انسان چیزی نیست جز عزت نفس؛ جغرافیای بیرونی آدمی تغییر نمیکند، مگر اینکه فرد از درون، خودش را تغییر دهد و این تغییر در گرو شناخت خویش و رسیدن به عزت نفس است.
Welcome to کافه کتاب☕️ (Book Cafe) Telegram channel, where the love for books brings us together! Our channel username is @ketab_bes, and here you will find a community of book lovers who believe that 'کتاب تجمل نیست، الزام است' (A book is not a luxury, it is a necessity). We understand that reading is not just a hobby, but an addiction that your heart never wants to give up on. So, if you are passionate about reading and exploring new worlds through the pages of a book, this is the perfect place for you. Join us in our journey of literary exploration and connect with like-minded individuals who share your love for the written word. At کافه کتاب☕️, we welcome book recommendations, discussions, and exchanges of ideas. Let's inspire each other and expand our reading horizons together. Come be a part of our book-loving community where books are not just read, but cherished and celebrated. تبادل پذیرفته میشه 🤝🏻 (Exchange is accepted) - because sharing our favorite books with one another only enriches our reading experience. Embrace the joy of reading with us at کافه کتاب☕️!
24 Nov, 16:04
24 Nov, 16:02
24 Nov, 16:01
24 Nov, 16:01
24 Nov, 15:11
24 Nov, 13:01
24 Nov, 13:00
24 Nov, 12:49
24 Nov, 11:31
24 Nov, 10:09
23 Nov, 17:25
23 Nov, 14:45
23 Nov, 14:45
23 Nov, 11:07
23 Nov, 11:07