

Kubernetes Architect

22 Jan, 19:11

flux-operator simplifies the configuration of Flux multi-tenancy lockdown, sharding, horizontal and vertical scaling, persistent storage, and allows fine-tuning the Flux controllers with Kustomize patches.

More: https://github.com/controlplaneio-fluxcd/flux-operator

Kubernetes Architect

22 Jan, 15:16

kubecsv is a tool that** deploys a set of apps, including their storage and network, from a single comma-separated values (csv) file** using TrueCharts helm repo.

More: https://github.com/alrokayan/kubecsv

Kubernetes Architect

22 Jan, 15:06

Deepak Goel Director of Engineering at Nutanix discusses the challenges of resource allocation in Kubernetes.

He explains why determining initial CPU and memory requirements is difficult since applications have dynamic resource needs that change with load. The solution lies in two key automation tools: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), which creates additional pods to handle the increased load, and Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA), which automatically adjusts CPU and memory resources based on actual usage patterns.

Watch the full interview: https://ku.bz/C0K0-KKR1

This interview is a reaction to Alexandre Souza's episode https://ku.bz/z2Vj9PBYh

Kubernetes Architect

22 Jan, 11:56

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 115:

🥷 Kubernetes has its "ADCS" how to backdoor a Kubernetes in silence
🔒 GitOps secrets with Argo CD, Hashicorp Vault and the External Secret Operator
🌲 Why is running as root in kubernetes containers dangerous? @Marcin Wasiucionek
🔭 Go deeper: linux runtime visibility meets wireshark
🤫 Securing secrets in confidential containers: usage patterns to avoid

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/115

🌟 Become an expert in Kubernetes! Join the next Advanced Kubernetes workshop next week: https://learnk8s.io/online-advanced-january-2025

Kubernetes Architect

21 Jan, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Security Architect with Adobe Inc.
💰 $191.7K to $345.7K a year
🏠 From the office in Seattle, WA / San Francisco / San Jose, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b6de3faf-adb8-462a-9dd9-260446149b27

Software Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $180K to $339.25K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States of America, Canada
→ https://kube.careers/t/aa46f505-bb2b-449c-a47a-65146dee1167

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b9a90583-a0e8-4f13-b776-839c8b1d6275

Solution Architect with Rackspace US Inc
💰 $180K to $308K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States of America
→ https://kube.careers/t/2bee09cf-b4df-4d83-8d27-ef9205bdc483

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States of America
→ https://kube.careers/t/7a84e3ee-270f-4c18-b89b-ac0a8a928743

👉 Browse all 1233 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

21 Jan, 19:11

Kubernetes Janitor processes all namespaces and all namespaced resources, including custom resource definitions, and deletes them if:

- A TTL rule indicates the resource as expired.
- The janitor/expires annotation marks the resource as expired.

More: https://codeberg.org/hjacobs/kube-janitor

Kubernetes Architect

21 Jan, 15:11

Kube-green is a simple k8s addon that automatically shuts down (some of) your resources when you don't need them.

More: https://kube-green.dev

Kubernetes Architect

21 Jan, 12:21

In this episode, William Morgan, CEO of Buoyant, explores the complex trade-offs between cost optimization and reliability in Kubernetes networking.

You will learn:

- How Topology-aware routing attempts to reduce cross-zone traffic costs but can compromise reliability by limiting inter-zone communication
- Why Layer 7 load balancing offers better traffic management through protocol awareness compared to topology-aware routing's Layer 4 approach
- How HAZL (High Availability Zonal Load Balancing) provides a more nuanced solution by balancing cost savings with reliability guarantees through intelligent traffic routing

Watch (or listen to) it here: https://ku.bz/CBwn51pl-

🌟 This episode is brought to you by Learnk8s — Become an expert in Kubernetes! Join the next Advanced Kubernetes workshop this January: https://learnk8s.io/training

With @Birthmarkb "Real Chill Guy" Farrell

Kubernetes Architect

20 Jan, 19:16

Sveltos is a Kubernetes add-on controller that simplifies the deployment and management of Kubernetes add-ons and applications across multiple clusters, whether on-prem, in the cloud or a multitenant environment.

More: https://github.com/projectsveltos

Kubernetes Architect

20 Jan, 15:16

kcp provides workspaces, each acting as its own Kubernetes cluster, to enable multi-tenancy. kcp schedules these workspaces to instances called shards, aiming to reach 1 million workspaces and 10,000 shards.

More: https://github.com/kcp-dev/kcp

Kubernetes Architect

18 Jan, 12:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Engineering Manager with Docplanner
💰 $72.49K to $101.48K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from Poland
→ https://kube.careers/t/93b1c14a-4d72-4071-a42f-2bf5af003f00

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/e51e0558-16c8-434a-9d35-5ff094ffc0f8

Software Engineer with Calendly
💰 $212.5K to $345K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/189fbf6d-196b-4d99-a3c1-d03c7456872f

Software Engineer with ServiceNow
💰 $192.7K to $337.3K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/3155752a-b515-469f-8bd0-1e5e9d08e3c1

Head of Infrastructure with Freenome
💰 $197.2K to $304K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/a56de5e4-fc55-48e9-a512-60d650a0d2f6

👉 Browse all 1262 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

17 Jan, 19:16

Grafana Tanka is a configuration utility for Kubernetes clusters, powered by the Jsonnet language.

It allows users to define Kubernetes resources using the Kubernetes Jsonnet library.

More: https://grafana.com/oss/tanka

Kubernetes Architect

17 Jan, 15:36

make-argocd-fly is a tool that simplifies the generation of Kubernetes manifests for deployment in complex, multi-cluster, and multi-application environments and provides native integration with ArgoCD for streamlined deployment.

More: https://github.com/Karandash8/make-argocd-fly

Kubernetes Architect

16 Jan, 19:16

The MariaDB operator lets you declaratively manage your MariaDB using Kubernetes CRDs rather than imperative commands.

More: https://github.com/mariadb-operator/mariadb-operator

Kubernetes Architect

16 Jan, 15:16

With watchtower you can update the running version of your containerized app simply by pushing a new image to the Docker Hub or your image registry.

Watchtower will pull down the new image, gracefully shut down the existing container and restart it.

More: https://github.com/containrrr/watchtower

Kubernetes Architect

15 Jan, 19:11

In this article, you will learn how Deezer optimized Kubernetes resources with Horizontal Pod Autoscaling using custom metrics and the Prometheus Adapter.

More: https://deezer.io/optimizing-kubernetes-resources-with-horizontal-pod-autoscaling-via-custom-metrics-and-the-a76c1a66ff1c

Kubernetes Architect

15 Jan, 18:06

In this article, you'll learn how to manage secrets using the External Secret Operator, Hashicorp Vault, and Argo CD, and discover how to avoid saving secrets in Git and automatically refresh secrets without pod restarts or application deployments.

More: https://medium.com/containers-101/gitops-secrets-with-argo-cd-hashicorp-vault-and-the-external-secret-operator-eb1eec1dab0d

Kubernetes Architect

15 Jan, 15:16

Cloudflare Kubernetes Gateway is a controller that manages Kubernetes ingress traffic with Cloudflare Tunnels via the Gateway API.

More: https://github.com/pl4nty/cloudflare-kubernetes-gateway

Kubernetes Architect

15 Jan, 15:11

In this article, you will learn how to scale environments with OpenTelemetry and service meshes and discover a different approach to creating highly scalable dev, preview, and test environments.

More: https://dev.to/signadot/scaling-environments-with-opentelemetry-and-service-mesh-4n9i

Kubernetes Architect

15 Jan, 15:06

Roland from Amazon Web Services shared some exciting emerging tools and projects he's keeping an eye on in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation ecosystem:

1. Karpenter - Roland highlighted Karpenter, which recently became part of the Kubernetes Scaling SIG, as an opportune solution for dynamically scaling diverse workloads.

2. Argo Platform - While Argo CD for GitOps deployments is well-established, Roland is interested in the expansion of the Argo platform with tools like Argo Workflows and Argo Events.

3. MLOps on Kubernetes — Roland believes we're still in the early days of deploying and managing machine learning operations (MLOps) and large language models (LLMs) on Kubernetes.

Watch the full interview: https://ku.bz/hWXCKCB6N

Kubernetes Architect

09 Jan, 19:16

JET Pilot is an open-source Kubernetes IDE.


- Real-time Logs.
- Kubernetes Object Management.
- Container Shell.
- Command Palette.

More: https://github.com/unxsist/jet-pilot

Kubernetes Architect

09 Jan, 15:26

Komodor announces a new solution for Kubernetes add-ons that addresses two key challenges:

1. Detection of issues that traditional APM tools miss, such as certificate renewal failures and CRD misconfigurations
2. Root cause analysis that tracks dependencies between interconnected services (from cert-manager to External DNS to NGINX ingress)

The platform combines multiple data sources into a single view, simplifying troubleshooting in complex Kubernetes environments.

Watch the full announcement: https://ku.bz/T7vcW7kWq

Visit the Komodor's website: https://ku.bz/D3jQ2LDF0

Kubernetes Architect

09 Jan, 15:11

In this article, you'll learn how to use Argo CD finalizers to prevent accidental deletion of applications and resources, ensuring the reliability and uptime of your applications.

More: https://codefresh.io/blog/argocd-application-deletion-finalizers

Kubernetes Architect

08 Jan, 19:11

git-sync is a simple command that pulls a git repository into a local directory.

It is a perfect "sidecar" container in Kubernetes - it can periodically pull files down from a repository so that an application can consume them.

More: https://github.com/kubernetes/git-sync

Kubernetes Architect

08 Jan, 15:16

In this article, you will learn about the limitations of current approaches to generating YAML files, such as Helm, and explore alternative solutions, including Funcml, a new tool that simplifies the process of applying mutations to data structures.

More: https://dev.to/mimopotato/extending-yaml-p1-structuring-a-meta-programming-language-110m

Kubernetes Architect

08 Jan, 15:06

Yasmin Rajabi COO at StormForge discusses how teams often copy and paste resource configurations from existing applications without considering if they match their needs.

She explains how resource management becomes an afterthought in the deployment process, with teams prioritizing speed over the proper configuration of CPU and Memory requests and limits in Kubernetes.

Watch the full interview: https://ku.bz/Bs49B8sYG

This interview is a reaction to Alexandre Souza's episode https://ku.bz/z2Vj9PBYh

Kubernetes Architect

08 Jan, 12:21

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 113:

🎡 Advanced rollout techniques: custom strategies for stateful apps in Kubernetes
👮‍♀️ A guide to modern Kubernetes network policies
🥷 A pragmatic look at the Kubernetes threat matrix
💰 AWS managed NAT gateway cost optimization with Kubernetes
💸 Gloating about our multi-arch EKS migration: cutting costs with Graviton nodes

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/113

🌟 Become an expert in Kubernetes! Join the next Advanced Kubernetes workshop in January: https://learnk8s.io/training

Kubernetes Architect

07 Jan, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Security Architect with Adobe Inc.
💰 $191.7K to $345.7K a year
🏠 From the office in Seattle, WA / San Francisco / San Jose, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b6de3faf-adb8-462a-9dd9-260446149b27

Software Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $180K to $339.25K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States, Canada
→ https://kube.careers/t/aa46f505-bb2b-449c-a47a-65146dee1167

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b9a90583-a0e8-4f13-b776-839c8b1d6275

Solution Architect with Rackspace US Inc
💰 $180K to $308K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/2bee09cf-b4df-4d83-8d27-ef9205bdc483

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/7a84e3ee-270f-4c18-b89b-ac0a8a928743

👉 Browse all 1440 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

07 Jan, 19:11

In this article, you will learn how to harness the power of multi-cluster Argo Workflows with KubeStellar, a project for distributing workloads across multiple Kubernetes clusters.

More: https://dettori.medium.com/harnessing-the-power-of-multi-cluster-argo-workflows-with-kubestellar-9dd5582e76bb

Kubernetes Architect

07 Jan, 15:16

In this article, you will learn about the importance of load testing for spike-oriented, CPU-intensive JVM applications, and discover key lessons and best practices for optimizing resource assignments and configuring the HPA.

