Inigo Jones weather @inigojones Channel on Telegram

Inigo Jones weather


Long term weather forecaster

Inigo Jones weather (English)

Looking for a reliable source for long-term weather forecasts? Look no further than the Inigo Jones weather Telegram channel! With the username @inigojones, this channel is your go-to destination for accurate and detailed weather predictions. Inigo Jones is a long-term weather forecaster who provides in-depth analysis of weather patterns, trends, and upcoming conditions. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway, a hiking trip, or simply want to stay prepared for any weather changes, Inigo Jones has got you covered. Stay ahead of the weather with timely updates and expert insights from the Inigo Jones weather channel. Join us today and never be caught off guard by the elements again!

Inigo Jones weather

02 Feb, 01:36

Looks like flooding to continue for more than another 10 days. The eclipse in March is wet, could be a lot of deaths globally by water. Either flooding or accidents by water.

Inigo Jones weather

01 Feb, 23:00

This is just for today, but gets worse over the next week. You prepare for the worst by not living in flood plains as warned here for the last 4 years.

Inigo Jones weather

01 Feb, 23:00

LGBT weather, Low Ground Before Terresitial rain next week.

Inigo Jones weather

01 Feb, 20:42

Gann forecast the drought in 1927 for 1932 and crashed. He made millions. As I forecast the 2019/20 drought in 2009. As Gann says here "To be forewarned is to be forearmed". Misery loves company, it's why people love living in flood plains.

Inigo Jones weather

01 Feb, 14:28

My research shows it's been about 2 to 4 metres higher than this, add 2 metres for all the concrete plus 30 metres is where you buy. You don't want to be on an island. The exact moon/sun cycle is 1040 years, you don't when that repeats because we don't have the data, that's why you have a risk factor of safety.

Inigo Jones weather

01 Feb, 09:28

If everyone could follow Ganns rules you wouldn't have any problems. "If you prepare for the worse you don't have to face the worse". Only fools prepare for the best all the time.

Inigo Jones weather

01 Feb, 09:27

Chilling warning as region smashed by rain

Inigo Jones weather

01 Feb, 05:24

Of course things start in Qld and as we move closer to Autumn down south we will get the big rain. This is the next week, but March to May is very good rains for the whole east coast and inland. This is following close to 1946.

Inigo Jones weather

01 Feb, 00:16

Sunspots remain high

Inigo Jones weather

31 Jan, 23:04

With a bit of luck Canberra will get washed away soon.

Inigo Jones weather

31 Jan, 22:55

1946 great floods

Inigo Jones weather

31 Jan, 22:54

The 20 year cycle is just under 20 years, 2025 is just under the 1946 (80 years x 4) to bring the cycle early. Its getting trigger early as because cycles are ecliptic not a circle. 1946 was great floods for 445 miles.

Inigo Jones weather

31 Jan, 18:52

Gold went over $4500

Inigo Jones weather

31 Jan, 02:27

‘Really dangerous’: More than 1000mm of rain could hit North Queensland with major concerns of severe floods

Inigo Jones weather

31 Jan, 02:27

1000 mm right on my good rain dates the 1st to 3rd Febrsury. The Mega Floods are a way off yet, these are puddles.

Inigo Jones weather

30 Jan, 19:09

Gold at record highs in US dollars, 330% above 1980 highs, silver is 40% below 1980 highs.

Inigo Jones weather

30 Jan, 15:22

Record high for gold $4477. How good is to have no rentals , no flood plain properties, cash , gold ,no debt and tickets for the international departure lounge.

Inigo Jones weather

30 Jan, 13:36

A metre of rain with another metre to come?

Inigo Jones weather

30 Jan, 08:43

Gold at new records highs and Silver is a poor man's gold.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Jan, 22:04

Good read about 1887 floods

Inigo Jones weather

20 Jan, 21:19

These are the coded counts Gann knew about cycles. Many also coded in TTTTA.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Jan, 20:50

The Magic square of the sun, 666 is not the beast. 1 + 2 + 3 ....... 36 = 666. 2300 - 1332 ( 2 x 666) = 968 ( 969 explained above). 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 (144 + 72).The bible says 666 is the beast so you don't study it, that means study it. Hence all Gann cycles come from the bible. Of course you need to know the starting points as coded in his cotton course page 126/127.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Jan, 09:28

You can see here why they don't take temperatures above or below 60 degrees north and south. It's hotter if all stations are in line with the sun not on the coldest part of the curve. This is how you get global warming.

