Welcome to IGNOSI, a Telegram channel dedicated to helping you make a YOU-turn towards learning and self-improvement! With the username @kas2020, this channel offers a wealth of resources and information to aid you on your journey towards personal growth. Whether you are looking to expand your knowledge, learn a new skill, or simply seeking inspiration, IGNOSI has something for everyone. From educational articles and videos to motivational quotes and success stories, this channel is your go-to destination for all things related to self-improvement. Join us today and take the first step towards unlocking your full potential with IGNOSI!
19 Jan, 15:26
14 Jan, 13:05
18 Dec, 03:16
04 Dec, 07:12
14 Nov, 06:41
11 Nov, 07:19
11 Nov, 06:33
10 Nov, 02:14
09 Nov, 16:56
09 Nov, 16:43
09 Nov, 16:39
31 Oct, 04:24
30 Oct, 17:07
29 Oct, 16:30
29 Oct, 16:29
28 Oct, 12:57
16 Oct, 06:17
28 Sep, 16:30
26 Sep, 18:11
26 Sep, 18:10
26 Sep, 18:10