More: https://krzysztof-owczarek.medium.com/lessons-learned-performing-load-tests-on-the-spike-oriented-cpu-intensive-jvm-application-087fdb22d470

Kubernetes Architect

06 Jan, 19:16

In this article, you will learn how Slack deploys stateful applications using a custom Kubernetes operator and discover how this approach enables controlled rollouts, integrations with internal systems, and real-time notifications.

More: https://slack.engineering/kube-stateful-rollouts

Kubernetes Architect

06 Jan, 15:21

In this article, you will learn about the key differences between Kluctl, ArgoCD, and Flux and how they approach deployment strategies, custom resources, and reconciliation to help you choose the best tool for your Kubernetes management needs.

More: https://kluctl.io/blog/2024/07/31/argocd-and-flux-vs-kluctl

Kubernetes Architect

04 Jan, 12:46

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Engineering Manager with Docplanner
💰 $72.06K to $100.89K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from Poland
→ https://kube.careers/t/93b1c14a-4d72-4071-a42f-2bf5af003f00

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/e51e0558-16c8-434a-9d35-5ff094ffc0f8

Software Engineer with Calendly
💰 $212.5K to $345K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/189fbf6d-196b-4d99-a3c1-d03c7456872f

Software Engineer with ServiceNow
💰 $192.7K to $337.3K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/3155752a-b515-469f-8bd0-1e5e9d08e3c1

Head of Infrastructure with Freenome
💰 $197.2K to $304K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/a56de5e4-fc55-48e9-a512-60d650a0d2f6

👉 Browse all 1472 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

03 Jan, 19:16

Kubefirst is a cloud provisioning tool that creates a kubernetes cluster with automated Infrastructure as Code, GitOps asset management and application delivery, secrets management, and more.

More: https://github.com/kubefirst/kubefirst

Kubernetes Architect

03 Jan, 19:06

KWOK (Kubernetes-WithOut-Kubelet) is a toolkit that enables setting up a cluster of thousands of nodes in seconds.

Under the scene, all Nodes are simulated to behave like real ones, so the overall approach employs a pretty low resource footprint.

More: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kwok

Kubernetes Architect

03 Jan, 15:16

In this article, you'll learn the essential tips and best practices for setting resource limits in Kubernetes, including how to prevent resource hogging, ensure balanced resource use, and optimize costs.

More: https://dev.to/hkhelil/essential-tips-for-setting-resource-limits-in-kubernetes-3b54

Kubernetes Architect

02 Jan, 19:16

The Helm Dashboard plugin offers a UI-driven way to view the installed Helm charts, and see their revision history and corresponding Kubernetes resources.

Also, you can perform simple actions like roll back to a revision or upgrade to a newer version.

More: https://github.com/komodorio/helm-dashboard

Kubernetes Architect

02 Jan, 15:11

In this article, you'll learn how to master Kustomize for advanced Kubernetes configuration management, including environment-based abstraction, declarative management, and efficient deployment techniques.

More: https://deniz-turkmen.medium.com/mastering-kustomize-advanced-techniques-for-kubernetes-configuration-management-b8f87c593aed

Kubernetes Architect

01 Jan, 19:11

VolSync asynchronously replicates Kubernetes persistent volumes between clusters using either rsync or rclone.

It also supports creating backups of persistent volumes via restic.

More: https://github.com/backube/volsync

Kubernetes Architect

01 Jan, 15:16

In this article, you will learn about the Kubernetes 'Claim' model, its purpose, and how it represents the distinction between desired and observed state, enabling flexible provisioning, especially for shared resources.

More: https://itnext.io/what-is-the-kubernetes-claim-model-1572d7cf39a8

Kubernetes Architect

01 Jan, 12:06

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 112:

🧐 Monitoring inter-pod traffic at the AZ level with eBPF based tool retina
♻️ Mastering GitOps with Flux at Adore Me
📈 From chaos to control: the importance of tailored autoscaling in Kubernetes
💼 How we use Kubernetes jobs to scale the OpenSSF scorecard
🚦 Exploring the basics of Istio traffic management

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/112

🌟 Become an expert in Kubernetes! Join the next Advanced Kubernetes workshop in January: https://learnk8s.io/training

Kubernetes Architect

31 Dec, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Security Architect with Adobe Inc.
💰 $191.7K to $345.7K a year
🏠 From the office in Seattle, WA / San Francisco / San Jose, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b6de3faf-adb8-462a-9dd9-260446149b27

Software Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $180K to $339.25K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States, Canada
→ https://kube.careers/t/aa46f505-bb2b-449c-a47a-65146dee1167

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b9a90583-a0e8-4f13-b776-839c8b1d6275

Solution Architect with Rackspace US Inc
💰 $180K to $308K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/2bee09cf-b4df-4d83-8d27-ef9205bdc483

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/7a84e3ee-270f-4c18-b89b-ac0a8a928743

👉 Browse all 1477 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

31 Dec, 19:11

In this article, you'll learn how to implement predictive autoscaling using Keda and Prophet, a proactive approach to efficient resource management that anticipates future demands and scales applications accordingly.

More: https://medium.com/@minimaldevops/predictive-autoscaling-in-kubernetes-with-keda-and-prophet-cbccd96cf881

Kubernetes Architect

31 Dec, 15:11

In this article, you will learn about Kustomize, a unique Kubernetes configuration tool, its history, and its transformation-based approach to generating and modifying configurations, and how it compares to other tools like Helm.

More: https://itnext.io/generating-transforming-and-patching-kubernetes-configuration-with-kustomize-fb7b02476a1b

Kubernetes Architect

30 Dec, 19:11

Learn how Adore Me streamlined their complex infrastructure with GitOps and Flux, achieving consistency, security, and efficiency in their Kubernetes clusters, and discover the pros and cons of implementing this approach.

More: https://medium.com/@chebac.andreea/mastering-gitops-with-flux-adoreme-024b56ac397b

Kubernetes Architect

30 Dec, 19:06

In this article, you will learn how Check optimized their Kubernetes autoscaling configuration, overcame common challenges, and achieved cost savings and improved efficiency through a tailored approach to cluster-based autoscaling.

More: https://dev.to/check/from-chaos-to-control-the-importance-of-tailored-autoscaling-in-kubernetes-2kpn

Kubernetes Architect

30 Dec, 18:06

Sven Hans Knecht, Principal Cloud Engineer, discusses the increasing complexity and criticality of maintaining software uptime.

He highlights that unlike twenty years ago, even a few minutes of downtime can have severe consequences, from obstructing emergency calls to incurring significant financial losses.

Hans emphasizes the inherent complexities involved in achieving high availability, such as the need for robust monitoring systems, safe release practices, and strategies to handle availability zone failures.

Watch the full episode: https://ku.bz/SyPM8Ch43

Kubernetes Architect

30 Dec, 15:11

In this article, you'll learn about Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) and whether they're a lasting solution or just a passing trend.

The article includes a review of available IDP solutions.

More: https://itnext.io/internal-developer-platforms-a-real-thing-or-just-a-trend-ee9c97870dcc

Kubernetes Architect

28 Dec, 12:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Software Engineer with Modern Treasury
💰 $200K to $360K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/deceb23e-4700-4fd7-8a30-20c7466f1d60

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/e51e0558-16c8-434a-9d35-5ff094ffc0f8

Software Engineer with Calendly
💰 $212.5K to $345K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/189fbf6d-196b-4d99-a3c1-d03c7456872f

Head of Infrastructure with Freenome
💰 $197.2K to $304K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/a56de5e4-fc55-48e9-a512-60d650a0d2f6

Software Engineer with Varo Bank
💰 $220K to $280K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/3268d82a-4e60-41ef-b782-564b397b4300

👉 Browse all 1349 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

27 Dec, 19:16

In this article, you will learn how to deploy a StatefulSet using a practical example of a MySQL cluster, addressing the challenges of containerizing a stateful application and providing a step-by-step guide to overcoming them.

More: https://medium.com/@cstoppgmr/practical-practices-for-stateful-applications-in-kubernetes-ff9e684a3cf2

Kubernetes Architect

27 Dec, 15:16

In this article, you'll learn how to optimize GKE with actionable insights and techniques, including using preemptible VMs, autoscaling, and monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana to achieve significant cost savings.

More: https://medium.astrafy.io/optimize-your-kubernetes-costs-in-google-cloud-platform-a20eaa7e5448

Kubernetes Architect

26 Dec, 19:16

kubediff compares the local YAML resource definitions with the ones currently deployed in the cluster.

More: https://github.com/Ramilito/kubediff

Kubernetes Architect

26 Dec, 15:11

Kardinal is a tool for creating extremely lightweight ephemeral development environments within a shared Kubernetes cluster, optimizing for cloud costs and fast spin-up/tear-down.

More: https://github.com/kurtosis-tech/kardinal

Kubernetes Architect

25 Dec, 19:16

korb is a CLI that lets you move Kubernetes PVCs between Storage Classes and Namespaces.

More: https://github.com/BeryJu/korb

Kubernetes Architect

25 Dec, 15:26

Skaffold is a command line tool that facilitates continuous development for Kubernetes applications.

You can iterate on your application source code locally and then deploy it to local or remote Kubernetes clusters.

More: https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/skaffold

Kubernetes Architect

25 Dec, 15:06

Hillai Ben-Sasson and Ronen Shustin, Security Researchers at Wiz, highlighted that containers alone are insufficient as security barriers and stressed the importance of a "defense in depth" strategy to prevent data breaches between customers.

Additionally, they discussed the risks associated with namespace sharing between containers, mainly when trusted and non-trusted containers are involved, recommending strict isolation to mitigate exploitation risks.

Watch the full episode: https://ku.bz/yr16qNTFx

Kubernetes Architect

25 Dec, 12:06

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 111:

🇵🇭 Kubernetes vs Philippine power outages: on setting up k0s over Tailscale
😅 Fun with GitRepo volumes
🤔 Understanding Kubernetes: networking and services
📕 The Kubernetes troubleshooting handbook
👩‍🏫 Container networking explained

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/111

🌟 Become an expert in Kubernetes! Join the next Advanced Kubernetes workshop in January: https://learnk8s.io/training

Kubernetes Architect

24 Dec, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Security Architect with Adobe Inc.
💰 $191.7K to $345.7K a year
🏠 From the office in Seattle, WA / San Francisco / San Jose, CA, USA

Software Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $180K to $339.25K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States, Canada

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA

Solution Architect with Rackspace US Inc
💰 $180K to $308K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

👉 Browse all 1370 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

24 Dec, 19:11

SlimFaas is a tool for creating functions as a service on Kubernetes.

It allows you to scale to zero, supports asynchronous and synchronous calls, the retry pattern, and more.

More: https://github.com/AxaFrance/SlimFaas

Kubernetes Architect

24 Dec, 15:16

cdk8s is an open-source software development framework for defining Kubernetes applications and reusable abstractions using familiar programming languages and rich object-oriented APIs.

More: https://github.com/cdk8s-team/cdk8s

Kubernetes Architect

23 Dec, 19:11

Kusion is a modern application delivery and management toolchain that enables developers to specify desired intent in a declarative way and then use consistent workflow to drive continuous deployment through the application lifecycle.

More: https://github.com/KusionStack/kusion

Kubernetes Architect

23 Dec, 15:16

Timoni is a package manager for Kubernetes, powered by CUE and inspired by Helm.

Instead of using Go templates with YAML like Helm or layering YAML like Kustomize, Timoni relies on Cuelang's type safety, code generation and data validation features.

More: https://github.com/stefanprodan/timoni

Kubernetes Architect

23 Dec, 15:06

Nathan Taber, Kubernetes and Container Registries Head of Product at Amazon Web Services (AWS), discusses three emerging tools reshaping the Kubernetes ecosystem.

He explains how Ray is becoming the go-to platform for machine learning training and inference, while Karpenter introduces a new approach to cluster scaling and compute optimization. The third tool, AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK), enables teams to manage AWS resources directly from Kubernetes manifests — eliminating the complexity of external infrastructure management tools like Terraform or CloudFormation.

