🔺Please note:
▪️Students must not leave the exam center if the exam is not submitted successfully and a reset is required.
▪️Exam will only be reset if we receive an email at
[email protected] from the proctor’s/center’s email ID which has been submitted and is recorded in our database.
▪️Emails sent from other IDs will not be entertained nor will the exam be reset on the basis of the request made on the phone or live chat.
▪️The email from the email ID submitted in IOU records must accompany the live chat request.
🔸24/7 Exam Desk:The Exam Desk will be available for 24/7 during the examination period.
Do not hesitate to contact us via Live Chat or email at
[email protected] in case you need any assistance.
🔸Exam Grades:For Revised Programs (BAIS, BSc IEBF, BSc Psychology, BBA Degree, B.Ed English Degree, B.Ed (Specialized) Hybrid, BA ALS), midterm exam grades for Part A shall be displayed immediately after submitting the exam while for Part B, it shall be released a few days after the supplementary midterm exam period.
🔺NOTE:▪️Please convert the time to your local time: LOCAL TIME.
▪️The midterm examinations are to be taken from the examination centers.
▪️Attempt the midterm exam only after completing all the pre-midterm module tests of that course.
▪️You are requested to complete all module tests and exams no later than noon (12 pm UTC Time) of the last day in order to have adequate time to report any possible technical issues.
▪️Exams taken just before 05:45 PM UTC time on the last day will not be given extra time to submit.
▪️The submission time ends with the deadline.
▪️Before you start the exam:
➖ensure that you have smooth and strong internet connection,
internet data is sufficient to complete the exam
➖you have uninterrupted time to attempt the exam
➖there are no scheduled load shedding/electricity downtime during this period
▪️You must ‘submit the exam’ as soon as you are done with the exam, and do not wait for the exam to be submitted automatically, as sometimes, exams are not submitted automatically due to internet disconnection which results in zero grades.
▪️Immediately submit your exam reset request, as explained above, in any of the following scenarios:
▫️Getting zero grades due to Internet disconnection, power failure, device/browser malfunctioning, etc
▫️Exam resulting into 'exam not graded' or 'exam not submitted' status due to Internet disconnection, power failure, device/browser malfunctioning, etc
▪️The exam shall be reset after due verification.
▪️It is noticed that the majority of the students try to attempt exams at the eleventh hour and as a result the server reaches its maximum capacity to process the requests and, therefore, exams are not submitted.
▪️If anyone is unable to submit the exam by the deadline then his/her exam would not be graded, nor will he/she be able to apply for its reset, even if it is due to server overload.
▪️The best option would be not to delay doing the exam till the last moment.
▪️We do not guarantee an exam reset during the last hour of the exam period.
▪️No reset will be possible for the students who take the test/exam at the last moment as the tests and exams will be closed by the system and it will not be possible to reset them individually.
▪️You can use the MCQ ERROR REPORTING PORTAL to report an error in the MCQ or evaluate the answer you selected in your tests, midterm exam or final exam.
▪️The complaint will be checked by the course instructor and if you are justified, your grade will be restored, otherwise your application will be rejected.
May Allah assist you in your preparation, increase your understanding of the course material and give you success in the examination. Ameen
JazakumAllahu Khairan