Inigo Jones weather

19 Jan, 21:52

One of Gann's coded dates in TTTTA is the 9th May 1927 (day the book was written), Looking back from 1940. 1/2 of of 1940 is 970, The Patriarch Methuselah died at 969 years. 28 x 970 is 17th September 2001 (911) so 6 days out. Its 14 x 1940, 14 is twice 7. 9th May 1927 is 1940 days from the solar eclipse on 30th August 1932. You know Enoch is the 7th Cycle of 365 years as in days. From other eclipses you can work out Kenilworth cycles. Gann said he would never sell his codes at any price. "Never throw pearls before swine" another bible quote.

Inigo Jones weather

19 Jan, 19:52

Here is Mars at Perihelion, to get a bigger heat wave you would need to get this to happen about the 4th January when earth is at Perihelion in the southern hemisphere together as the same time, not here in 300 years, that's only one planet.

Inigo Jones weather

19 Jan, 14:18

This basic maths, each planet has its own length but not on the same path as each. These are perihelion and aphelion points and each planet has its own points which also move slowly over time. Kepler and other scientists can't work out how to predict the weather when the energy lines cross with each other when performing inverse square law. Stupid scientists are using one dimensional circle of earth with a useless computer models. Hence they can never predict weather.

Inigo Jones weather

18 Jan, 23:21

These are Ganns hand drawn planetary cycles, it's what I use to weather and markets.

Inigo Jones weather

18 Jan, 16:44

If want to see what happened in your are say in 1905, just look up old newspapers. Run the cycles as taught in wirkshops.

Inigo Jones weather

18 Jan, 08:29

You can see Gann used all the bible numbers as cycle counts. On page 94 of the cotton course out recently.

Inigo Jones weather

17 Jan, 23:36

What are you doing when you don't have patience? You are buying before the cycle has bottomed or you are selling before its topped. Buying at low prices is the worst as it can tie up you capital for decades as it base builds. If it stays at the same price for 10 years and interest rates are 5% you have lost 50% of you capital. If it goes down you have lost lots more.

Inigo Jones weather

17 Jan, 22:52

May soybean 3 week chart, read page 127 on Soybeans in Gann's book "How to make profits in commodities". His book show a low in February for 1941? Has the trend turned up? follow the charts and rules.

Inigo Jones weather

17 Jan, 22:43

If you know cycles, Gann and can follow rules you can trade like this and make money. My rule is "TRADE TO SAVE" Not spend. Have no debt. Down turns are for people with no knowledge, no self discipline and spend more than they earn. Next workshop is 21st June 2025. Limited numbers. Email [email protected] for details.

Inigo Jones weather

17 Jan, 21:37

PMGold at record highs in ($A) , told you Australia is a basket case. Much better than gold. You know what Gann says in his commodity books. Cash and gold, no debt is the survival theme for Australia, of course don't live in a flood plain.

Inigo Jones weather

17 Jan, 19:33

Rain dates for February. Mostly east coast and wont really go much in land till after end of February. Best dates are 1st to 3rd, 13th/14th, 25th to 28th. March is way better. Above 1974 St Lucia Brisbane, looks like a puddle as that was 60% of the height of 1893.

Inigo Jones weather

16 Jan, 00:44

If you have bought the commodity course, stock market course and cotton course Gann talks a lot about 2 day chart and 144 daily, weekly and monthly chart. At the top you see the 2 day chart, this is on my basic program. This is wheat 2 day chart, wheat is on page 68 of "How to make profits in commodities". It goes back to 1841. Also has the retracements as i have put on the chart here.

Inigo Jones weather

15 Jan, 03:12

The year ahead for Australia based on the capital. Short term travel/transport is a disaster, commutations will fail, this could be due to floods, strikes. Many unexpected disasters as the public aren't happy with government. More spending and interest rates to keep going up.