Watch the full interview: https://ku.bz/CYdKR23Z1

Kubernetes Architect

21 Dec, 12:51

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Software Engineer with Modern Treasury
💰 $200K to $360K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Software Engineer with Calendly
💰 $212.5K to $345K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Head of Infrastructure with Freenome
💰 $197.2K to $304K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Software Engineer with Varo Bank
💰 $220K to $280K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

👉 Browse all 1444 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

20 Dec, 19:16

yoke is a Helm-inspired tool that deploys infrastructure-as-code (IaC) packages to Kubernetes.

More: https://github.com/davidmdm/yoke

Kubernetes Architect

20 Dec, 15:22

Headlamp is an easy-to-use and extensible Kubernetes web UI.

More: https://github.com/headlamp-k8s/headlamp

Kubernetes Architect

19 Dec, 19:16

Reloader is a Kubernetes controller that monitors changes in ConfigMap and Secrets and triggers rolling upgrades on Pods with their associated Deployment, StatefulSet or DaemonSet.

More: https://github.com/stakater/Reloader

Kubernetes Architect

19 Dec, 15:36

Kube No Trouble (kubent) is a tool to check whether you're using any deprecated APIs in your cluster and, therefore, should upgrade your workloads first before upgrading your Kubernetes cluster.

More: https://github.com/doitintl/kube-no-trouble

Kubernetes Architect

18 Dec, 19:21

Capsule implements a multi-tenant and policy-based environment in your Kubernetes cluster.

It is designed as a micro-services-based ecosystem with a minimalist approach, leveraging only on upstream Kubernetes.

More: https://github.com/projectcapsule/capsule

Kubernetes Architect

18 Dec, 15:21

Backsnap is a tool for performing backups of persistent volumes (PV/PVC) in a Kubernetes cluster, which can be used in disaster recovery scenarios.

More: https://github.com/skybitsnl/backsnap

Kubernetes Architect

18 Dec, 12:11

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 110:

🔎 Container interference detection and mitigation
🧮 Kubernetes instance calculator
👍 Comparison of networking solutions for Kubernetes
🪣 Using S3 as a container registry
🏎️ Benchmarking what actually drives our containers

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/110

🌟 Become an expert in Kubernetes! Join the next Advanced Kubernetes workshop in January: https://learnk8s.io/training

Kubernetes Architect

17 Dec, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Security Architect with Adobe Inc.
💰 $191.7K to $345.7K a year
🏠 From the office in Seattle, WA / San Francisco / San Jose, CA, USA

Software Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $180K to $339.25K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States, Canada

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA

Solution Architect with Rackspace US Inc
💰 $180K to $308K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

👉 Browse all 1421 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

17 Dec, 19:11

CoreDNS Manager Operator is a tool that simplifies the management of internal DNS within a Kubernetes cluster.

It allows users to manage DNS records and zones using a GitOps approach and is particularly well-suited for offline or home lab setups.

More: https://github.com/monkale-io/coredns-manager-operator

Kubernetes Architect

17 Dec, 15:16

This article explains how to migrate existing Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (HPAs) to KEDA, highlighting the challenges and presenting a custom operator solution that automates the process by creating a ScaledObject for each HPA with a specific annotation.

More: https://yasintahaerol.medium.com/migrating-hpa-to-keda-13e946ee29ee

Kubernetes Architect

16 Dec, 19:11

Kanister is an extensible framework for application data management on Kubernetes.

It allows domain experts to capture application-specific data management tasks in blueprints that can be easily shared and extended.

More: https://github.com/kanisterio/kanister

Kubernetes Architect

16 Dec, 15:16

Not all CPU and memory in your Kubernetes nodes can be used to run Pods.

The node has to run processes such as the Kubelet, daemons such as kube-proxy, and the operating system.

Explore the best instance types for your Kubernetes cluster interactively.

More: https://learnk8s.io/kubernetes-instance-calculator

Kubernetes Architect

14 Dec, 12:46

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Software Engineer with Modern Treasury
💰 $200K to $360K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Software Engineer with Calendly
💰 $212.5K to $345K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Head of Infrastructure with Freenome
💰 $197.2K to $304K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Software Engineer with Varo Bank
💰 $220K to $280K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

👉 Browse all 1366 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

03 Dec, 15:11

Learn how the Gateway API in Kubernetes provides a modular approach to traffic management, supporting advanced use cases such as traffic splitting, redirects, and rewrites.

More: https://medium.com/@kedarnath93/what-is-gateway-api-in-kubernetes-and-how-does-it-differ-from-ingress-api-aa0404d7fc09

Kubernetes Architect

03 Dec, 12:16

Michael Levan explains how specialized teams and smart abstractions can lead to better outcomes.

You will learn:

- How to use Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) and abstractions to empower teams without requiring everyone to be a Kubernetes expert.
- How to balance specialization and collaboration using platform engineering practices and smart abstractions
- Practical strategies for managing cognitive load in engineering teams and why not everyone needs to know YAML.

Watch (or listen to) it here: https://ku.bz/qlZPfM-zr

🌟 This episode is brought to you by Testkube — scale all of your tests with Kubernetes, integrate seamlessly with CI/CD and centralize test troubleshooting and reporting https://ku.bz/r8JZXNd2f

With @Birthmarkb "Farm boy" Farrell

Kubernetes Architect

02 Dec, 19:11

Discover how the Airbyte team deploys workloads across multiple Kubernetes clusters using a control-plane/data-plane architecture.

This approach allows Airbyte Cloud to effectively manage workloads and scale to accommodate increasing demands.

More: https://airbyte.com/blog/load-balancing-airbyte-workloads-across-multiple-kubernetes-clusters

Kubernetes Architect

02 Dec, 18:06

James Wilson, VP of Engineering & Product Development Leader at nOps, explains a systematic approach to reducing Kubernetes costs.

While the ideal scenario starts with optimizing at the container level followed by infrastructure utilization, James recommends prioritizing based on impact. For most organizations, he suggests focusing on quick wins like moving workloads to Spot instances rather than attempting lower-level architectural changes. The key is to make optimization a continuous process and always start with visibility into your infrastructure.

Watch the full interview: https://ku.bz/-2Sqn9Jb9

This interview is a reaction to Miguel Bernabeu Diaz and Thibault Jamet's episode https://ku.bz/_k-Y1jgFS

Kubernetes Architect

02 Dec, 15:16

Telepresence is an open-source tool that allows code and test microservices locally against a remote Kubernetes cluster.

More: https://telepresence.io

Kubernetes Architect

02 Dec, 15:06

Wojciech Barczynski, VP of Engineering at Spacelift, discusses how different tools can manage infrastructure drift.

He contrasts Kubernetes' native approach using a central data source with Terraform and OpenTofu's externalized state management.

While Crossplane represents the future of autonomous infrastructure management, Wojciech explains how combining Atlantis and Spacelift with policy controls can provide effective drift detection and remediation today.

Watch the full interview: https://ku.bz/-2Sqn9Jb9

This interview is a reaction to Dan Garfield's episode https://ku.bz/m3YNgCh1W

Kubernetes Architect

30 Nov, 12:46

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Head of Infrastructure with GetResponse
💰 $58.88K to $88.32K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from Poland

Software Engineer with Modern Treasury
💰 $200K to $360K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Software Engineer with Calendly
💰 $212.5K to $345K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

Head of Infrastructure with Freenome
💰 $197.2K to $304K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States

👉 Browse all 1377 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

29 Nov, 19:16

This article explains how to structure a Git repository to manage multiple environments and applications and deploy and promote applications across environments using GitOps and ArgoCD.

More: https://medium.com/@jp-gouin/gitops-at-scale-clusters-bootstrapping-f36695d4340d

Kubernetes Architect

29 Nov, 15:21

This article compares Rook-Ceph and Piraeus Datastore.

The results show that Piraeus Datastore outperforms Rook-Ceph regarding latency and IOPS, but Rook-Ceph may be a better choice for building a dedicated storage tier or larger-scale instances.

More: https://medium.com/@gjanders03/kubernetes-storage-performance-comparison-rook-ceph-and-piraeus-datastore-linstor-e9bc2859a8f0#ae80

Kubernetes Architect

28 Nov, 19:11

Learn how Games24x7 migrated their Node.js services to Kubernetes, including packaging Node.js and Nginx containers, leveraging TargetGroupBinding for request routing, and optimizing API latency with NodeLocal DNSCache.

More: https://medium.com/@Games24x7Tech/how-we-seamlessly-transitioned-our-node-services-to-k8s-7e2e6067daa0

Kubernetes Architect

28 Nov, 15:11

This article discusses the challenges of using 3-Way Merge in Helm 3 and how werf 2.0 uses Server-Side Apply to update Kubernetes resources.

More: https://blog.werf.io/ssa-vs-3wm-in-helm-werf-nelm-4d7996354ebe

Kubernetes Architect

27 Nov, 19:11

Cuber is an automation tool that makes it easy to publish your applications on Kubernetes.

Cuber is a gem written in Ruby, but you can deploy apps in any language and framework.

More: https://github.com/cuber-cloud/cuber-gem

Kubernetes Architect

27 Nov, 15:16

This article explains how to safeguard deployments with a PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) and provides examples of how to create and configure a PDB to ensure high availability and reliability of critical workloads.

More: https://medium.com/cwan-engineering/safeguarding-your-kubernetes-deployments-with-a-poddistruptionbudget-a132b122bfb0

Kubernetes Architect

27 Nov, 12:36

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 107:

💰 How I came to build a cheap server cluster for VDI
🐝 eBPF maps state synchronization across multi-node Kubernetes cluster
🕸️ Service Meshes decoded: is Istio Ambient worth it?
🗑️ How to uninstall Multus CNI without borking your Kubernetes cluster
📝 Kubernetes configuration in 2024

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/107

🌟 This newsletter is brought to you by Robusta Dev — reduce Prometheus and Kubernetes troubleshooting time by 80% with an AI Assistant. Fewer alerts and better developer experience https://ku.bz/NdP67ry-g

Kubernetes Architect

26 Nov, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Security Architect with Adobe Inc.
💰 $191.7K to $345.7K a year
🏠 From the office in Seattle, WA / San Francisco / San Jose, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b6de3faf-adb8-462a-9dd9-260446149b27?s=55

Software Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $180K to $339.25K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States, Canada
→ https://kube.careers/t/aa46f505-bb2b-449c-a47a-65146dee1167?s=55

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b9a90583-a0e8-4f13-b776-839c8b1d6275?s=55

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/7a84e3ee-270f-4c18-b89b-ac0a8a928743?s=55

Software Architect with Saviynt
💰 $240K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/fd80ccf3-cd80-4348-b04f-8e8541b093c3?s=55

👉 Browse all 1339 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

26 Nov, 19:11

This article provides a guide to monitoring, troubleshooting, and analyzing queries for PostgreSQL on Kubernetes using Percona Monitoring and Management, allowing users to gain insights into their database's health and optimize its performance.

More: https://dev.to/dbazhenov/monitoring-troubleshooting-and-query-analytics-for-postgresql-on-kubernetes-2onj

Kubernetes Architect

26 Nov, 15:31

Gari Singh, Product Manager at Google, shares his experience managing 5,000 Kubernetes clusters before joining Google.

He discusses why GKE Autopilot is compelling for most users, highlighting key features such as automated node management, cluster upgrades, and dynamic resizing. While he advocates for managed solutions that let teams focus on workloads, Gari emphasizes the importance of providing granular control options for teams that need them. This balance between automation and flexibility is crucial for Kubernetes' continued adoption.

Watch the full interview: https://ku.bz/RHb2QCKxs

This interview is a reaction to Mathew Duggan's episode https://ku.bz/G6tPB0114

Kubernetes Architect

26 Nov, 15:11

This article demonstrates the complexities of creating and deploying configurations through a simple Helm example, emphasizing the steps involved and the difficulties in managing configuration templates.

More: https://medium.com/@bgrant0607/complexity-and-toil-in-infrastructure-as-code-6ca9a6d2af37

Kubernetes Architect

25 Nov, 19:17

HolmesGPT is a tool that investigates incidents and provides root cause analysis for various issues, including Kubernetes, Prometheus, Jira, GitHub, OpsGenie, and PagerDuty alerts.

It uses a large language model (LLM) to gather and analyze data.

