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Japanese learning 日本語 | JLPT N5 ~N1
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Vocab with example:

1) 忘れる (わすれる): to forget

(tonikaku kono koto wa hayaku wasurete nechimaou.)
Anyway, let’s forget about this and go to bed.

2) 開ける ( あける ): to open

Ex:ドアを開ける前にノックぐらいし ろよ.
(doa o akeru mae ni nokku gurai shiro yo.)
You should at least knock before opening the door.

3) 答える (こたえる): to answer

Ex: 答えたくなかったら答えないでください.
(kotaetakunakattara kotaenaide kudasai.)
Please don’t answer if you don’t want to.

あけおめ ことよろ 🎉

Season -
春 はる haru = spring 🌸

夏 なつ natsu= summer ☀️

秋 あき aki = autumn🍁

冬 ふゆ fuyu = winter


1.面白い (おもしろい): interesting

(omoshiroi shiin ga toremashita.)
I filmed a pretty interesting scene!

2.嬉しい (うれしい): happy

(nanka ureshisugite kao no niyaniya ga tomaranai.)
I’m so happy I can’t stop smiling.

3.大人しい (おとなしい): quiet

(otonashii ko ga okoru to kowai.)
They say quiet kids are scary when they get mad.

4.悲しい (かなしい): sad

(imademo tokidoki, tottemo kanashiku naru yo.)
I still feel very sad about it sometimes.

5.眠い (ねむい): sleepy

(nemukunatta kara, kao o arai ni itta.)
I felt sleepy so I went to wash my face.

Counters ( Part -1)

1.  ~人 ...nin  (people)
2.  ~つ ...tsu  (for almost all, up to 10)
3.  ~個 ...ko  (small object)
4.  ~本 ..hon/pon/bon (long object)
5.  ~枚 ...mai  (thin object)
6.  ~番 ...ban  (No.)
7 . ~回 ...kai  (times)
8. ~階 ...kai  (story; floor)
9. ~度  (frequency; degree; temperature, angle)
10. ~杯 ...hai/pai/bai  (cap of ...; glass of ...)

Example of 1st = 四人(yo-nin) four people.

Compliments 🌸

1.いいね!Ii ne! いいですね! Ii desu ne!= Good!, Nice!

2.すごい!Sugoi! すごいですね! Sugoi desu ne! = Great!

3.すばらしい!Subarashii! すばらしいですね! Subarashii desu ne! = Wonderful!

4.じょうず!Jouzu! じょうずですね! Jouzu desu ne! = Good!, Skillful!

5.すてき!Suteki! すてきですね! Suteki desu ne! = Lovely! Fantastic!

6.かっこいい!Kakko ii! かっこいいですね! Kakko ii desu ne! = Cool!

(10 words)

どちら (dochira): which one

どこ (doko): where

どう (dou): how, in what way, how about

どうも (doumo): thanks

どうして (doushite): why, for what reason

どうぞ (douzo): please, feel free

地下鉄 (chikatetsu): subway, metro

ちょっと (chotto): a little

小さい (chiisai): small, little, tiny

茶碗 (chawan): rice bowl, tea cup

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