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Last Updated 05.03.2025 04:30
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아직 네이버 카페에 가입하지 않으신 분은 꼭 가입 부탁드립니다. 네이버 카페의 회원수는 바로 회사 홍보와 직결 됩니다. 회원수가 힘이 됩니다. 주변에도 널리 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다
This young South Korean singer was 2023 Khanteum winner for the Music Audition within our app. He has won over 400k USD worth prize money through PUSH!
Khanaires has successfully contracted with this wonderful gentleman, and is currently soaring high in the market of Korean folk-song.
Please subscribe to our Official Channel of this great talent, Mr. Taeri You.
This young South Korean singer was 2023 Khanteum winner for the Music Audition within our app. He has won over 400k USD worth prize money through PUSH!
Khanaires has successfully contracted with this wonderful gentleman, and is currently soaring high in the market of Korean folk-song.
Please subscribe to our Official Channel of this great talent, Mr. Taeri You.
3 Days ago, the South Korean government has announced their position on NFTs. They have divided 3 possibilities on which category an NFT can be placed:
1. Securities
2. Virtual (Digital) Asset
3. Pure NFT (non-fungible)
This is great news for our project. If you read the articles clearly, they state that if your NFT has a limited economic value, it is free from regulations. If it is rather divided or used for payment purposes, it can be claimed to be a security or a virtual asset.
Clearly, our NFWs have a limited economic value, and we are not being used for payment, nor can it be divisible. Therefore, NFW will be the world's first LEGAL NFT to have been paying taxes for the past 6 years.
Every movement we are making, at the same time we are creating history. Be proud to be part of our community and economic ecosystem. You are the pioneers of this new SEMI-DEFI market.
3 Days ago, the South Korean government has announced their position on NFTs. They have divided 3 possibilities on which category an NFT can be placed:
1. Securities
2. Virtual (Digital) Asset
3. Pure NFT (non-fungible)
This is great news for our project. If you read the articles clearly, they state that if your NFT has a limited economic value, it is free from regulations. If it is rather divided or used for payment purposes, it can be claimed to be a security or a virtual asset.
Clearly, our NFWs have a limited economic value, and we are not being used for payment, nor can it be divisible. Therefore, NFW will be the world's first LEGAL NFT to have been paying taxes for the past 6 years.
Every movement we are making, at the same time we are creating history. Be proud to be part of our community and economic ecosystem. You are the pioneers of this new SEMI-DEFI market. ←←←← CLICK
Watch our new educational video explaining the difference between NFW and NFT! Don't miss the opportunity to learn about the new trend of the crypto market. This is our second educational video, and we hope you don't get left out of our newest updates. Stay tuned for more.
Watch our new educational video explaining the difference between NFW and NFT! Don't miss the opportunity to learn about the new trend of the crypto market. This is our second educational video, and we hope you don't get left out of our newest updates. Stay tuned for more.
[Khanteum WEF/CS TEAM SNS Activities]
Our Khanaires India WEF and CS team has been putting much effort in initiating an SNS community in the world of Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and many more. Enjoy surfing their content and learning more about Khanteum!
(Please mind, these are not official videos of Khanaires, and they are personal content promoting the idea of Khanteum)
Our Khanaires India WEF and CS team has been putting much effort in initiating an SNS community in the world of Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and many more. Enjoy surfing their content and learning more about Khanteum!
(Please mind, these are not official videos of Khanaires, and they are personal content promoting the idea of Khanteum)
April 17th, 2024
- Khanaires India/Dubai -
April 17th, 2024
- Khanaires India/Dubai - ←←←←CLICK
We have launched our KHANTEUM ACADEMY for your beneficial educations towards the better understanding of our future financial market. Be prepared to learn insights regarding the economic market, money flow, cryptocurrency, and many information related to finance and economy that has been run during the past 400 years in the recent world.
Stay tuned!
We have launched our KHANTEUM ACADEMY for your beneficial educations towards the better understanding of our future financial market. Be prepared to learn insights regarding the economic market, money flow, cryptocurrency, and many information related to finance and economy that has been run during the past 400 years in the recent world.
Stay tuned!
[फॉरवर्ड कॉन्ट्रैक्ट क्या है?]