More: https://github.com/robusta-dev/holmesgpt

Kubernetes Architect

25 Nov, 15:16

kubectl-slice is a tool for splitting a single multi-YAML Kubernetes manifest or a folder containing multiple manifests into multiple subfiles using a naming convention you choose.

More: https://github.com/patrickdappollonio/kubectl-slice

Kubernetes Architect

23 Nov, 12:46

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Head of Infrastructure with GetResponse
💰 $58.38K to $87.57K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from Poland
→ https://kube.careers/t/577178a6-83a6-4004-83f1-ae168fcf6b4d?s=55

Software Engineer with Modern Treasury
💰 $200K to $360K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/deceb23e-4700-4fd7-8a30-20c7466f1d60?s=55

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/e51e0558-16c8-434a-9d35-5ff094ffc0f8?s=55

Software Engineer with Calendly
💰 $212.5K to $345K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/189fbf6d-196b-4d99-a3c1-d03c7456872f?s=55

Head of Infrastructure with Freenome
💰 $197.2K to $304K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/a56de5e4-fc55-48e9-a512-60d650a0d2f6?s=55

👉 Browse all 1394 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

22 Nov, 19:16

mapkubeapis is a Helm v3 plugin which updates in-place Helm release metadata that contains deprecated or removed Kubernetes APIs to a new instance with supported Kubernetes APIs.

More: https://github.com/helm/helm-mapkubeapis

Kubernetes Architect

22 Nov, 16:31

Akamai Technologies has launched App Platform, a solution for simplifying Kubernetes deployment in enterprise environments.

The platform tackles a fundamental challenge in the Kubernetes ecosystem: modern Kubernetes has evolved into a platform that requires multiple other platforms to function effectively.

With the App Platform, teams can deploy these essential upstream projects with just a few clicks, significantly reducing the complexity of enterprise Kubernetes deployments.

Watch the full announcement: https://ku.bz/s2r8-LW53

Explore the Akamai App Platform: https://ku.bz/hhj1NZ06b

Kubernetes Architect

22 Nov, 15:16

Vault DB Injector is a tool that automates the management of database credentials for Kubernetes applications by leveraging the Vault database engine.

More: https://github.com/numberly/vault-db-injector

Kubernetes Architect

21 Nov, 23:21

Deepak Goel, Director of Engineering at Nutanix, discusses three emerging tools in the Kubernetes ecosystem.

He explains how Kyverno simplifies implementing policy as code through native Kubernetes YAML files, how Flux addresses configuration management challenges through GitOps, and how Metal3 extends Cluster API to support bare metal infrastructure — marking the transition from virtualization to containerization.

Watch the full interview: https://ku.bz/C0K0-KKR1

Kubernetes Architect

21 Nov, 19:11

KubeBlocks is an open-source Kubernetes operator that manages relational, NoSQL, vector, and streaming databases on the public cloud or on-premise.

It is designed for production, providing reliable, performant, cost-effective data infrastructure.

More: https://github.com/apecloud/kubeblocks

Kubernetes Architect

21 Nov, 18:21

Kloudfuse released CloudViews 3.0, a major update to their Kubernetes observability platform. The new release includes:

- Enhanced AI and ML capabilities for anomaly detection, forecasting, and outlier detection
- New session replay and frontend observability monitoring
- K-Lens analysis tool that creates interactive heat maps to identify system anomalies

The platform maintains its core functionality of metrics, logs, and traces monitoring while expanding its analytical capabilities.

Watch the full announcement: https://ku.bz/6kDNjzWH-

Read the official announcement: https://ku.bz/MkLWmnb_C

Kubernetes Architect

21 Nov, 15:16

This repository contains the instructor-lead and hands-on lab exercises for NGINX as a Service for Microsoft Azure.

More: https://github.com/nginxinc/nginx-azure-workshops

Kubernetes Architect

20 Nov, 19:11

Mayfly is a Kubernetes operator that enables you to create temporary resources on the cluster that will expire after a certain period of time.

More: https://github.com/NCCloud/mayfly

Kubernetes Architect

20 Nov, 19:06

In this case study, you will learn how the team at Darmstadt University built a cost-effective server cluster for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure using Kubernetes and Ceph, providing an affordable alternative to traditional VDI offerings.

More: https://medium.com/@mnl_584/how-i-came-to-build-a-cheap-server-cluster-for-vdi-ca2ed6028eb2

Kubernetes Architect

20 Nov, 18:13

This article explains how to use Sealed Secrets with Kubernetes applications, covering the creation and encryption of secrets, and deployment via ArgoCD.

More: https://devoriales.com/post/351/using-sealed-secrets-with-your-kubernetes-applications

Kubernetes Architect

20 Nov, 15:16

The article explores the current state of Kubernetes configuration tools in 2024, including the most popular tools, such as Helm and Kustomize, and discusses the challenges and complexities of configuration management in Kubernetes.

More: https://itnext.io/kubernetes-configuration-in-2024-434abc7a5a1b

Kubernetes Architect

20 Nov, 12:16

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 106:

How to solve the issue of network latency jitters caused by a massive number of IPVS rules
🏋️‍♀️ Load testing Kubernetes clients without breaking the bank
🚦 Terminating elegantly: a guide to graceful shutdowns
📉 How I reduced EKS Windows node start time from 5 min to ~90s
🤔 How Kubernetes Requests and Limits Really Work

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/106

🌟 This newsletter is brought to you by Testkube — Scale all of your tests with Kubernetes, integrate seamlessly with CI/CD and centralize test troubleshooting and reporting https://ku.bz/_bByjc0mQ

Kubernetes Architect

19 Nov, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Security Architect with Adobe Inc.
💰 $191.7K to $345.7K a year
🏠 From the office in Seattle, WA / San Francisco / San Jose, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b6de3faf-adb8-462a-9dd9-260446149b27?s=55

Software Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $180K to $339.25K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States, Canada
→ https://kube.careers/t/aa46f505-bb2b-449c-a47a-65146dee1167?s=55

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b9a90583-a0e8-4f13-b776-839c8b1d6275?s=55

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/7a84e3ee-270f-4c18-b89b-ac0a8a928743?s=55

Software Architect with Saviynt
💰 $240K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/fd80ccf3-cd80-4348-b04f-8e8541b093c3?s=55

👉 Browse all 1407 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

19 Nov, 19:11

The HULL Helm library chart is designed to ease building, maintaining and configuring Kubernetes objects in Helm charts.

More: https://github.com/vidispine/hull

Kubernetes Architect

19 Nov, 18:06

Reflector is a Kubernetes addon designed to monitor changes to resources (Secrets and ConfigMaps) and reflect changes to mirror resources in the same or other namespaces.

More: https://github.com/emberstack/kubernetes-reflector

Kubernetes Architect

19 Nov, 15:16

This article explains how mirrord mirrors remote environments and integrates with Kubernetes for local development and debugging, and provides a step-by-step guide on setting up and using mirrord with a Node.js application.

More: https://uthy.hashnode.dev/using-mirrord-for-local-development-and-debugging

Kubernetes Architect

19 Nov, 14:31

SlimFaas is a tool for creating functions as a service on Kubernetes.

It allows you to scale to zero, supports asynchronous and synchronous calls, the retry pattern, and more.

More: https://github.com/AxaFrance/SlimFaas

Kubernetes Architect

19 Nov, 12:36

@miamorecadenza shares their journey in building a "compute as a faucet" home lab where infrastructure becomes invisible and tasks can be executed without manual intervention.

You will learn:

- How to evaluate operating systems for your home lab — from Rocky Linux to Talos Linux, and why minimal, immutable operating systems are gaining traction.
- How to implement a three-tier storage strategy combining Longhorn (replicated storage), NFS (bulk storage), and S3 (cloud storage) to handle different workload requirements.
- How to secure your home lab with certificate-based authentication, WireGuard VPN, and proper DNS configuration while protecting your home IP address.

Watch (or listen to) it here: https://ku.bz/2kzj2MgfH

🌟 This episode is sponsored by Nutanix — innovate faster with a complete and open cloud-native stack for all your apps and data anywhere https://ku.bz/wb_0GNHnr

With @Birthmarkb "SIG-Bart" Farrell

Kubernetes Architect

18 Nov, 19:16

Learn how to create custom Prometheus metrics in a Go application, deploy it on Kubernetes, configure Prometheus to scrape the metrics, and use Keda to autoscale pods based on the metrics.

More: https://medium.com/@emirhandogandemir/autoscaling-with-keda-and-prometheus-using-custom-metrics-in-go-558a64668fc4

Kubernetes Architect

16 Nov, 12:46

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Head of Infrastructure with GetResponse
💰 $58.33K to $87.49K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from Poland
→ https://kube.careers/t/577178a6-83a6-4004-83f1-ae168fcf6b4d?s=55

Software Engineer with Modern Treasury
💰 $200K to $360K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/deceb23e-4700-4fd7-8a30-20c7466f1d60?s=55

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/e51e0558-16c8-434a-9d35-5ff094ffc0f8?s=55

Software Engineer with Calendly
💰 $212.5K to $345K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/189fbf6d-196b-4d99-a3c1-d03c7456872f?s=55

Head of Infrastructure with Freenome
💰 $197.2K to $304K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/a56de5e4-fc55-48e9-a512-60d650a0d2f6?s=55

👉 Browse all 1397 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

15 Nov, 19:11

This article shows how to generate a custom type-safe Helm Chart construct using Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes (cdk8s), allowing you to define Kubernetes applications and reusable abstractions using familiar programming languages.

More: https://medium.com/@andrzejkomarnicki/generate-a-custom-type-safe-helm-chart-construct-with-cdk8s-88dd27f486c0

Kubernetes Architect

15 Nov, 18:26

Eron Wright, software engineer at Pulumi, explains how Pulumi implements GitOps at two distinct levels.

At the first level, infrastructure code (pods, service accounts, IAM roles) and configurations are version-controlled through Git, with GitHub integration providing visual previews of stack changes in PRs.

At the second level, the Pulumi Kubernetes Operator manages stack deployments across environments by monitoring Git repositories and automatically deploying changes.

Watch the full interview: https://ku.bz/YKSdWYY6r

This interview is a reaction to Sven Hans Knecht's episode https://kube.fm/platform-engineering-hans

Kubernetes Architect

15 Nov, 15:16

In this article, you'll discuss the problems associated with hard shutdowns and how to implement graceful shutdowns using Go's signal package and Kubernetes' termination lifecycle.

More: https://packagemain.tech/p/graceful-shutdowns-k8s-go

Kubernetes Architect

14 Nov, 19:16

Snorlax is a tool that automates the process of waking and sleeping Kubernetes deployments on a schedule.

This allows you to save costs, reduce security risks, and be more environmentally responsible.

More: https://github.com/moonbeam-nyc/snorlax

Kubernetes Architect

14 Nov, 16:26

Karthik Ranganathan, Founder & Co-CEO at YugabyteDB, shares a three-part strategy for managing constrained resources in Kubernetes clusters.

He explains how to handle resource limitations through repeatable deployment units rather than monolithic deployments, using intelligent resource limits with cloud-native software that responds to pressure and implementing actionable observability to identify resource bottlenecks quickly.

Watch the full interview: https://ku.bz/4NN2xYwFh

This interview is a reaction to Stéphane Goetz's episode https://kube.fm/10k-builds-jenkins-stephane

Kubernetes Architect

14 Nov, 15:19

The namespace-configuration-operator helps to keep configurations related to Users, Groups and Namespaces aligned.

The purpose is to provide the foundational building block to create an end-to-end onboarding process.

More: https://github.com/redhat-cop/namespace-configuration-operator

Kubernetes Architect

14 Nov, 15:10

Kubeswitch is a command-line tool to ease switching between different kubectl contexts.

Kubeswitch is a drop-in replacement for kubectx.

More: https://github.com/danielfoehrKn/kubeswitch

Kubernetes Architect

14 Nov, 14:31

Kubeswitch is a command-line tool to ease switching between different kubectl contexts.

Kubeswitch is a drop-in replacement for kubectx.

