Jazzy market sale @jazzymarket001 Channel on Telegram

Jazzy market sale


Telegram id @jazzy12212
Line link to add me
Line id iamabeastt

Jazzy market sale (English)

Welcome to Jazzy market sale, your one-stop destination for all things stylish and affordable! Our Telegram channel, @jazzymarket001, is dedicated to bringing you the best deals on trendy fashion, accessories, home decor, and more. Who is it? Jazzy market sale is a curated collection of products handpicked for their quality and uniqueness. What is it? From chic clothing to unique home decor items, we offer a wide range of products to suit every style and budget. Whether you are looking for a new outfit for a special occasion or want to spruce up your living space, Jazzy market sale has got you covered. Join our Telegram channel today to stay updated on the latest sales, offers, and new arrivals. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your style with Jazzy market sale!

Jazzy market sale

06 Feb, 09:14

2000$ + MM
Low Quest Might
1 Lv12 Mythic Champ
7 Mythic Champ, 2 Accessories
1212/1180/1225 Max Blast Stats
8 P5 Fams Lv10
92 Castle Stars
412 Stars, 34 Blessed, 714 Levels
@jazzy12212 message me for more info

Jazzy market sale

04 Feb, 14:47

Low might low quest
5 mythic champs
1lv10 +4 lv8 Champs
2 lv12 cup +1 lv11 cup
41m Troops
Many lv12 non champs
8 max fams

@jazzy12212 message me for more info

Jazzy market sale

27 Jan, 16:08

Sexy low might beast account(Can do installment)
6m quest might+978m research might
6 mythic champions pieces(1 accessory)
4 mythic cups
73 castle stars
772 levels, 11 blessed
8 P2P familiars max
140+ migration scrolls + Good bags
Coming with 1m+ gems
@jazzy12212 message me for more information

Jazzy market sale

21 Jan, 13:15

Low might mid quest
6 lv12 champs + accessories lv 8,8,7
Base stats :504-485-517
13 champs + 6 Cups
2 wonder artifacts
57 blessed // 165 castle stars 🌟

GC only

Pm @jazzy12212

Jazzy market sale

21 Jan, 13:15

$4200 + mm

Low quest might 20m
9 champs
197 stars 48 bless
@jazzy12212 message me for more information

Jazzy market sale

18 Jan, 06:57

3×11K ,Basee stats : 586 - 572 - 569%, 12 lvl 12 champs tempered
18 mythic champs including 5 accessories
Max stats : 1514-1502-1454%
214 Castle stars , W3 full done
801🌟 ~ 121 Blessed ~ 1299lvl
Links : Gmail🔸+ GC🔸
11k+mm @jazzy12212

Jazzy market sale

05 Jan, 15:17

10 mythic champs
5 cups
5 blessed//145 castle stars 🌟
21k Tomes
100+ migration scrolls
@jazzy12212 message me for more information

Jazzy market sale

04 Jan, 04:43


732-664-709 base stats
3 11K
19 Mythic Champ
169 blessed, 1509 levels
2 Level 15, 1 Level 13 & 9 Level 12
1746-1626-1730(no rejewling)
Non-Champ many Level 15
8 Gold Ursa/Tigirs Sigils & Many purple
1 Baron & 4 Army Attack Jewels
Good bags
232 Migration scrolls

Jazzy market sale

30 Nov, 19:39

$36k + MM
Top Non Emperor account in Game!!!
- 3X11K + 5.5K Hero Gold
- 16 Baron Jewels
- 21 Mythic Champs
- 176 Blessed, 1585 Level
- 225 Castle Stars
- Blast can go higher with Rejewel
- $1.5k worth of Carpets
- 753 + 78 Migration Scrolls
- 4K Star Scrolls for new Skin

Link - GC + FB
@jazzy12212 message me for more information

Jazzy market sale

28 Nov, 14:03

Acc 68 day old full champ
Can go k1550 now
1 lvl14- 1lvl11
1 skin leader
5 max fam in battle
Link gc only
Message me for more information

Jazzy market sale

28 Nov, 14:02

Low quests might 45m
225 stars ⭐️
176 blessed-1587lvl
10 army attack
Base stats - 720-690-703
Message me for more information

Jazzy market sale

25 Nov, 13:40

Beast Low Quest 3x11ks, 681% Base Stats, 1 lvl 15 + 1 lvl 14 + 9 lvl 12, 8 army attack jewels, 9 ursa tigris gold , 4 Gold Barons
16 mythic champs including 5 accessories
Lots of lvl 15 gear
216 castle stars, 873 artifacts stars, 156 blessed, 1282 lvls ( 3 wonders maxed)
1656% inf, 1562% range, 1628% cav
High Mixes, 910% HP
VERY Good consumables, 115K royal coins
CARPETS 420+ x 25% , 75+ x 50% , 10+ x 75%
GC + Gmail
18k+mm can talk

Jazzy market sale

21 Nov, 05:07

1 emp
3 mx11k 1 oracle all heroes gold
17 barrons
13 gold sigils
160 bless 1421 levels
Very good bag
Gc fb (can remove fb as we have 1 year of purchases)

Jazzy market sale

20 Nov, 15:29

3*11k mid quest might
15 champ- 5+1 cup
2lvl13- 3lvl12
75 bless
Base stats: 540-511-518
1 skin
2 army atk
Link gc and gm

Jazzy market sale

20 Nov, 07:22

A low might full champ lead available
2x12 and 3x9 astra on accessories
441/435/448 base stats
11m quest might
1226/1280/1207 blasts
141 castel stars (a challenge castel skin unlocked too)
2 wonders artifacts unlocked
8 maxed p5 fams in battle
Good p2p heroes

Jazzy market sale

29 Oct, 04:09

Can go k1419
6 champ ( 1 accessory)
15 bless
8 max fam
Stats no change jew
Link gc+ face

Jazzy market sale

28 Oct, 04:32

6m quest full champ lead available
14 mythic champ
69(👀)blessed, 1000 levels
190 castle stars
5 X 12* astra ( 5-5-5 accessories)
Base stats: 499-468-489
895% army HP
1352-1349-1309(need rejewling)
3 Gold Sigils + 15 purple
3 army attack jewels
3 wonder artifacts
171k royal coins
2.1m gems
301 migration scrolls, 10m gc
13.6k astra boxes
Direct owner

Jazzy market sale

26 Oct, 13:59

13.5K$+MM / 3x11K HERO / 210 STARS
1x15 2x14 2x13 9x12 1x10 CHAMP ASTRA
JUST GC / 942% HP