Inigo Jones weather

13 Jan, 21:22

This is what Cody wrote in today's traders world, my article is also there. Go to

Inigo Jones weather

13 Jan, 09:30

As I showed in the workshop that Jupiter of 144 months works well on commodities. There are also 72 disciples in the bible, 12 tribes of 144,000 men. The 3 days are 72 hours etc.

Inigo Jones weather

13 Jan, 07:39

What are you all going to do when all the dams are full? and more floods come.

Inigo Jones weather

13 Jan, 04:49

Page 126 of Ganns cotton course has many mistakes to cover up bible codes.

Inigo Jones weather

13 Jan, 04:49

What Gann used was all the cycles in the bible. Even his cotton course to follow has the patriarchs counts in coded form through mistakes. There are 1000s that they claim they have decoded Gann, unless you have decoded bible cycles they are scammers.

Inigo Jones weather

12 Jan, 21:31

Inigo Jones weather

12 Jan, 21:20

All you have to do is find the greatest flood for your area over 150 years, add 2 metres for 1780 flood, add 2 metres for all the concrete and roads and live 30 metres or more above that.Very simple.

Inigo Jones weather

12 Jan, 20:35

Gann left school at 14, worked on his parents cotton farm in Texas USA. Just studied bible cycles and natural laws. He didn't need a University degree, most degrees are completely useless and you lose 7 years of wages and end up with a hex debt and zero common sense. Government education is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.

Inigo Jones weather

12 Jan, 20:15

There is a big difference in what you are doing and what Gann was doing. First he studied and researched before he traded. Second would reverse his position when the trend changed and third he'd had no debt on lots of money for times of panic. As he said " If you don't change your mind, you have no change to mind". He had wheat back to 1259 A.D and Cotton back to 1732. He studied the weather, sunspots with commodities as well.

Inigo Jones weather

12 Jan, 01:56

look at these lies and dribble .

Inigo Jones weather

12 Jan, 01:46

How they claim the hottest year ever in 2024 was it using data between 60 degrees north and south latitudes. Base line from 1991 to 2020. That happens to be falling sunspot numbers. We don't know where the stations are, if you are closer to the equator they will give a hotter reading, they aren't measured in the shade but in cities which have an urban heat island effect. Just a cherry picking scam.

Inigo Jones weather

11 Jan, 20:57

All you need for weather is this book, a $20 calculator, knowledge and 3 weeks to work out a one year forecast for each location. No education required just research, no computer models.

Inigo Jones weather

11 Jan, 05:50

This is what happened when the Aboriginals said don't live in flood plains in 1852,. There were bigger floods than 1852 in 1780.

Inigo Jones weather

11 Jan, 03:35

Pays to live on a hill over the next 5 years

Inigo Jones weather

11 Jan, 03:35

Only puddles, the great floods aren't here yet.

Inigo Jones weather

10 Jan, 18:05

Gold has jumped $80 to record highs at $4380. Out performing flood plain real estate and bush fires. As I posted 4 years ago gold was the strongest commodity long term.

Inigo Jones weather

10 Jan, 08:50

All fires are normal weather as well. It's worse when you are woke and don't back burn in spring like California.

Inigo Jones weather

10 Jan, 08:07

The 1780 flood exceeded this by 2 metres, I'm expecting the 1780 floods to repeat over the next 4 years.

Inigo Jones weather

10 Jan, 05:00

144 X 3 is 432, 432 months is the Bruckner cycle used in weather as one cycle.

Inigo Jones weather

09 Jan, 22:52

As the fires in Californa and the floods that are coming in the next few years, natural law will always win. Don't live in either place, you will lose your assets. Gold is water proof and can't be melted in a bush fire, also easy to move. Qld weather tonight.

Inigo Jones weather

08 Jan, 07:19

All Ganns trading is based on 144, it's what I discovered about 24 years ago and now confirmed in new published stock, commodity and cotton courses from You can use this count on rainfall if you have over 100 years of data.

