فإلى متى ستظل أعزب؟
اي انت و انتي الي دا تقرون هسه
هذا الكلام موجه الكم😁
Welcome to معلومــات مختبريـه, a Telegram channel curated by the user @jiko93. This channel is dedicated to providing valuable information and insights related to various laboratory topics. Whether you are a professional in the field or simply curious about laboratory practices, this channel is the perfect place for you. معلومــات مختبريـه covers a wide range of subjects, including but not limited to experimental techniques, equipment reviews, scientific discoveries, and career advice for aspiring lab professionals. With regular updates and engaging content, you can stay informed and inspired in the world of laboratories. Remember, knowledge is power, and having access to reliable information can help you excel in your field. Don't hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification on topics that interest you. After all, it's better to ask and learn than to remain in the dark. Join us at معلومــات مختبريـه today by visiting http://t.me/JIKO93 and start your journey towards expanding your knowledge and understanding of laboratory science. Let's celebrate the wonders of experimentation and discovery together!
28 Dec, 13:05
20 Aug, 08:28
16 Jul, 17:23
05 Jul, 13:23
20 Jun, 21:09
15 Jun, 11:37
11 May, 21:09