Últimas Postagens de MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide (@instasmashguide) no Telegram

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MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide
MyInsta - Guide 💎

Lightweight & Up-to-date Instagram mod

Main Repo : @instasmashrepo
Arm-v7a : @myinsta_armv7a
Chat : @instasmash

Donations : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/instasmashmod
3,486 Inscritos
42 Fotos
Última Atualização 12.03.2025 10:13

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O conteúdo mais recente compartilhado por MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide no Telegram

MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide

01 Nov, 10:46


👉 "foldable responsive window insets is mw bottom padding enabled"

Fix empty space below bottom navigation bar.

💎 Added on v289
Tested on v306+
Unavailable on v311+
🤝 Thanks to @mustafaahouri
MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide

28 Oct, 21:50


👉 "smashable send is enabled"

New modern design of the "send" button in a chat.

💎 Added on v298
Tested on v236
🤝 Thanks to @adalbertoljardim
MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide

09 Oct, 07:50


👉 "reels tap to pause is enabled"

When this feature is enabled, a single tap on a reel video will pause it, and another tap will resume playback.

💎 Added on v302
Tested on v303
MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide

01 Oct, 18:15


👉 "analytics2 consolidation max batch lock attempts"

When this option is set to 0, the application prevents the creation of files in the "app_analytics" folder, which allows you to keep a correct size of the application.

💎 Added on v?
Works on v232
🤝 Thanks to @alboook
MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide

26 Sep, 10:02


👉 "saved subtab on profile is enabled"

When activated, this feature adds a "Saved" button to the profile section, providing quick access to saved posts.

💎 Added on v295.
Works on v301
MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide

16 Sep, 17:12


👉 "should override to external browser"

When this option is activated, clicking on a link will open it using your external browser instead of the in-app Instagram browser.

💎 Added on v?
Works on v300
MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide

31 Aug, 12:50


👉 "feed playback controls android"

When theses experiments are enabled, a seekbar appears automatically at the bottom of 'reels' videos in the feed, along with a preview thumbnail when pressing on it.

💎 Added on v296
Works on v297
MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide

22 Aug, 05:59


👉 "avatar in standard tray"

When these two options are disabled, the scale size of stories in the home tab is decreased.

💎 Added on v?
Works on v296
MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide

20 Aug, 17:14


👉 "fx centralized settings show"
👉 "project elevation enabled"

Show the old UI of instagram setting menu instead of the new one.

💎 Added on v256
Works on v296
MyInsta | InstaDM - Guide

16 Aug, 01:18


👉 "clips persistent pause is enabled"

By activating this feature, you can pause a reel simply by pressing and holding on it.

💎 Added on v282
Works on v295