More: https://github.com/danielfoehrKn/kubeswitch

Kubernetes Architect

14 Nov, 03:36

nOps announces the launch of theKarpenter Lab series, a self—paced training environment debuting atKubeCon + CloudNativeCon. The series begins with a 101 lab that provides hands-on experience with Karpenter, AWS's node provisioning framework for Kubernetes clusters.

The announcement is critical as many organizations are either adopting or evaluating Karpenter for their infrastructure. The lab will be freely available to the CNCF community during KubeCon, offering a practical environment to learn node provisioning in Kubernetes clusters.

Explore the labs here: https://ku.bz/FsCP1ZYkv

Watch the full interview: https://kube.fm/nops-launches-industry-s-first-self-paced-karpenter-lab

Kubernetes Architect

13 Nov, 19:11

cluster-proportional-autoscaler lets you scale the number of replicas for a Kubernetes deployment or replication controller based on the size of the cluster, allowing for more efficient use of resources and easier management of large-scale applications.

More: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-proportional-autoscaler

Kubernetes Architect

13 Nov, 18:11

Pinniped is the easy, secure way to log in to your Kubernetes clusters.

More: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/pinniped

Kubernetes Architect

13 Nov, 16:26

Yasmin Rajabi COO at StormForge discusses the common pitfall of overprovisioning in Kubernetes clusters.

She reveals how teams blindly set their HorizontalPodAutoscaler target utilization to 60% simply because it appears in the Kubernetes documentation, effectively wasting 40% of CPU resources.

She outlines two optimization strategies: monitoring static applications through Grafana dashboards for accurate resource allocation and implementing automated scaling for dynamic workloads with varying resource needs throughout different time periods.

Watch the full interview: https://kube.fm/resources-automation-yasmin

This interview is a reaction to Alexandre Souza's episode https://kube.fm/hpa-at-scale-alex

Kubernetes Architect

13 Nov, 15:11

Helmfile is a declarative specification for deploying Helm charts.

It lets you:

- Keep a directory of chart value files and maintain changes in version control.
- Apply CI/CD to configuration changes.
- Periodically sync to avoid skew in environments.

More: https://github.com/helmfile/helmfile

Kubernetes Architect

13 Nov, 15:06

HyperShift is a middleware for hosting OpenShift control planes at scale that saves cost and time to provision and portability cross-cloud with a strong separation of concerns between management and workloads.

More: https://github.com/openshift/hypershift

Kubernetes Architect

13 Nov, 12:21

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 105:

🇨🇳 Chinese Docker Hub complete shutdown: how far can Kubernetes image repositories go?
🤯 Overengineering this blog's preview site with Kubernetes
🧐 Taking a look at the Kube-proxy API
🥇 Kubernetes: the road to 1.0
🏃‍♂️ Extending Kubernetes functionality: A practical guide to custom resource definitions

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/105

🌟 This newsletter is brought to you by Syntasso, creators of Kratix, a framework for building composable developer platforms. Deploy on Kubernetes with speed, safety, and scalability https://ku.bz/0F0XMbqgN

Kubernetes Architect

12 Nov, 21:11

🎁 [Stormforge] is giving away 100 signed copies of Chad's "Acing the Kubernetes Administrator Exam" at their booth on Thursday, 11/14, at 1:30 PM MST.

Meet the author & get this valuable resource for acing certification exams!


Kubernetes Architect

12 Nov, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Security Architect with Adobe Inc.
💰 $191.7K to $345.7K a year
🏠 From the office in Seattle, WA / San Francisco / San Jose, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b6de3faf-adb8-462a-9dd9-260446149b27?s=55

Software Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $180K to $339.25K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States, Canada
→ https://kube.careers/t/aa46f505-bb2b-449c-a47a-65146dee1167?s=55

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b9a90583-a0e8-4f13-b776-839c8b1d6275?s=55

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/7a84e3ee-270f-4c18-b89b-ac0a8a928743?s=55

Software Architect with Saviynt
💰 $240K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/fd80ccf3-cd80-4348-b04f-8e8541b093c3?s=55

👉 Browse all 1390 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

12 Nov, 19:11

external-snapshotter is a sidecar container that watches Kubernetes Snapshot CRD objects and triggers CreateSnapshot/DeleteSnapshot against a CSI endpoint.

More: https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter

Kubernetes Architect

12 Nov, 15:11

Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform is a tool that centrally manages the global automation of thousands of Kubernetes clusters across multi-cloud, on-prem and edge with unparalleled density and resilience.

More: https://github.com/kubermatic/kubermatic

Kubernetes Architect

07 Nov, 19:11

Argo CD Diff Preview is a tool that renders the diff between two branches in a Git repository, providing a clear and concise view of the changes between two branches, similar to Atlantis for Terraform.

More: https://github.com/dag-andersen/argocd-diff-preview

Kubernetes Architect

07 Nov, 16:26

Hillai Ben-Sasson and Ronen Shustin, Security Researchers at Wiz, emphasized that containers should not be solely relied upon as security barriers due to their vulnerability to kernel exploits and common misconfiguration.

They also pointed out significant risks associated with strong secrets within Kubernetes environments, which can grant extensive read and write access across different cloud services and customers.

Watch the full episode: https://kube.fm/hacking-alibaba-ronen-hillai

Kubernetes Architect

07 Nov, 15:11

This tutorial demonstrates how to integrate Backstage with Kubernetes, including installing and configuring Backstage to work with Kubernetes-native services like Argo CD and Prometheus.

More: https://piotrminkowski.com/2024/06/28/backstage-on-kubernetes

Kubernetes Architect

06 Nov, 19:11

kubectl-browse-pvc is a tool for browsing the contents of a Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) from the command line.

It eliminates the need to create temporary pods to inspect PVCs.

More: https://github.com/clbx/kubectl-browse-pvc

Kubernetes Architect

06 Nov, 16:26

Adnan Rahić, Staff Developer Advocate at Tracetest, discusses effective team organization. He explains:

Composition of platform teams:

- Mix of SREs, developers, and QAs
- Focus on developer experience, reliability, and performance

Benefits of specialization within teams:

- Dedicated groups for performance optimization using profiling and observability tools
- Teams focused on infrastructure cost management

Importance of clear team structure:

- Leverages individual strengths
- Facilitates collaboration
- Enables further specialization

Adnan emphasizes that this approach leads to more efficient and focused teams in complex Kubernetes environments.

Watch the full interview: https://kube.fm/telemetry-platforming-adnan

Kubernetes Architect

06 Nov, 15:11

The author recounts their experience overengineering a preview site for their blog using Kubernetes.

They describe the challenges they faced and the solutions they implemented, including using protocol buffers, NATS, and Valkey.

More: https://xeiaso.net/blog/2024/overengineering-preview-site

Kubernetes Architect

06 Nov, 15:06

Kubeshark, the API Traffic Viewer for kubernetes, provides deep visibility and monitoring of all API traffic and payloads going in, out and across containers and pods inside a Kubernetes cluster.

More: https://kubeshark.co

Kubernetes Architect

06 Nov, 14:36

In this blog, you'll learn how LoxiLB, deployed within an auto-scaled node group in AWS region/Local Zones and integrated with Route 53, offers a robust and scalable solution for low-latency, high-performance applications.


Kubernetes Architect

06 Nov, 11:11

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 104:

🤔 Why sometimes the PID 1 process cannot be killed in a container
📕 Understanding DNS in Kubernetes
🏥 From fragile to faultless: Kubernetes self-healing in practice
🚧 The trouble with topology-aware routing: sacrificing reliability in the name of cost savings
♻️ Taming FluxCD Helm releases: the Kustomize way approach

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/104

⭐️ Become an expert in Kubernetes. Join the next instructor-led Learnk8s training and learn how to master Kubernetes scaling, security and development https://learnk8s.io/training

Kubernetes Architect

05 Nov, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Security Architect with Adobe Inc.
💰 $191.7K to $345.7K a year
🏠 From the office in Seattle, WA / San Francisco / San Jose, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b6de3faf-adb8-462a-9dd9-260446149b27?s=55

Software Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $180K to $339.25K a year
🏠🏃🏻‍♂️🌎 California, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/3bfa399e-4441-41db-87eb-1edbeda9fd53?s=55

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b9a90583-a0e8-4f13-b776-839c8b1d6275?s=55

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/7a84e3ee-270f-4c18-b89b-ac0a8a928743?s=55

Software Architect with Saviynt
💰 $240K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/fd80ccf3-cd80-4348-b04f-8e8541b093c3?s=55

👉 Browse all 1253 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

05 Nov, 19:11

mani-diffy is a tool that walks a hierarchy of Argo CD Application templates, renders Kubernetes manifests from the input templates, and posts the rendered files back for the user to review and validate.

More: https://github.com/chime/mani-diffy

Kubernetes Architect

05 Nov, 15:31

Learn how to scale Kubernetes pods based on HTTP traffic using the KEDA HTTP Add-on, which automatically scales HTTP servers up and down based on incoming traffic.

More: https://blog.raulnq.com/scaling-kubernetes-pods-based-on-http-traffic-using-keda-http-add-on

Kubernetes Architect

05 Nov, 12:41

This episode explores Admission Controllers and Webhooks with Gordon Myers, who shares his experience implementing webhook solutions in production.

You will learn:

- How the Kubernetes API processes requests through authentication, authorization, and Admission Controllers.
- Best practices for testing webhooks and avoiding common pitfalls that can break cluster deployments.
- Real-world examples of webhook implementations, including injecting secrets from HashiCorp Vault into containers.

Watch (or listen to) it here: https://kube.fm/webhooks-aop-gordon

🌟 This episode is sponsored by @Learnk8s: get started on your Kubernetes journey through comprehensive online, in-person or remote training https://learnk8s.io/training

With @Birthmarkb "Joyful and empowering voice" Farrell

Kubernetes Architect

04 Nov, 19:11

CubeFS is a cloud native distributed storage system designed to facilitate data sharing and protection.

It supports S3, POSIX, HDFS, and other protocols.

More: https://cubefs.io

Kubernetes Architect

04 Nov, 19:06

This article discusses the limitations of Topology-Aware Routing in Kubernetes, which prevents cross-zone traffic but can also lead to reliability issues and limit the benefits of multi-zone clusters.

More: https://buoyant.io/blog/the-trouble-with-topology-aware-routing-sacrificing-reliability-to-avoid-cross-zone-traffic

Kubernetes Architect

04 Nov, 16:31

Peter Zaitsev, Percona founder and Coroot Co-founder, challenges the outdated notion that Kubernetes is only for stateless applications. He explains that:

1. Practices for running stateful applications in Kubernetes have matured significantly
2. Percona has developed Kubernetes operators for all their supported databases
3. Large customers are successfully running serious workloads in Kubernetes

Peter emphasizes the importance of proper configuration to prevent data loss, as Kubernetes can be unpredictable in handling pods if not set up correctly. This insight highlights the evolution of Kubernetes from its early days to its current capability to handle both stateless and stateful applications effectively.

Watch the full interview: https://kube.fm/databases-o11y-peter

This interview is a reaction to Steven Sklar's episode https://kube.fm//operators-steven

Kubernetes Architect

04 Nov, 15:16

This article describes a simple recovery process for a StatefulSet that has lost its PVCs due to accidental deletion.

More: https://medium.com/@moty.fux/bouncing-back-how-to-fix-your-statefulset-after-pvc-deletion-disaster-d70f6ec1a92d

Kubernetes Architect

02 Nov, 12:46

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Software Engineer with Grafana Labs
💰 $81.32K to $97.58K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from India
→ https://kube.careers/t/d12dd903-1a72-4f91-8680-92d3d266d06a?s=55

Head Of Engineering with MeridianLink
💰 $269.6K to $346.1K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/36002e59-bd52-450e-803f-34335f11e2a0?s=55

Head of Infrastructure with GetResponse
💰 $59.81K to $89.72K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from Poland
→ https://kube.careers/t/577178a6-83a6-4004-83f1-ae168fcf6b4d?s=55

Software Engineer with Modern Treasury
💰 $200K to $360K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/deceb23e-4700-4fd7-8a30-20c7466f1d60?s=55

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/e51e0558-16c8-434a-9d35-5ff094ffc0f8?s=55

👉 Browse all 1305 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

01 Nov, 19:16

This article guides readers through adding a MongoDB database to a Kubernetes cluster, creating a Spring Boot application to interact with the database, and deploying the application to the cluster.

