KimeMoonStar's Art💖 のテレグラム投稿

Dump of Kime's art 👀
3,709 人の購読者
353 枚の写真
29 本の動画
最終更新日 04.03.2025 21:20

7,878 人の購読者

2,241 人の購読者

1,498 人の購読者
KimeMoonStar's Art💖 によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ
Sorry for the lack of art guys, been struggling lately but I’m trying to force myself out of this negative wave 😭
Sabel can't get enough of kime's knot 😳💕
Should I post an illustration even tho it's not my normal posting hours??
Gah finally made a Google spreadsheet to organize myself better with comms😭
Trello was nice but honestly I think I'm fully dropping it because I forget to update it often haha
I might use it as a gallery eventually tho!
Trello was nice but honestly I think I'm fully dropping it because I forget to update it often haha
I might use it as a gallery eventually tho!