Inigo Jones weather

07 Jan, 06:52

Has anyone done my workshop and bought the astro course on cotton and cotton course, I will be invited after I have researched his cotton course due out in a few weeks to a private workshop in 2026. Only for passionate Gann/Cycle students. Stay posted. courses here

Inigo Jones weather

06 Jan, 02:46

Rainfall is expected by Friday on my rain date around 10th. Melbourne temperatures dropped 15 degrees overnight.

Inigo Jones weather

06 Jan, 00:31

Inigo Jones weather

06 Jan, 00:31

This is why they always talk down interest rates so you don't lock them in the long term. It's why they did COVID and got you to borrow free money. Getting back now in inflation and higher rates.

Inigo Jones weather

05 Jan, 20:55

Instead of sending kids to UN-VERSA-TEA get all Ganns books and start studying. You could get everything under $20,000. My astro cotton course from Cody should be here soon. All tax deductions for business. Gann used the same cycles on the weather and sunspots over his wheat charts.

Inigo Jones weather

05 Jan, 20:55

W.D. Gann's Astronomical Course-2025 – WD Gann, Inc

Inigo Jones weather

05 Jan, 08:43

This is what my rain date is looking at on the 10th. Rain will slowly build in coming months.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Jan, 22:03

Look at yearly gold compared to silver. You learn at workshops which markets to buy and which ones to sell.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Jan, 21:11

If you can't learn from other people's mistakes then you have to learn the hard way. I study history and study the mistakes and don't go there. This is the best way to protect your capital.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Jan, 20:59

To make a snow flake you need 60 degree angles, same as the hexagon on the top of Saturn. 60 x 6 = 360. You can see the major 60 degree angles from the day of great floods in 1893 for the sunshine coast. 1893 had 5 metres of rain for the year.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Jan, 20:06

South Australia's average rain falls, then there's years you have below, that's how you get averages. Don't pay too much for land you will go broke in a drought

Inigo Jones weather

04 Jan, 09:25

They call it global warming and climate change, it's none of that it should be called "environmental change" as all weather is normal. So more immigration is called "environmental change".

Inigo Jones weather

04 Jan, 05:59

The weather isn't getting hotter, it's the environment that humans are changing, also helps with the deleting and fudging of data from NOAA, IPCC and BOM.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Jan, 05:59

3 days into the new year and BOMs got out the red paint.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Jan, 02:21

Crude oil is a buy based on 22 day pattern reading bars of mine.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Jan, 01:52

No many people do homework before they buy land, you can see here that 70 to 80% of the country is in drought 80% of the time. It means the further you go inland more droughts. Many areas shouldn't be farmed as above the Goyder line in South Australia as an example. Some areas over 100 years might only have 3 wet years out of 10, you build that into the budget and the cost of purchasing the land. Also, you look at what the commodity can be grown and how you hedge it for that area. Some this land has to go back to $20 an acre in the next major drought, maybe in 2032. 2032 is 100 years from the great depression of 1932. Study all the droughts over the last 200 years and you can work out what the land is really worth. This chart is from long paddock.

Inigo Jones weather

03 Jan, 23:53

Gann writes here in 1940 (part of the books set you buy from , you need to know the natural laws of your area to make a success. 100 years of data will be accurate around 75% , 200 years around 90%.

Inigo Jones weather

31 Dec, 18:27

I said don't buy silver, it's collapsing against gold. As Gann said, buy the wrong market your capital can be tired up for years. It's the same as buying in a flood plain.

Inigo Jones weather

31 Dec, 03:54

The Regatta Hotel on the Brisbane River, highest is 1841 just above the second floor , just below is 1893, highest was a lot higher about 100 years before 1841 according to Inigo Jones research.

Inigo Jones weather

29 Dec, 22:57

Ganns time periods from 45 years in wall street for D.J.I.A

Inigo Jones weather

29 Dec, 21:45

You must keep reading Gann books, a few pages every night wont hurt you.

Inigo Jones weather

29 Dec, 06:59

If you have to ask if your area is going to flood in the next 4 years you are living too low and you need to live well above 30 meters of flood records.