More: https://medium.com/@martin.hodges/my-experience-adding-a-mongodb-no-sql-database-to-my-kubernetes-cluster-f43fe72fa0ba

Kubernetes Architect

01 Nov, 15:16

Optimizing the Kubernetes dev experience requires a balanced approach.

Rather than trying to make everyone a Kubernetes expert, organizations can benefit from creating silos of expertise and using tools like ArgoCD to simplify the development process.

More: https://dev.to/thenjdevopsguy/optimize-the-kubernetes-dev-experience-by-creating-silos-77d

Kubernetes Architect

28 Oct, 19:11

The s3gw project is a lightweight, open-source S3 service for small deployments that is easy to deploy in a cloud-native environment such as Kubernetes.

More: https://s3gw.tech

Kubernetes Architect

28 Oct, 19:06

When terminated, containers may not receive SIGTERM signals, causing processes to terminate abruptly.

This issue arises when the PID 1 process in the container ignores SIGTERM signals, leading to unexpected termination.

Learn how to fix it.

More: https://itnext.io/kubernetes-containers-and-the-lost-sigterm-signals-40007f35759a

Kubernetes Architect

28 Oct, 16:31

Abdelfettah Sghiouar, Senior Developer Advocate at Google, shared his thoughts on Kubernetes multi-tenancy and that not all tools are designed with multi-tenancy in mind.

Abdel suggested an alternative approach involving a shared control plane with single node pools per tenant. This method allows for the deployment of tenant-specific tools, although it might not fully leverage Kubernetes' capabilities.

Watch the full interview: https://kube.fm/multi-tenancy-community-abdel

This interview is a reaction to Artem's episode https://kube.fm/multitenancy-artem

Kubernetes Architect

28 Oct, 15:11

This article explores the complexities of Java memory allocation and garbage collection in containerized environments and provides solutions such as using alternative garbage collectors, tweaking JVM settings, and making applications more cloud-native.

More: https://platform9.com/blog/java-memory-management-in-contanierized-environments

Kubernetes Architect

26 Oct, 12:46

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Software Engineer with Grafana Labs
💰 $81.33K to $97.59K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from India
→ https://kube.careers/t/d12dd903-1a72-4f91-8680-92d3d266d06a?s=55

Head Of Engineering with MeridianLink
💰 $269.6K to $346.1K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/36002e59-bd52-450e-803f-34335f11e2a0?s=55

Head of Infrastructure with GetResponse
💰 $59.82K to $89.73K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from Poland
→ https://kube.careers/t/577178a6-83a6-4004-83f1-ae168fcf6b4d?s=55

Software Engineer with Modern Treasury
💰 $200K to $360K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/deceb23e-4700-4fd7-8a30-20c7466f1d60?s=55

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/e51e0558-16c8-434a-9d35-5ff094ffc0f8?s=55

👉 Browse all 1369 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

25 Oct, 19:21

This tutorial explains KEDA and its components and guides you through deploying it in a local development environment using Docker and Minikube, with a use case demonstrating how to scale a job based on events in a Redis list.

More: https://medium.com/@digitalpower/kubernetes-based-event-driven-autoscaling-with-keda-a-practical-guide-ed29cf482e7b

Kubernetes Architect

25 Oct, 15:21

This article explores the challenges of running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes, comparing DIY solutions and the Bitnami Helm Chart and highlighting their automation, backup, and recovery limitations for production-ready environments.

More: https://medium.com/@davidpech_39825/dbaas-in-2024-which-postgresql-operator-for-kubernetes-to-select-for-your-platform-4d17352b35a1

Kubernetes Architect

24 Oct, 19:16

zeropod is a tool that automatically checkpoints containers to disk after a certain amount of time of the last TCP connection, allowing for fast and seamless scaling down to zero.

More: https://github.com/ctrox/zeropod

Kubernetes Architect

24 Oct, 15:16

This article explains the Quality of Service classes, including Guaranteed, Burstable, and BestEffort, and shows how to apply them to Pods.

It includes examples and a practical demonstration of how they affect resource allocation during contention.

More: https://medium.com/@muppedaanvesh/a-hands-on-guide-to-kubernetes-qos-classes-%EF%B8%8F-571b5f8f7e58

Kubernetes Architect

24 Oct, 15:06

This article explains how to manage and fix ETCD database size issues in Amazon EKS, including monitoring control plane metrics and reclaiming space.

It provides a real-life example of resolving a broken EKS cluster.

More: https://marcincuber.medium.com/amazon-eks-managing-and-fixing-etcd-database-size-b6fb875888cb

Kubernetes Architect

23 Oct, 19:16

Agoda's Gatekeeper implements load shedding in private cloud using reactive capacity determination and inflight metrics.

The Rust-based system integrates with Istio, overcoming JVM limitations to prioritize requests during high-demand periods.

More: https://medium.com/agoda-engineering/load-shedding-private-cloud-first-81ddd5ab53ac

Kubernetes Architect

23 Oct, 19:07

This article explains how Kubernetes Endpoints and Endpoint Slices manage service discovery, load balancing, and health monitoring, and provides a hands-on example and best practices for using them effectively.

More: https://medium.com/@muppedaanvesh/a-hands-on-guide-to-kubernetes-endpoints-endpointslices-%EF%B8%8F-1375dfc9075c

Kubernetes Architect

23 Oct, 15:21

To avoid unexpected scale-downs when integrating HPA with ArgoCD Rollouts, either leave the spec.replicas field unset in the Rollout manifest or use ArgoCD's ignoreDifferences option to overlook it during syncs.

More: https://medium.com/@user.andrei/unexpected-hpa-scale-down-of-argocd-rollouts-964172271ab3

Kubernetes Architect

23 Oct, 12:26

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 102:

⚖️ Load balancing and scaling long-lived connections in Kubernetes
⚒️ Build your service mesh
📈 Optimizing database performance: Exploring pgpool2 deployment on Azure Kubernetes Service
🙉 Learned it the hard way: Don't use Cilium's default pod CIDR
💸 Reducing cloud costs of Kubernetes clusters

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/102

🌟 Are you ready to double your Kubernetes resource utilization?
StormForge, the sponsor for this issue, has built an HPA-compatible vertical pod rightsizing solution designed to help you save Mem/CPU and optimize your cloud bill. You can try it for free here https://stormforge.io/optimize-live/?utm_source=Learnk8s&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=learnk8s-sow2-2024

Kubernetes Architect

23 Oct, 02:36

Emin Laletović shares his experience debugging a production issue in which a specific API endpoint failed due to out-of-memory errors.

You will learn:

- How Go's garbage collector interacts with Kubernetes resource limits, potentially leading to unexpected OOMKilled errors.
- The importance of the GOMEMLIMIT environment variable in Go 1.19+ for managing memory usage in containerized environments.
- Considerations for optimizing Go applications in Kubernetes, balancing performance and resource utilization.

Watch (or listen to) it here: https://kube.fm/kubernetes-go-emin

🌟 This episode is sponsored by StormForge. Double your Kubernetes resource utilization and unburden developers from sizing complexity with the first HPA-compatible vertical pod rightsizing solution. https://stormforge.io/optimize-live/?utm_source=Learnk8s&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=learnk8s-sow2-2024

With @Birthmarkb "miniscule" Farrell

Kubernetes Architect

22 Oct, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Software Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $180K to $339.25K a year
🏠🏃🏻‍♂️🌎 California, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/3bfa399e-4441-41db-87eb-1edbeda9fd53?s=55

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b9a90583-a0e8-4f13-b776-839c8b1d6275?s=55

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/7a84e3ee-270f-4c18-b89b-ac0a8a928743?s=55

Software Architect with Saviynt
💰 $240K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/fd80ccf3-cd80-4348-b04f-8e8541b093c3?s=55

Solution Architect with Palo Alto Networks
💰 $198K to $273K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/78c47c48-bfc8-4850-90f3-a86eaf1e136f?s=55

👉 Browse all 1263 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

22 Oct, 19:11

GitOps Bridge is a community project that aims to showcase best practices and patterns for bridging the process of creating a Kubernetes cluster and subsequently managing everything through GitOps.

It focuses on using ArgoCD or FluxCD.

More: https://github.com/gitops-bridge-dev/gitops-bridge

Kubernetes Architect

22 Oct, 19:06

In this 2-part article, you will learn how to build your own Service Mesh.

The project focuses on building a basic proxy and adding service mesh features, using Netfilter to intercept and modify network packets

More: https://dev.to/ramonberrutti/build-your-service-mesh-part-1-10ed

Kubernetes Architect

22 Oct, 15:11

Learn how to migrate from a Helm monorepo to versioned charts.

This article details benefits like semver, steps for chart preparation and CI/CD integration, and mentions Kyverno's best practices for improved dependency management and stability.

More: https://ksemele.medium.com/how-to-migrate-from-helm-monorepo-to-versioned-charts-66dfe5db321b

Kubernetes Architect

21 Oct, 19:11

kr8s is a simple, extensible Python client library with an API inspired by kubectl to reduce the developer learning curve.

More: https://github.com/kr8s-org/kr8s

Kubernetes Architect

21 Oct, 19:06

Kubernetes doesn't load balance long-lived connections, and some pods might receive more requests than others.

If you're using gRPC, AMQP or any other long-lived connection (e.g. database), you might want to consider client-side load balancing.

More: https://learnk8s.io/kubernetes-long-lived-connections

Kubernetes Architect

21 Oct, 15:11

Karpenter is an open-source cluster autoscaler that automatically provisions new nodes in response to unschedulable pods.

This guide will teach you the best practices for running Karpenter on EKS.

More: https://aws.github.io/aws-eks-best-practices/karpenter

Kubernetes Architect

21 Oct, 14:06

This article explores Kubernetes networking, focusing on Services, kube-proxy, and load balancing.

It covers how pods communicate within a cluster, how Services direct traffic, and how external access is managed.

The article covers ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer service types, explaining their implementations using iptables rules.

It also discusses advanced topics like preserving source IPs, handling terminating endpoints, and integrating with cloud load balancers.


Kubernetes Architect

19 Oct, 12:46

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Software Engineer with Grafana Labs
💰 $81.38K to $97.66K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from India
→ https://kube.careers/t/d12dd903-1a72-4f91-8680-92d3d266d06a?s=55

Head Of Engineering with MeridianLink
💰 $269.6K to $346.1K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/36002e59-bd52-450e-803f-34335f11e2a0?s=55

Head of Infrastructure with GetResponse
💰 $60.61K to $90.92K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from Poland
→ https://kube.careers/t/577178a6-83a6-4004-83f1-ae168fcf6b4d?s=55

Software Engineer with Modern Treasury
💰 $200K to $360K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/deceb23e-4700-4fd7-8a30-20c7466f1d60?s=55

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/e51e0558-16c8-434a-9d35-5ff094ffc0f8?s=55

👉 Browse all 1296 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

18 Oct, 19:16

In this tutorial, you will learn how Sleepcycles optimizes Kubernetes resources via SleepCycle CRDs, scheduling shutdowns/wake-ups for various workloads using CronJobs and Runner pods.

More: https://akyriako.medium.com/rekuberate-io-sleepcycles-reclaim-your-unused-kubernetes-resources-d144bb276aa4

Kubernetes Architect

18 Oct, 16:21

William Stewart, Co-Founder & CEO at Northflank, emphasizes the critical importance of multi-tenancy.

Will highlights that multi-tenancy is essential for security and cost optimization and allows for efficient resource utilization by dividing larger clusters into smaller, manageable units.

While this approach offers significant economies of scale, it also involves greater overhead.

Watch the full interview: https://kube.fm/kubernetes-platforms-will

This interview is a reaction to Artem's episode https://kube.fm/multitenancy-artem

Kubernetes Architect

18 Oct, 15:16

This article discusses memory limits for running Go applications in Kubernetes, exploring recommended memory limits and how to configure Go to optimize memory usage.

More: https://fenyuk.medium.com/golang-memory-limits-for-running-in-kubernetes-87835cfd2518

Kubernetes Architect

17 Oct, 19:16

Sveltos is a Kubernetes add-on controller that simplifies the deployment and management of Kubernetes add-ons and applications across multiple clusters, whether on-prem, in the cloud or in a multitenant environment.

