Korean Fess @koreanfess Channel on Telegram

Korean Fess


Korean Fess is a place where you will meet, surf, communicate with fellow lovers of things in the land of Ginseng. Here we can talk about KPOP, K-Drama, Kfood, and others.

Kritik & saran: @.KoreanFessbot
Rants: @kfesstea

Korean Fess Promotion Article (English)

Are you a fan of all things Korean? Then look no further than Korean Fess! This Telegram channel is a vibrant community where you can meet, interact, and connect with fellow enthusiasts of all things related to the land of Ginseng. Whether you are passionate about KPOP, K-Drama, Kfood, or any other aspect of Korean culture, Korean Fess is the perfect place for you to share your love and engage in interesting discussions.

Want to share your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions? You can do so by reaching out to the Korean Fess team using the following contact details:

Feedback & suggestions: @KoreanFessbot
Rants: @kfesstea

Join Korean Fess today and immerse yourself in a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for all things Korean! Discover new trends, participate in engaging conversations, and make new friends along the way. Don't miss out on the excitement – join Korean Fess now!

Korean Fess

23 May, 12:03

that's all for my shift today, thank you so much for accompanying me throughout the shift. see you all next time~

Korean Fess

23 May, 10:57

#KoreanTalk OT12 😭😭💔💔😭💔😭💔😭

Korean Fess

23 May, 10:29

less than 2 hours to the closing of my shift, send lg yuk kfriens!!!

Korean Fess

23 May, 10:28

#koreantalk. apakah ada harapan x1 balik,,, 😇

Korean Fess

23 May, 07:36

#koreanask siapa yang nonton iland 2 cungg 🙋🏻‍♀️ siapa nih pick kaliann?

Korean Fess

23 May, 07:06

#koreantalk. kangen gfriend.......

Korean Fess

23 May, 05:05

#koreanask. dalam misi mencari sesama myday, siapa yang disini myday!!??☝🏻☝🏻

Korean Fess

23 May, 04:11

#koreantalk. KANGEN BGT SAMA KFESS 😭😭😭😭😭 btw ganteng ya 🤗

Korean Fess

23 May, 04:10

오랜만이에용 kfriens! 🥹

after a long hiatus, Aldine is finally back to serve you all from 11 am to 7 pm this evening. tolong selalu perhatikan rules sebelum mengirimkan menfess, and send your menfess to @kincheonbot now!!!

즐거운 시간 보냅니다~

Korean Fess

22 May, 12:40


Korean Fess

22 May, 12:40


보고싶었어요, Kfriens! @KOREANFESS akan kembali open dan menemani kalian besok, 23 Mei 2024 dari jam 11.00 hingga 19.00. Semua hashtag akan kami perbolehkan besok (termasuk #koreansell) namun tetap di harapkan untuk mengirimkan menfess yang tidak out of topic ya Kfriens!

Don't miss it and see you tomorrow everyone 🫶🏻

Korean Fess

21 May, 03:30

ok kfriens, ditunggu pengumuman dari kami 10 tahun lagi

Korean Fess

19 May, 08:09

gas open gak sih.....?

Korean Fess

19 May, 08:08

hmz... lumayan rame

Korean Fess

18 May, 05:40

tes ombak duluuu, yang mau open lagi react dong (kali ini gaakan php JANJIIII)

Korean Fess

18 May, 05:08

btw maaf bgt ini php guys 😭😭😭😭