Inigo Jones weather

29 Dec, 04:28

You can buy Ganns lottery information only $650,000

Inigo Jones weather

29 Dec, 04:28

W.D. Gann's Lottery Binder - Original, unstudied, work – WD Gann, Inc

Inigo Jones weather

29 Dec, 01:25

Why you must always protect your capital, if you live in a flood plain you aren't protecting your capital. A mortgage isn't protecting your capital. Your trading capital should be no more than your cash reserves. Remember Gann puts knowledge ahead of capital.

Inigo Jones weather

28 Dec, 21:25

The great floods were in 1946, 84 years from the peak in sunspots in 1778. This was the greatest flood in Australia from 1740. It was at least 2 meters higher than 1893 and 1956. This cycle of 250 repeats by 2028.

Inigo Jones weather

28 Dec, 19:04

Soon you won't be able to sell in a flood plain as there would be no buyers. If you have a mortgage, just hand the keys to the bank if you can't sell it and walk away. If you have to work in flood plains just rent, invest money elsewhere. Interest rates will get to 12% as the USA gets to 20%. Higher rates cause more companies to go bankrupt.I did say years ago be debt free, have gold and cash. Highest flloods have been 30 metres on the east coast over the last 200 years, so live 50 metres or higher.

Inigo Jones weather

28 Dec, 14:06

Record bankrupts, as I said years ago, get out of debt. The recession has a long way to go, 120 years from 1907, 50 years from 1975/76, 45 years from 1982, 40 years from 1986 etc all point 2025 to 2027.

Inigo Jones weather

28 Dec, 08:14

NZ looks to have many accidents and collapsing economy in 2025 after Mrs Ed locked down the country and wasted money, she was just another socialist working for the UN.

Inigo Jones weather

28 Dec, 02:15

With two days trading left for the year to finish it showing lowest yearly close on US bonds since 2002, don't be surprised to see rates at 20% over the next few years. Those who never paid off debt will lose all, as they have been plaining for you will be happy by 2030 because you will own nothing.

Inigo Jones weather

27 Dec, 21:50

You can put high/low time counts back to 1200 A.D on coffee, don't need data in the chart program from way back in history. You can put the date in from Gann's commodity book from the low in 1936, no other program does this.

Inigo Jones weather

27 Dec, 09:02

See why you have to keep reading Ganns rules for business , hedging, investing and trading.

Inigo Jones weather

27 Dec, 06:03

One of the great flood years, also Burdekin was 83.5 feet high. 80 years is 2026. Four Jupiter/Saturn cycles is just under 80 years, so 2025 onwards. Watch the flooding all up the coast especially Sunshine coast. Watch flooding go over the Bli Bli bridge. Don't build or live in flood plains.

Inigo Jones weather

27 Dec, 05:02

Metvuw prediction for the first,as per my rain dates much better 10th to 14th.

Inigo Jones weather

26 Dec, 07:12

The bankers rule you if you have debt, then you have another 30% tax to pay it off, so you have two rulers, bankers and government. I have never seen anyone go broke that has no debt and savings in the bank.

Inigo Jones weather

26 Dec, 06:07

What Gann says about triple top like in the cattle market.

Inigo Jones weather

08 Dec, 09:01

Bom January to March forecast, red paint on the Xmas special sales.

Inigo Jones weather

08 Dec, 00:59

Inigo Jones weather

08 Dec, 00:59

That's a 3rd of the population nearly, just as they planned. I said leave Melbourne in 2019, don't live in a flood plain, be debt free, have 50% cash and gold and don't get vaccinated. Happy days.

Inigo Jones weather

07 Dec, 21:13

This is what happens if you go against the cycle of swimming upstream and following the masses. The smart ones stay last, let the bears get full.

Inigo Jones weather

07 Dec, 20:57

The Bruckner cycle is 34 to 36 years because of the elliptic movement of "Inverse square law", then you can see it will be wetter in wet signs like 1917 and 1594 about 323 years apart, 324 is the square of 18. Same as 2025 and 1703, but how can people even know if you have no data for 1703? 1703 plus 324 is 2027, there were great storm and flooding in Britain in 1703. Of course it will be the wettest ever in 2027.

