Do you enjoy deep conversations that last until the early hours of the morning? If so, you'll love the '๐.๐' Telegram channel, with the username '@its_the_am'. This channel is dedicated to those late-night talks that seem to spark the most interesting discussions. The title '๐.๐' stands for 'After Midnight', indicating that the best conversations often happen in the wee hours of the night. The description of the channel captures this sentiment perfectly with the lines 'Won't you stay 'til the A.M.? All my favorite conversations Always made in the A.M. 'Cause we don't know what we're sayin'. If you're someone who enjoys delving into deep topics and sharing thoughts in the quiet of the night, this channel is perfect for you. Join us in the '๐.๐' Telegram channel and let's have some meaningful conversations that will last until the A.M.!
12 Dec, 05:56
15 Nov, 18:17
14 Nov, 19:10
26 Oct, 17:23
23 Oct, 13:11
23 Oct, 12:53