Welcome to KASKADIA FAKTO, a Telegram channel that will ignite your curiosity and expand your knowledge! As the name suggests, KASKADIA FAKTO is all about providing fascinating facts and information on a wide range of topics. From history to science, from technology to nature, this channel is your go-to source for interesting tidbits and trivia. Who is it for? KASKADIA FAKTO is for anyone who loves learning new things and enjoys being amazed by the wonders of the world. What is it? It's a treasure trove of knowledge waiting to be explored. Join us on this journey of discovery and be part of a community that appreciates the beauty of knowledge. ANTICIPATION is key here, as you never know what amazing fact you'll stumble upon next. So come on board, subscribe to KASKADIA FAKTO, and prepare to be astonished by the incredible world we live in!
11 Feb, 15:08
11 Feb, 12:06
11 Feb, 12:02
10 Feb, 10:49
08 Feb, 10:46
08 Feb, 10:31
05 Feb, 18:00
05 Feb, 04:09
04 Feb, 17:29
01 Feb, 11:55
01 Feb, 10:39
01 Feb, 09:56
30 Jan, 12:50
28 Jan, 20:13
26 Jan, 11:34
23 Jan, 14:06
22 Jan, 16:47
21 Jan, 08:07
19 Jan, 11:06
19 Jan, 09:24
19 Jan, 09:23
16 Jan, 11:07
16 Jan, 10:51
14 Jan, 07:50
13 Jan, 13:58
11 Jan, 13:41
09 Jan, 15:41
09 Jan, 14:30
09 Jan, 12:43
31 Dec, 08:13
30 Dec, 12:24
29 Dec, 23:37
29 Dec, 10:56
29 Dec, 10:55
28 Dec, 16:08
28 Dec, 06:39
27 Dec, 15:15
27 Dec, 10:12
27 Dec, 09:21
27 Dec, 08:46
27 Dec, 01:04
26 Dec, 11:49
23 Dec, 07:37
22 Dec, 18:43
21 Dec, 11:23
20 Dec, 11:20
06 Dec, 02:55
04 Dec, 20:03
04 Dec, 18:56
04 Dec, 18:39
04 Dec, 12:25
04 Dec, 11:58
03 Dec, 11:22
30 Nov, 12:12
30 Nov, 06:39
29 Nov, 16:08
29 Nov, 07:25
29 Nov, 01:48
28 Nov, 19:26
28 Nov, 16:52
25 Nov, 21:09
25 Nov, 15:02
25 Nov, 14:57
24 Nov, 09:38
24 Nov, 09:35
18 Nov, 19:05
15 Nov, 22:25
15 Nov, 18:59
15 Nov, 18:30
15 Nov, 14:54
15 Nov, 10:26
15 Nov, 09:59
15 Nov, 08:58
13 Nov, 12:39
11 Nov, 20:40
31 Oct, 07:35
30 Oct, 16:11
29 Oct, 17:33
29 Oct, 16:50
29 Oct, 16:14
28 Oct, 09:11
25 Oct, 23:40
22 Oct, 08:41
17 Oct, 15:15
17 Oct, 13:22
17 Oct, 11:50
16 Oct, 15:12
13 Oct, 21:54
11 Oct, 17:54
11 Oct, 16:37
11 Oct, 03:57