Últimas publicaciones de Judo / Дзюдо / 柔道 (@judo_100_ippon) en Telegram

Publicaciones de Telegram de Judo / Дзюдо / 柔道

Judo / Дзюдо / 柔道
This is Judo
1,258 Suscriptores
592 Fotos
664 Videos
Última Actualización 26.02.2025 12:02

El contenido más reciente compartido por Judo / Дзюдо / 柔道 en Telegram

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Немного юмора в ленту для моих друзей 😂

Principal contestants at the 1961World Judo Championship were, first from left, Koji Sone (1928-1983) the 1958 All Japan Judo Champion, and 1958 World Judo Champion who came second to newly-crowned winner, Anton Geesink (1934-2010). Also in this photograph is Akio Kaminaga (1936-1993), first from the right, and next to him is U.S.A. representative George Harris (1933-2011).