More: https://projectsveltos.github.io/sveltos

Kubernetes Architect

17 Oct, 15:21

Learn how Adidas's team reduced cluster costs by up to 50% by leveraging tools like Karpenter, Kyverno, kube-downscaler, and KEDA.

The team optimized resource utilization, scaled applications, and reduced waste, resulting in significant cost savings.

More: https://medium.com/adidoescode/reducing-cloud-costs-of-kubernetes-clusters-c8c1e3bdb669

Kubernetes Architect

17 Oct, 14:31

This article describes the author's experience running cloud-native PostgreSQL on K3s with Longhorn storage in a home lab environment.

More: https://medium.com/@camphul/cloudnative-pg-in-the-homelab-with-longhorn-b08c40b85384

Kubernetes Architect

17 Oct, 13:41

Master Kubernetes with Learnk8s' Advanced Kubernetes workshop!

What should you expect?

- Learn how to architect and design clusters from the ground up (in the cloud or on-prem).
- Explore the Kubernetes internal component and how the system is designed with resiliency in mind.
- Deep-dive into the networking components and observe the packets flowing into the cluster.
- Hands-on labs to test the theory with real-world scenarios!
- And more.

The next online courses start in November: https://kube.events/t/3ae8e890-0f78-40e8-854e-849964bb8aee?s=16

We also run in-person courses and corporate training: https://learnk8s.io/corporate-training

Kubernetes Architect

16 Oct, 19:16

In this case study, you will learn how KOHO's team upgraded Postgres with zero downtime using a process that can be managed and debugged using familiar tools.

More: https://koho.dev/achieving-zero-downtime-how-we-upgraded-our-postgres-clusters-at-koho-c6403d7d519d

Kubernetes Architect

16 Oct, 15:16

This article explores the deployment of pgpool2 on AKS to optimize database performance, specifically focusing on load balancing and connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases.

More: https://medium.com/@fadareakbalogun/optimizing-database-performance-exploring-pgpool2-deployment-on-azure-kubernetes-service-94945a339b96

Kubernetes Architect

16 Oct, 12:31

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 101:

💯 How we made self-hosting plane a breeze for 100k Docker and 44k Kubernetes deploys
⚔️ Building resilient applications on Kubernetes
📦 Stateful apps in Kubernetes: from history and fundamentals to operators
📉 Reducing EKS Windows node 5 min start time to ~90s

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/101

⭐️ Looking for cost-effective GPU-powered Kubernetes clusters?
GPU-enabled worker nodes are now available for DigitalOcean Kubernetes https://www.digitalocean.com/products/kubernetes?utm_medium=newsletter&utm_source=learnk8s&utm_campaign=global_gpu-doks_k8s_en&utm_content=product

Kubernetes Architect

15 Oct, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Solution Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $220K to $339.25K a year
🏠 From the office in Santa Clara, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/76fe3ad0-5ccb-4653-b98c-4d704e236c8c?s=55

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b9a90583-a0e8-4f13-b776-839c8b1d6275?s=55

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/7a84e3ee-270f-4c18-b89b-ac0a8a928743?s=55

Software Architect with Saviynt
💰 $240K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/fd80ccf3-cd80-4348-b04f-8e8541b093c3?s=55

Solution Architect with Palo Alto Networks
💰 $198K to $273K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/78c47c48-bfc8-4850-90f3-a86eaf1e136f?s=55

👉 Browse all 1355 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

15 Oct, 19:11

duplik8s is a tool that allows you to easily duplicate Kubernetes resources, such as Pods, Deployments, and StatefulSets, with overridden commands and configurations.

This makes it a powerful tool for testing, debugging, and development.

More: https://github.com/Telemaco019/duplik8s

Kubernetes Architect

15 Oct, 15:11

Learn what you should consider before running stateful components apps in Kubernetes, how these apps work in Kubernetes, and which operators we use for ClickHouse, Redis, Kafka, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.

More: https://blog.palark.com/stateful-in-kubernetes-and-operators

Kubernetes Architect

15 Oct, 13:21

Brian Grant, CTO of ConfigHub and former tech lead on Google's Borg team discusses the Kubernetes Resource Model (KRM) and its profound impact on the Kubernetes ecosystem.

You will learn:

- How the Kubernetes API evolved from inconsistency to a uniform structure, enabling support for thousands of resource types.
- Why Kubernetes' self-describing resources and Server-side Apply simplify client implementations and configuration management.
- The evolution of Kubernetes configuration tools like Helm, Kustomize, and GitOps solutions.

Watch (or listen to) it here: https://kube.fm/krm-brian

🌟 This episode is sponsored by StormForge. Double your Kubernetes resource utilization and unburden developers from sizing complexity with the first HPA-compatible vertical pod rightsizing solution. https://stormforge.io/optimize-live/?utm_source=Learnk8s&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=learnk8s-sow2-2024

Kubernetes Architect

14 Oct, 19:11

GitOps InstallPlan Approver is a tool that automates the approval of operators' install plans during an argo-driven GitOps deployment when using the manual upgrade.

More: https://github.com/Siythrun/gitops-installplan-approver/tree/main

Kubernetes Architect

14 Oct, 18:11

In this article, you will explore Kyverno: a Kubernetes policy engine that receives admission webhook HTTP callbacks from the kube-apiserver and applies matching policies to return the result of executing the admission policy or denying the request.

More: https://aws.plainenglish.io/kubernetes-policy-management-engine-kyverno-b255ec9d9bf1?sk=9b8b9970bc2681dc22cd89d8bfe4b1f1

Kubernetes Architect

14 Oct, 15:11

By configuring proper health probes, handling pod termination gracefully, and defining pod disruption budgets, you can reduce downtimes and improve application stability.

Check out the article for details.

More: https://jaadds.medium.com/building-resilient-applications-on-kubernetes-9e9e4edb4d33

Kubernetes Architect

12 Oct, 12:46

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Software Engineer with Grafana Labs
💰 $81.44K to $97.73K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from India
→ https://kube.careers/t/d12dd903-1a72-4f91-8680-92d3d266d06a?s=55

Head Of Engineering with MeridianLink
💰 $269.6K to $346.1K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/36002e59-bd52-450e-803f-34335f11e2a0?s=55

Head of Infrastructure with GetResponse
💰 $61.09K to $91.64K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from Poland
→ https://kube.careers/t/577178a6-83a6-4004-83f1-ae168fcf6b4d?s=55

Software Engineer with Modern Treasury
💰 $200K to $360K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/deceb23e-4700-4fd7-8a30-20c7466f1d60?s=55

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/e51e0558-16c8-434a-9d35-5ff094ffc0f8?s=55

👉 Browse all 1272 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

11 Oct, 19:16

This tutorial guides you through setting up K8sGPT with Ollama for automated Kubernetes diagnostics and demonstrates how to deploy and configure k8sgpt-operator for automated analysis.

More: https://addozhang.medium.com/k8sgpt-ollama-a-free-kubernetes-automated-diagnostic-solution-d453b63f112f

Kubernetes Architect

26 Sep, 15:16

Learn how to structure your Argo CD repositories using application sets effectively.

Additionally, the article touches on sharing common applications across multiple teams and managing many applications using Argo CD application manifests.

More: https://medium.com/containers-101/how-to-structure-your-argo-cd-repositories-using-application-sets-1150e75d05b3

Kubernetes Architect

26 Sep, 13:21

Why Kubernetes doesn't rebalance pods in nodes?

Learnk8s runs a 4-day Advanced Kubernetes course next week in London 🇬🇧, and you will get to the bottom of questions like this (spoiler: the scheduler allocates pods when created, and it doesn't re-evaluate decisions).
You will also learn the nitty-gritty details of the Kubernetes architecture:

- How pods can serve traffic even if the control plane is unavailable.
- Why does Kubernetes run a single controller manager and scheduler even in HA?
- Why does the kubelet prefer to poll for updates rather than the master dispatching events?

This (and much more) is covered on the second day of the course.

You can find the full agenda, a breakdown of the modules and how to sign up here: https://kube.events/t/06d19f85-4645-42f7-87c5-040888900b9d

Are you training your team?
Customize the workshop in full with corporate training https://learnk8s.io/corporate-training

Kubernetes Architect

25 Sep, 19:11

Learn about Sotiris's experience with Kubernetes and how it didn't work out for their SaaS business.

Sotiris discuss the setup and shares their reasons for regretting using Kubernetes.

More: https://sotergreco.com/why-kubernetes-was-a-mistake-for-my-saas-business

Kubernetes Architect

25 Sep, 19:06

Learn how to deploy low-cost open-source AI technologies at scale using Kubernetes.

Discover how to optimize resource utilization and ensure high availability for AI workloads.

More: https://dev.to/opensauced/how-we-saved-10s-of-thousands-of-dollars-deploying-low-cost-open-source-ai-technologies-at-scale-with-kubernetes-57j8

Kubernetes Architect

25 Sep, 15:11

This article discusses using Open Policy Agent's Rego policy language to enforce priority scheduling in a multi-team Kubernetes cluster.

More: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/scheduling-priority-in-multi-team-kubernetes-cluster-4de88c681631

Kubernetes Architect

25 Sep, 12:06

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 98:

🧐 AWS VPC Flow Logs, NAT Gateways, and Kubernetes pods: a detailed overview
🐳 How does a Docker container work internally?
📊 Kubernetes fine-grained horizontal pod autoscaling with Container Resource Metrics @Chimbu Chinnadurai
♻️ Rendering the TRUE Argo CD diff on your PRs
📦 What is the difference between a root process and a containerized root process?

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/98

🌟 Are you ready to double your Kubernetes resource utilization?
StormForge, the sponsor for this issue, has built an HPA-compatible vertical pod rightsizing solution designed to help you save Mem/CPU and optimize your cloud bill. You can try it for free here: https://stormforge.io/optimize-live/?utm_source=Learnk8s&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=learnk8s-sow2-2024

Kubernetes Architect

24 Sep, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Solution Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $220K to $339.25K a year
🏠 From the office in Santa Clara, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/76fe3ad0-5ccb-4653-b98c-4d704e236c8c?s=55

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b9a90583-a0e8-4f13-b776-839c8b1d6275?s=55

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/7a84e3ee-270f-4c18-b89b-ac0a8a928743?s=55

Software Architect with Saviynt
💰 $240K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/fd80ccf3-cd80-4348-b04f-8e8541b093c3?s=55

Solution Architect with Palo Alto Networks
💰 $198K to $273K a year
🏠 From the office in Wichita, KS, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/fddc1440-4bcc-49a9-bd3f-31ed615f9b29?s=55

👉 Browse all 1429 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

24 Sep, 19:11

Kubeapps is an in-cluster web-based application that enables users with a one-time installation to deploy, manage, and upgrade applications on a Kubernetes cluster.

More: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/kubeapps

Kubernetes Architect

24 Sep, 15:11

Kubernetes cluster failures are inevitable, but post-mortem analysis can help identify patterns and learnings.

This article has a collection of post-mortem stories ranging from unresponsive hooks to CoreDNS.

More: https://dev.to/glasskube/kubernetes-fail-compilation-but-they-keep-getting-worse-12n2

Kubernetes Architect

24 Sep, 13:36

Alexandre Souza, a senior platform engineer at Getir, explores the challenges of over-provisioning and under-provisioning and discusses strategies for optimizing resource allocation using tools like Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA).

You will learn:

- How to set appropriate resource requests and limits to balance application performance and cost-efficiency in large-scale Kubernetes environments.
- Strategies for implementing and configuring Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), including scaling policies and behavior management.
- The differences between CPU and memory management in Kubernetes and their impact on workload performance.

Watch (or listen to) it here: https://kube.fm/hpa-at-scale-alex

🌟 This episode is sponsored by VictoriaMetrics. Start a free trial for VictoriaMetrics enterprise today https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/?utm_campaign=LearnK8s&utm_medium=podcast&utm_source=Learnk8s

With @Birthmarkb "Peter Pan" Farrell

Kubernetes Architect

23 Sep, 19:21

This article explains how to use Git for a Helm chart repository.

It provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a Helm chart repository using Git and how to install charts from the repository after updating it with the helm repo update command.

More: https://community.ops.io/jmarhee/using-git-for-a-helm-chart-repo-1df6

Kubernetes Architect

23 Sep, 18:11

This article discusses the importance of a cloud native protection system in preventing business disruptions due to abnormal data plane releases and shares strategies for adapting to unique risks and preventing cascading deletion of root objects.

More: https://aws.plainenglish.io/bytedance-cloud-native-protection-system-practice-ac84e9443422?sk=22c9693c20caca567b6863ef9ede4377

Kubernetes Architect

23 Sep, 15:16

Kepler analyzes power consumption in Kubernetes environments, reducing energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions.

Kepler optimizes energy efficiency in Kubernetes environments through application modernization, workload placement, and KEDA integration.

More: https://balakrishnan-b.medium.com/elevating-your-sustainability-game-with-kepler-5abe4b291ff1

Kubernetes Architect

21 Sep, 12:46

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Software Engineer with Grafana Labs
💰 $81.78K to $98.13K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from India
→ https://kube.careers/t/d12dd903-1a72-4f91-8680-92d3d266d06a?s=55

Head Of Engineering with MeridianLink
💰 $269.6K to $346.1K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/36002e59-bd52-450e-803f-34335f11e2a0?s=55

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/e51e0558-16c8-434a-9d35-5ff094ffc0f8?s=55

Engineering Manager with Plaid
💰 $199.8K to $340.2K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/a3bd38d9-fe22-40e9-aee8-190f60535b72?s=55

Engineering Manager with Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
💰 $214K to $321K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/27a49593-c774-486a-aeac-81829e431161?s=55

👉 Browse all 1407 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

20 Sep, 19:16

Kubefirst is a cloud provisioning tool that creates a kubernetes cluster with automated Infrastructure as Code, GitOps asset management and application delivery, secrets management, and more.

More: https://github.com/kubefirst/kubefirst

Kubernetes Architect

20 Sep, 15:11

Learn how to patch any Helm chart template using a Kustomize post-renderer, and discover how to create a kustomization.yaml file to make it work.

More: https://austindewey.com/2020/07/27/patch-any-helm-chart-template-using-a-kustomize-post-renderer

Kubernetes Architect

19 Sep, 19:11

CloudNativePG is the Kubernetes operator that covers the entire lifecycle of a highly available PostgreSQL database cluster with a primary/standby architecture using native streaming replication.

More: https://cloudnative-pg.io

Kubernetes Architect

19 Sep, 15:16

Learn how to display the true Argo CD diff on your pull requests, and how to use the argocd-diff-preview tool to verify that your configuration is correct.

More: https://dev.to/dag-andersen/rendering-the-true-argo-cd-diff-on-your-prs-10bk

Kubernetes Architect

19 Sep, 13:51

Why can't you ping a Kubernetes service?

Learnk8s runs a 4-day Advanced Kubernetes course on Sep 30, and you will get to the bottom of questions like this (spoiler: services only exist in etcd).
You will also learn the nitty-gritty details of Kubernetes networking:

- How to plan and design a cluster network.
- How do the four Kubernetes services extend each other, and what do you gain from each?
- How CoreDNS, Ingress, and kube-proxy consume the Kubernetes currency: endpoints.

This (and much more) is covered on the third day of the course.

You can find the full agenda, a breakdown of the modules and how to sign up here: https://kube.events/t/06d19f85-4645-42f7-87c5-040888900b9d

Are you training your team?
Customize the workshop in full with corporate training https://learnk8s.io/corporate-training

Kubernetes Architect

18 Sep, 19:11

The k8s-autoscaler-benchmarker is a tool for optimizing the scaling capabilities of their EKS clusters.

The tool offers a streamlined process for benchmarking the performance of Karpenter and Cluster Autoscaler.

More: https://github.com/moebaca/k8s-autoscaler-benchmarker

Kubernetes Architect

18 Sep, 15:11

Kubernetes 1.30 stabilizes Container resource metrics in HPA, allowing scaling based on individual container metrics.

Learn how this feature enables efficient resource allocation and prevents unnecessary scaling due to non-critical containers.

More: https://engineering.doit.com/kubernetes-fine-grained-horizontal-pod-autoscaling-with-container-resource-metrics-9d96c9e105ca

Kubernetes Architect

18 Sep, 12:46

This week on Learn Kubernetes Weekly 96:

☝️ Fairness aware load distribution
📝 Kubernetes configuration in 2024
👂 Container communication inside a Kubernetes pod
🤔 What determines if a Kubernetes node is ready?
💨 Do pods really get evicted due to CPU pressure?

Read it now: https://learnk8s.io/issues/97

🌟 This newsletter issue is brought to you by VictoriaMetrics — a fast and scalable open-source time series database and monitoring solution. https://victoriametrics.com/?utm_campaign=LearnK8s&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_source=Learnk8s

Kubernetes Architect

17 Sep, 20:41

This week's 6 best Kubernetes architect vacancies are:

Infrastructure Architect with NVIDIA
💰 $272K to $419.75K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/a6142ade-2a2a-495d-8aca-3e3c77345ed2?s=55

Security Architect with Dexterity
💰 $200K to $300K a year
🏠 From the office in Redwood, CA, USA
→ https://kube.careers/t/b9a90583-a0e8-4f13-b776-839c8b1d6275?s=55

Infrastructure Architect with Coupang Internal
💰 $159K to $324K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/7a84e3ee-270f-4c18-b89b-ac0a8a928743?s=55

Software Architect with Saviynt
💰 $240K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/fd80ccf3-cd80-4348-b04f-8e8541b093c3?s=55

Solution Architect with Palo Alto Networks
💰 $198K to $273K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/6d402e60-e253-4bd5-a495-4cb99377075f?s=55

👉 Browse all 1412 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

17 Sep, 19:11

DirectPV is a tool that provides a CSI driver for Direct Attached Storage, allowing for the discovery, formatting, mounting, scheduling, and monitoring of drives across servers.

More: https://github.com/minio/directpv

Kubernetes Architect

17 Sep, 15:11

This article revisits the state of Kubernetes configuration tools in 2024.

The author notes that while the tools have matured, the user experience has not changed dramatically over the past 7 years, leaving room for innovation in the space.

More: https://medium.com/@bgrant0607/kubernetes-configuration-in-2024-434abc7a5a1b

Kubernetes Architect

17 Sep, 15:06

Kamaji is a tool aimed to build and operate a Managed Kubernetes Service with a fraction of the operational burden.

With Kamaji, you can deploy and operate hundreds of Kubernetes clusters as a hyper-scale cloud provider.

More: https://github.com/clastix/kamaji

Kubernetes Architect

17 Sep, 12:33

In this KubeFM episode, Kensei Kanada discusses Tortoise, an open-source project he developed to tackle Kubernetes resource optimizations.

You will learn:

- The complexities of resource optimization in Kubernetes, including the challenges of managing HPA, VPA, and manual tuning of resource requests and limits
- How Tortoise automates resource optimization by replacing HPA and VPA, reducing the need for manual intervention and continuous tuning
- The technical implementation of Tortoise, including its use of Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and how it interacts with existing Kubernetes components

Watch (or listen to) it here: https://kube.fm/tortoise-kensei

🌟 What's the best instance for your Kubernetes cluster?
Check out Learnk8s's Kubernetes Instance Calculator and find out: https://learnk8s.io/kubernetes-instance-calculator

With @Birthmarkb "But that's not Kubernetes" Farrell

Kubernetes Architect

16 Sep, 19:16

Read about implementing the app of apps pattern in ArgoCD using the Helm template command.

This example builds on the Guestbook app, a project inspired by ArgoCD's documentation and comprised of four component microservices.

More: https://medium.com/dzerolabs/turbocharge-argocd-with-app-of-apps-pattern-and-kustomized-helm-ea4993190e7c

Kubernetes Architect

16 Sep, 15:16

This article explores fairness-aware load distribution in Kubernetes, covering automatic rebalancing of customer data, flexible message processing, and failed message handling.

More: https://medium.com/@ankush13777/fairness-aware-load-distribution-af5cd38db306

Kubernetes Architect

14 Sep, 12:46

This week's 6 best Kubernetes leadership jobs are:

Software Engineer with Grafana Labs
💰 $81.42K to $97.71K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from India
→ https://kube.careers/t/d12dd903-1a72-4f91-8680-92d3d266d06a?s=55

Head Of Engineering with MeridianLink
💰 $269.6K to $346.1K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/36002e59-bd52-450e-803f-34335f11e2a0?s=55

Head Of Engineering with Deep 6 AI
💰 $250K to $310K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/e51e0558-16c8-434a-9d35-5ff094ffc0f8?s=55

Engineering Manager with Plaid
💰 $199.8K to $340.2K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/a3bd38d9-fe22-40e9-aee8-190f60535b72?s=55

Engineering Manager with Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
💰 $214K to $321K a year
👨‍💻 Remote from the United States
→ https://kube.careers/t/27a49593-c774-486a-aeac-81829e431161?s=55

👉 Browse all 1387 Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers https://kube.careers

Kubernetes Architect

13 Sep, 19:16

Helm-controller is a tool that manages Helm charts with Custom Resource Definitions

More: https://github.com/k3s-io/helm-controller

Kubernetes Architect

13 Sep, 19:06

This article explores the concept of pods getting evicted due to CPU pressure on a node.

It discusses how CPU throttling prevents pods from monopolizing CPU resources, while node pressure eviction occurs when a node runs out of critical resources.

More: https://awsmorocco.com/do-pods-really-get-evicted-due-to-cpu-pressure-2b27274a670c

Kubernetes Architect

13 Sep, 15:11

ct is a tool for testing Helm charts.

It is meant for linting and testing pull requests and automatically detects charts changed against the target branch.

More: https://github.com/helm/chart-testing

Kubernetes Architect

12 Sep, 19:16

helm-chartsnap is a tool that provides powerful UI testing capabilities for Helm charts with minimal configuration just within values.yaml files.

More: https://github.com/jlandowner/helm-chartsnap

Kubernetes Architect

12 Sep, 19:06

The article discusses what determines if a Kubernetes node is ready, specifically the kubelet's checks: the container runtime, CSI provider, CPU, memory, max pods, network, and pod lifecycle event generator.

More: https://trstringer.com/kubernetes-node-ready

Kubernetes Architect

12 Sep, 18:06

This article explains how to create a webhook server to handle ImagePolicy validation and the behaviour of the ImagePolicy webhook, including the rules section that defines API operations and resources to intercept.

More: https://pramodhm112.medium.com/imagepolicy-webhook-in-kubernetes-85f25d3f09fb

Kubernetes Architect

12 Sep, 15:16

Azure Service Operator (ASO) allows you to deploy and maintain various Azure Resources using the Kubernetes tooling you already know and use.

For example, ASO can set up your Redis Cache or PostgreSQL and then configure your app to use them.

More: https://azure.github.io/azure-service-operator

Kubernetes Architect

12 Sep, 15:06

KWOK (Kubernetes-WithOut-Kubelet) is a toolkit that enables setting up a cluster of thousands of nodes in seconds.

Under the scene, all Nodes are simulated to behave like real ones, so the overall approach employs a pretty low resource footprint.

More: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kwok

Kubernetes Architect

12 Sep, 13:41

Master Kubernetes with Learnk8s' Advanced Kubernetes workshop!

What should you expect?

- Learn how to architect and design clusters from the ground up (in the
cloud or on-prem).
- Explore the Kubernetes internal component and how the system is designed
with resiliency in mind.
- Deep-dive into the networking components and observe the packets flowing
into the cluster.
- Hands-on labs to test the theory with real-world scenarios!
- And more.

The next online courses start next week: https://kube.events/t/5cd14a5b-bd2a-496d-9009-5cc802b45fd4

We also run in-person courses and corporate training: https://learnk8s.io/corporate-training

Kubernetes Architect

11 Sep, 19:11

Knative is an open-source enterprise-level
solution to build Serverless and event-driven applications.

Knative Serving automatically turns off services running in containers when there is no demand.

More: https://knative.dev