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Jahongir qori Ne'matov

© Жаҳонгир қори Неъматовнинг расмий канали
ℹ️ Тошкент ислом институти "Қуръон илмлари" кафедраси мудири, бир нечта қироатдан ижоза соҳиби
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ℹ️ Тошкент ислом институти "Қуръон илмлари" кафедраси мудири, бир нечта қироатдан ижоза соҳиби
👉 youtube.com/@jahongirmuqriy
👉 instagram.com/jahongirmuqriy
👉 facebook.com/jahongirmuqriy
20,785 订阅者
220 张照片
291 个视频
最后更新于 12.03.2025 02:09
Jahongir Qori Ne'matov: A Prominent Figure in Islamic Education and Quran Recitation
Jahongir Qori Ne'matov is a prominent figure in the landscape of Islamic education and Quran recitation in Uzbekistan. He serves as the head of the Quran Preservation Department at the Tashkent Islamic Institute, where he has dedicated his career to nurturing the next generation of Quranic scholars and reciters. His work exemplifies a deep commitment to the teachings of Islam and a passionate drive to spread its wisdom through the art of beautiful Quran recitation. Jahongir is not only recognized for his scholarly contributions but also for his ability to inspire and engage students with his captivating recitation skills. An accomplished Qori (reciter), he holds ijazah (licenses) in multiple styles of recitation, allowing him to teach and disseminate the Quran with authenticity and precision. Jahongir Qori Ne'matov's influence extends beyond the classroom, as he actively engages with a broader audience through various social media platforms, maintaining a connection with those who seek to deepen their understanding of the Quran and its teachings. His official channels on platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook provide a wealth of resources for anyone interested in Islamic education and Quranic recitation.
Jahongir Qori Ne'matov kim?
Jahongir Qori Ne'matov is a distinguished Islamic scholar, Quran reciter, and educator based in Uzbekistan. He holds a significant position as the head of the Quran Preservation Department at the Tashkent Islamic Institute. His contributions to the field of Quranic education have garnered him respect and recognition not only in Uzbekistan but also in the wider Islamic community.
As a Qori, Jahongir Ne'matov has mastered various styles of Quran recitation, earning multiple ijazah certifications. This expertise allows him to teach aspiring reciters and students the correct methods of recitation, emphasizing the importance of preserving the Quran's integrity and the beauty of its delivery.
Uning ijodiy faoliyati qanday?
Jahongir Qori Ne'matov's creative work involves teaching students the art of Quran recitation, sharing his knowledge through workshops and public recitation events. His dedication to the craft has made him a sought-after instructor for those wishing to learn and perfect their recitation skills.
Moreover, he frequently uploads recitation videos and educational content on social media, enabling a wider audience to appreciate and learn about the Quran. His online presence has transformed how many engage with Islamic teachings, making them more accessible to the public.
Toshkent islom instituti nima?
Toshkent Islamic Institute is a prestigious educational institution in Uzbekistan that focuses on Islamic studies, Quranic sciences, and religious education. It plays a crucial role in training future scholars and religious leaders who will contribute to the understanding and practice of Islam in society.
The institute offers various programs, including degrees in Islamic theology, Arabic language studies, and Quran recitation. Under the guidance of experienced scholars like Jahongir Qori Ne'matov, students receive comprehensive education, preparing them for their roles in religious communities.
Quran muhofazasi nima?
Quran preservation refers to the efforts made to protect and maintain the integrity of the Quranic text, as well as to ensure its proper recitation and understanding. This includes teaching the rules of Tajweed (the art of Quran recitation) and preserving the various Qira'at (recitation styles) that have been passed down through generations.
Institutions like the Quran Preservation Department at the Toshkent Islamic Institute play a vital role in these efforts. They educate students about the importance of preserving the Quran’s accuracy and beauty, which is essential for maintaining the Islamic faith.
Jahongir Qori Ne'matovning ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi faoliyati qanday?
Jahongir Qori Ne'matov actively engages with followers on social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. Through these platforms, he shares insightful content related to Quran recitation and Islamic teachings, reaching a larger audience beyond his immediate educational environment.
His online activities include live recitation sessions, educational videos, and lectures that facilitate a deeper understanding of the Quran. This digital engagement helps inspire many individuals who seek to learn about Islam and the beauty of Quran recitation.
Jahongir qori Ne'matov Telegram 频道
🌟 Sizning e'tiboringizga! 🌟nn"Jahongir qori Ne'omatov" kanalining rasmiy sahifasiga xush kelibsiz! Bu kanal To'skent Islom Instituti Tahfizul Qur'on kafedrasi mudiri va bir nechta qiroatdan izoza sohibi - Jahongir qori Ne'omatov tomonidan boshqarilmoqda. Kanalda siz, uning qiroatlari, darslari, maqolalari va boshqa ko'p narsalarni topishingiz mumkin. Jahongir qori Ne'omatov bilan bog'lanish va uning yangiliklarini to'g'ri birinchi qo'li bilan olish uchun youtube, instagram va facebook sahifalariga ham o'zingizga yoqganlikni ko'rsating. Uning eng so'nggi xabarlarini, darslarini va ko'p narsalarni keltirilgan kanalda kuzatib boring! 📚💫