Inigo Jones weather

07 Dec, 19:33

We have a very wet period from 2025 to 2029 due to planetary cycles combining back 360 years. This also another one from 2033 to 2039. If you move to higher ground 5 years ago you don't have worry what happens in 100 years time.

Inigo Jones weather

07 Dec, 19:33

Each cycle repeats but as Gann said if you are repeating say the 19 year Moon/Sun cycle of 19 years you have to go back a see where the other planets are to see if its wetter or drying than the current cycle. Here say in 2036 you wanted to know what was the 90 year cycle doing once the planet hit the wet point here. 1946 had great floods in Burdekin, another 90 years in 1857 Brisbane had great floods. Its the different energies at different time periods that change the outcome. A computer just goes around and around like a silly wheel hence BOM invests in wheel not astronomy.

Inigo Jones weather

07 Dec, 04:42

Look at the Bureau of Manure on 11th November 2024 ruling out a La Nina, I gave you 9 months ago flooding and rain after mid November. These idiots cant see something 3 days away let alone 100 years time. Its only a branch of centre link.

Inigo Jones weather

06 Dec, 21:31

Gann never talked about this on his square of 9, but he used 1335, 666 and 432 all in his cotton course. He got all his cycles from the bible but never told anyone how to use these. 432 + 234 = 666, 666 X 2 = 1332. 1332 is 36 X 37. 36 X 4 is 144, 144 x 3 is 432.

Inigo Jones weather

06 Dec, 06:07

More global warming.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Dec, 22:30

Gann wrote the level to short where the purple pointer is at 262 to 265. Gannns November beans weekly chart from 1947 to 1955.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Dec, 22:06

Most business are built on sand due to lack of knowledge. Of course they will collapse its only a matter of time. They fail to save, fail to grow knowledge, lack patience and live in the wrong area.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Dec, 21:27

The Bureau of Manure chances of rain for 3 months from October to December, wrong again.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Dec, 20:20

As you know theres no futures or options market on Australia Cattle. But based on chart patterns a triple top is at 688, double the low., last swing low is 618, close to half the big range at that 620 level, watch both levels, 688 is a sell, above that say 3% ( Gann max stop rule is 708, below 618 is a sell level as well. With cattle you just cant reverse your position easily. Its one of the poorest marketing systems out of all the commodities, so when you sell you have to save.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Dec, 04:44

To start knowledge its starts with the first good book, I started with all Gann books, from knowledge comes wisdom.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Dec, 04:35

What are you going to teach your kids if you know nothing about life yourself, you you haven't learnt the mistakes of others. Being free is having knowledge, its worth more than gold.

Inigo Jones weather

04 Dec, 04:29

Even if you are super busy you can at least invest/trade off the quarterly chart. This has retracements and chart patterns and you don't even have to add the cycles that I taught in the workshop, but you need to do something with the knowledge you have otherwise you forget. You need only accurate data like above. If you don't start you cant finish. Do this and read Gann's commodity book.

Inigo Jones weather

21 Nov, 01:29

All you need is a $20 calculator , Ganns books and common sense. Hope Mrs Wally not just after Wally's money.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Nov, 22:59

OMG Wally could get wet, he's fallen out of the tree.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Nov, 22:59

Wally has got his umbrella ready for mega floods.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Nov, 20:07

The Lunar Eclipse chart for Perth after 15th March 2025 show hail storms and general farming shows slow growth in 2025, way colder than average. The eclipse I posted for SA in April 2024 was showing fail crops and I posted not to plant. Low yield is opposite to high yield, all normal been going on since the earth has been spinning. Each location is done on its own for accurate readings. The rain dates were posted on 11th November here for December 2024.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Nov, 05:07

Driest and hottest ever of course.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Nov, 04:08

Just puddles

Inigo Jones weather

20 Nov, 03:56

You can see 1974, 2011 and 2022 were just puddles. 2022 was wasn't even half of 1841 and 1893. Floods were higher in 1740s and 1780s by 3 to 4 metres when you run the same cycles which start repeating from 2025 to 2029. There will be know where to hide if you live in a flood plain.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Nov, 03:21

Big rain today, hasn't stopped raining all day on the coast

Inigo Jones weather

19 Nov, 19:11

More rain coming on my next rain dated posted here, the 29th. Rain dates for December posted about 10 days ago here.