एक फॉरवर्ड कॉन्ट्रैक्ट एक वित्तीय डेरिवेटिव का प्रकार है जिसमें दो पक्ष आज तय की गई एक निश्चित कीमत पर भविष्य की एक नियत तारीख पर लेनदेन में प्रवेश करने के लिए सहमत होते हैं। यह कॉन्ट्रैक्ट दोनों पक्षों को एक निश्चित तारीख और एक तय कीमत पर एक संपत्ति, जैसे कि कमोडिटी, मुद्रा, या वित्तीय साधन खरीदने या बेचने के लिए बाध्य करता है।
एक फॉरवर्ड कॉंट्रैक्ट में, शर्तें और नियमों, जिसमें प्रसव की तारीख, कीमत, और मात्रा शामिल होती हैं, लेनदेन में शामिल दोनों पक्षों के बीच सौदेबाजी और सहमति से तय की जाती हैं। ये कॉंट्रैक्ट आम तौर पर ओवर-द-काउंटर (OTC) ट्रेड किए जाते हैं, अर्थात वे एक्सचेंज पर ट्रेड किए जाने वाले मानकीकृत कॉंट्रैक्ट्स की बजाय खरीदार और विक्रेता के बीच अनुकूलित समझौते होते हैं।
फॉरवर्ड कॉंट्रैक्ट्स का आमतौर पर व्यवसायों और निवेशकों द्वारा भविष्य की मूल्य परिवर्तनों के खिलाफ हेज या किसी संपत्ति के लिए एक विशिष्ट मूल्य को ताला लगाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए, एक कंपनी भावी कीमत वृद्धि से खुद की रक्षा करने के लिए भविष्य में एक निश्चित कीमत पर कमोडिटी खरीदने के लिए एक फॉरवर्ड कॉन्ट्रैक्ट में प्रवेश कर सकती है। इसी तरह, निवेशक भी संपत्ति के भविष्य के मूल्य आंदोलनों पर अनुमान लगाने और अपने प्रेडिक्शंस से लाभ कमाने के लिए फॉरवर्ड कॉन्ट्रैक्ट्स का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
यह ध्यान देना महत्वपूर्ण है कि फॉरवर्ड कॉंट्रैक्ट्स में काउंटरपार्टी जोखिम होता है, क्योंकि ये केंद्रीकृत एक्सचेंज द्वारा नियंत्रित या गारंटी नहीं किए जाते हैं। कॉन्ट्रैक्ट में शामिल दोनों पक्षों को तय की गई भविष्य की तारीख पर, वर्तमान बाजार की स्थितियों के बावजूद, अपने दायित्वों को पूरा करना चाहिए।
एक फॉरवर्ड कॉन्ट्रैक्ट एक वित्तीय डेरिवेटिव का प्रकार है जिसमें दो पक्ष आज तय की गई एक निश्चित कीमत पर भविष्य की एक नियत तारीख पर लेनदेन में प्रवेश करने के लिए सहमत होते हैं। यह कॉन्ट्रैक्ट दोनों पक्षों को एक निश्चित तारीख और एक तय कीमत पर एक संपत्ति, जैसे कि कमोडिटी, मुद्रा, या वित्तीय साधन खरीदने या बेचने के लिए बाध्य करता है।
एक फॉरवर्ड कॉंट्रैक्ट में, शर्तें और नियमों, जिसमें प्रसव की तारीख, कीमत, और मात्रा शामिल होती हैं, लेनदेन में शामिल दोनों पक्षों के बीच सौदेबाजी और सहमति से तय की जाती हैं। ये कॉंट्रैक्ट आम तौर पर ओवर-द-काउंटर (OTC) ट्रेड किए जाते हैं, अर्थात वे एक्सचेंज पर ट्रेड किए जाने वाले मानकीकृत कॉंट्रैक्ट्स की बजाय खरीदार और विक्रेता के बीच अनुकूलित समझौते होते हैं।
फॉरवर्ड कॉंट्रैक्ट्स का आमतौर पर व्यवसायों और निवेशकों द्वारा भविष्य की मूल्य परिवर्तनों के खिलाफ हेज या किसी संपत्ति के लिए एक विशिष्ट मूल्य को ताला लगाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए, एक कंपनी भावी कीमत वृद्धि से खुद की रक्षा करने के लिए भविष्य में एक निश्चित कीमत पर कमोडिटी खरीदने के लिए एक फॉरवर्ड कॉन्ट्रैक्ट में प्रवेश कर सकती है। इसी तरह, निवेशक भी संपत्ति के भविष्य के मूल्य आंदोलनों पर अनुमान लगाने और अपने प्रेडिक्शंस से लाभ कमाने के लिए फॉरवर्ड कॉन्ट्रैक्ट्स का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
यह ध्यान देना महत्वपूर्ण है कि फॉरवर्ड कॉंट्रैक्ट्स में काउंटरपार्टी जोखिम होता है, क्योंकि ये केंद्रीकृत एक्सचेंज द्वारा नियंत्रित या गारंटी नहीं किए जाते हैं। कॉन्ट्रैक्ट में शामिल दोनों पक्षों को तय की गई भविष्य की तारीख पर, वर्तमान बाजार की स्थितियों के बावजूद, अपने दायित्वों को पूरा करना चाहिए।
A forward contract is a type of financial derivative in which two parties agree to enter into a transaction at a predetermined future date, for a specified price agreed upon today. The contract obligates both parties to buy or sell an asset, such as a commodity, currency, or financial instrument, at a future date and at a predetermined price.
In a forward contract, the terms and conditions, including the delivery date, price, and quantity, are negotiated and agree upon between the two parties involved. These contracts are typically traded over-the-counter (OTC), meaning they are customized agreements between the buyer and seller rather than standardized contracts traded on an exchange.
Forward contracts are commonly used by businesses and investors to hedge against future price fluctuations or to lock in a specific price for an asset. For example, a company may enter into a forward contract to buy a commodity at a fixed price in the future to protect itself from potential price increases. Similarly, investors can use forward contracts to speculate on the future price movements of an asset and potentially profit from their predictions.
It's important to note that forward contracts carry counterparty risk, as they are not regulated or guaranteed by a centralized exchange. Both parties involved in the contract must fulfill their obligations at the agreed-upon future date, regardless of the current market conditions.
A forward contract is a type of financial derivative in which two parties agree to enter into a transaction at a predetermined future date, for a specified price agreed upon today. The contract obligates both parties to buy or sell an asset, such as a commodity, currency, or financial instrument, at a future date and at a predetermined price.
In a forward contract, the terms and conditions, including the delivery date, price, and quantity, are negotiated and agree upon between the two parties involved. These contracts are typically traded over-the-counter (OTC), meaning they are customized agreements between the buyer and seller rather than standardized contracts traded on an exchange.
Forward contracts are commonly used by businesses and investors to hedge against future price fluctuations or to lock in a specific price for an asset. For example, a company may enter into a forward contract to buy a commodity at a fixed price in the future to protect itself from potential price increases. Similarly, investors can use forward contracts to speculate on the future price movements of an asset and potentially profit from their predictions.
It's important to note that forward contracts carry counterparty risk, as they are not regulated or guaranteed by a centralized exchange. Both parties involved in the contract must fulfill their obligations at the agreed-upon future date, regardless of the current market conditions.