Le dernier contenu partagé par Nancy Drew sur Telegram
Nancy Drew
28 Feb, 22:34
FB live ❤️ 2/28/2025 1 pm
Nancy Drew
28 Feb, 21:45
FB live ❤️ 2/28/2025 12 pm
Nancy Drew
26 Feb, 18:33
Theres no real need for me to go live today guys. Not much for me to show aside from what I already have. The Federal Protective Services have left the EPA bldg. 🤔 All imauguration stuff is completely cleared up at the Crapitol. Theres quite a bit of foot traffic here on Crapitol Hill buildings. Groups wearing lanyards and those "hello my name is stickers". There are 7 of the buses parked here for the Crapitol though when usually thetes only been 6. What are,they even for?🤔 Theres also tons of tour buses and school groups so fairly busy today everywhere. I know theres a meeting at the WH but theres nothing to see outside. There is a Marine at the West Wing door. Almost all of the inaugural stuff is down so I assume next week the fencing will be taken down and I will be able to get back up to the fence and see more there. Im gonna scoot out of here and will be back on Friday. Have a lot going on this week. Looking forward to next week on the 4th. Lets hope its a big day❤❤
Nancy Drew
26 Feb, 17:10
I caught this motorcade entering the White House about 45 min ago or so. Had a single big black limo resembing the "Beast" almost except it didnt have flags. Quite a bit of security for said limo.
Nancy Drew
26 Feb, 17:09
I was able to park and grab a quick vid. 🤔
Nancy Drew
26 Feb, 16:32
Its 11:30. Not sure whats going on here but there are 7 Federal Protective Services cars and multiple box trucks at the EPA building. Some box trucks have pulled into the parking area as well.
Nancy Drew
21 Feb, 21:33
FB live ❤️ 2/21/2025 12:30 pm
Nancy Drew
21 Feb, 20:41
My heart was broken today to come home and find out that our sweet friend Constance Garcia has passed away. 😭 Gosh I dont think anyone laughed harder at my corny self than her over the past few years. She didnt have much but she had a great big heart. Her son Jase is trying to get to Missouri and handle all her last needs. I know how hard things are for many of us but if anyone can contribute a little something to this I know it would mean the world to him and definitely to me. Im sorry you didnt get to see the finish line momma. Watch over me💔😭
Nancy Drew
21 Feb, 18:06
Currently in front of the IRS Buiding and me in muh sweatshirt currently taking pics of them. Zero fks to give. 😉😂
Nancy Drew
21 Feb, 17:48
The FBI Building has zero curb appeal. Maybe a big Punisher flag hanging from the front of it would spruce it up some. Its beyond time for justice. We the people are pissed off and have been. LFG!!!