Karen Ann Lucyk MacDonald's Telegram channel, @karenannlucykmacdonald, is a hub for individuals seeking quantum living transformation. Through motivational content, guest speakers, and discussions on topics such as natural health, cosmic detox, super herbs, GENIUSbiofeedback, colonics, yoni V, aromaoils, womb care, fertility, longevity technology, matrix energy, distance Esteaming, reflexology, and acupuncture, this channel aims to inspire and empower its followers. Karen Ann Lucyk MacDonald, also known as 'Bear Mamma,' brings a unique perspective and expertise to the realm of wellness and self-improvement. With a focus on holistic approaches and the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, she provides valuable insights and tools for personal growth and transformation. Whether you are looking to enhance your overall well-being, explore new healing modalities, or simply connect with like-minded individuals, this channel offers a wealth of information and resources to support you on your journey. Join @karenannlucykmacdonald today and experience the power of quantum living transformation in your life!
13 Jan, 20:16
13 Jan, 20:15
12 Jan, 03:05
12 Jan, 03:05
12 Jan, 03:04
12 Jan, 03:04
12 Jan, 03:01
12 Jan, 02:59
12 Jan, 02:59
12 Jan, 02:59
11 Jan, 11:40
23 Dec, 00:13
21 Dec, 20:02
21 Dec, 06:45
24 Nov, 17:09
24 Nov, 05:26
24 Nov, 02:27
23 Nov, 23:43
23 Nov, 23:08
23 Nov, 22:50
22 Nov, 21:53
22 Nov, 19:55
22 Nov, 06:13
22 Nov, 06:13
22 Nov, 06:11
21 Nov, 07:08
21 Nov, 07:07
18 Nov, 17:03
18 Nov, 17:02
18 Nov, 16:59
17 Nov, 19:03
17 Nov, 07:56
17 Nov, 07:54
17 Nov, 00:51
12 Nov, 02:19
10 Nov, 20:20
10 Nov, 19:37
10 Nov, 09:47
10 Nov, 09:46
10 Nov, 09:46
10 Nov, 09:44
10 Nov, 09:38
10 Nov, 09:34
10 Nov, 09:34
10 Nov, 09:32
10 Nov, 09:31
09 Nov, 01:03
04 Nov, 18:17
04 Nov, 16:16
04 Nov, 16:14
31 Oct, 06:51