همین قدر دردآور همین قدر ترسناک ...
⛔خط قرمز (Red Line) is a Telegram channel created for those who are passionate about setting boundaries in their lives. Whether it's personal relationships, work environments, or social interactions, the channel offers valuable insights, tips, and advice on how to establish and maintain healthy boundaries. Through engaging discussions and interactive posts, users can learn how to prioritize their well-being and assert their limits in various situations. The channel aims to empower individuals to take control of their lives and cultivate self-respect and confidence. Join ⛔خط قرمز today and start creating the boundaries you deserve! For advertising inquiries, please contact @sharayetkhatghermez.
09 Feb, 11:53
09 Feb, 11:49
09 Feb, 05:27
09 Feb, 05:25
08 Feb, 18:00
08 Feb, 14:33
27 Jan, 19:26
27 Jan, 16:06
27 Jan, 06:45
27 Jan, 06:43
26 Jan, 17:53
26 Jan, 07:07
26 Jan, 07:02
26 Jan, 07:01
26 Jan, 06:50
30 Nov, 16:21
30 Nov, 08:28
29 Nov, 19:00
29 Nov, 15:41
29 Nov, 15:28
28 Nov, 18:18
23 Nov, 17:32
23 Nov, 17:20
23 Nov, 17:17
23 Nov, 17:12
23 Nov, 08:38
23 Nov, 08:28
23 Nov, 07:19
22 Nov, 16:07
22 Nov, 07:35
22 Nov, 07:30
21 Nov, 18:37
21 Nov, 14:14
21 Nov, 12:16
21 Nov, 10:16
21 Nov, 04:45
21 Nov, 04:45
20 Nov, 21:01
20 Nov, 20:50
20 Nov, 13:45
12 Nov, 07:56
11 Nov, 18:58
11 Nov, 18:46
11 Nov, 18:41
11 Nov, 15:15
11 Nov, 11:16
11 Nov, 11:06
11 Nov, 11:05
11 Nov, 05:33
10 Nov, 18:44
10 Nov, 18:43
10 Nov, 15:04
27 Oct, 07:47
27 Oct, 07:43
27 Oct, 07:38
26 Oct, 18:12
26 Oct, 18:12
26 Oct, 13:15
26 Oct, 13:14
26 Oct, 08:51
26 Oct, 08:39
25 Oct, 19:49
25 Oct, 14:37
25 Oct, 14:30
25 Oct, 08:21
25 Oct, 06:16
24 Oct, 12:25
24 Oct, 06:59