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Last Updated 01.03.2025 10:24

The latest content shared by Learn JavaScript on Telegram

🔰 JavaScript Quick Tips

Today we’ll look at #javascript simple tips and tricks. 

Here’s a breakdown: 
1. Filter unique values 
2. Convert to boolean 
3. Convert to string 
4. Convert to int 
5. Convert float to int 
6. Remove last digits 
7. Truncate an array 
8. Last item in an array 

If these tips were useful save the post for later! Follow for 
more tips and tricks like these

🔰 8 Types of JavaScript Functions

🔰 Map vs forEach

🔰 Event propagation in JavaScript!!

- Event Propagation has two phases: capturing and bubbling.
- Use addEventListener to control the phase of event handling.
- Use stopPropagation() to prevent further propagation.
- Event Delegation can optimize event handling by leveraging propagation.

🔰 JavaScript DOM Cheatsheet

🔰 The most important Array Methods in JavaScript

map , filter and reduce

📂 Full description

Want to write more robust, maintainable code? In this course, discover how this can be accomplished with functional programming, and learn about the functional concepts at the heart of many JavaScript frameworks and programs. Shaun Wassell begins by explaining what functional programming is and how it compares to object-oriented programming. Shaun then covers the basics of working with first-class functions in JavaScript ES6+, discussing concepts such as higher-order functions and closure. He also shows how functional programming makes working with data structures more straightforward; dives into advanced concepts, including partial application and recursion; and provides challenges that can help you test your understanding of key functional programming concepts.

📱Learn JavaScript
📱Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript ES6+ (2019)

📦 Exercise Files

🔰 Frontend Caching Simplified