Inigo Jones weather

19 Nov, 07:00


What a great day in human history - the corrupt deep state & the covid mafia have been defeated.

This is a victory for everyone around the world that marched, for everyone that protested, and for everyone that held the line against personal abuse and vilification.

Its also a victory for everyone injured by the covid vaccines - justice is coming.

You can’t help but feel emotional.

Let the clean up operation begin.

Inigo Jones weather

19 Nov, 06:35

Big rain in many parts of the country after Mid November

Inigo Jones weather

19 Nov, 06:26

As I said a year ago, the rain would pick up after mid November. Stay posted with the surprise updates on telegram,

Inigo Jones weather

18 Nov, 09:08

Once you know what cycles are coming you can just wait for opportunities.

Inigo Jones weather

18 Nov, 05:53

Looks like some big rain coming

Inigo Jones weather

16 Nov, 15:49

The great floods haven't started, that's in 2025 thought to 2029.

Inigo Jones weather

16 Nov, 00:23

As forecast, the improvement in rain will continue, also start to go further inland as the cycle moves forward in 2025.

Inigo Jones weather

15 Nov, 21:41

Weather subscription for 2025.

Inigo Jones weather

15 Nov, 20:40

The Capricorn ingress chart in January for New York show falling prices on the D.J.I.A with Mars in Cancer, Cancer also rules New York. Inner chart from May 1792. Saturn in the house of debt as well.

Inigo Jones weather

15 Nov, 20:02

Stock market fell 50% in 1974/1975 many companies are attached to government contracts, cut spending will cut demand in USA. Cash will be king in all collapses.

Inigo Jones weather

14 Nov, 23:27

Sold all my tradeable gold positions a few weeks ago as posted here, just over 72 months up and close to the 48 line which is 1/3rd of 144. Left US profits in $US because the $A is weak as well, so as it drops the $A profit increases. Last month also reverse signal month so a correction is due. Nothing goes in a straight line until the final grand rush. All in Gann's books etc.

Inigo Jones weather

14 Nov, 15:31

The worst time to buy is at the top of income, it's when people are most excited. Always buy at the bottom with cash saved at the top. The borrowers have to liquidate at the bottom. Everything is opposite to the masses.

Inigo Jones weather

14 Nov, 09:58

Not more flooding at Bli Bli wait till next year, great floods in March and April.

Inigo Jones weather

14 Nov, 09:35

As Gann said here he's using the MASTER TIME FACTOR to forecast weather as well.

Inigo Jones weather

14 Nov, 01:05

The floods of 1890 South Brisbane repeat soon. One great flood period coming up is 1st December 2024 to 30th April 2025. This doesn't mean Brisbane alone, great floods can cover many states. Better on my rain dates with in the above period. Good rain will push summer crops prices down in value.

Inigo Jones weather

14 Nov, 00:03

The reason people lose money in farming is because they run on emotions instead of business sense. You have to learn to be a trader, everything is a trade. A long term investment is a short term trade gone wrong.

Inigo Jones weather

13 Nov, 20:39

Inigo died today in 1954.

Inigo Jones weather

13 Nov, 18:08

You never can get into a financial mess if you follow Gann rules. Those who bought and borrowed at the top a few years ago will have to liquidate at the bottom as stated here. I told people to pay down debt and save for this. But no, big egos went ahead and all thought they were smarter than natural laws. Never seen anyone beat the cycles yet, nothing new under the sun. Wait till interest rates get to 12% or higher, everything will be foresale.

Inigo Jones weather

13 Nov, 09:34

Right on my rain date period of better rain predicted at the start of the year.

Inigo Jones weather

12 Nov, 21:37

101 feet floods in Hawkesbury river in 1806.

Inigo Jones weather

12 Nov, 21:09

As I said , don't buy silver, its fallen for three weeks gold only two. Its at 50% of the 2011, so much cost of carry. Gold is over 3 times that same peak. Read Gann's rules, buy the strongest market sell the weakest market. If it closes below $30 it has no chance of going up, plus the spread is huge between buying and selling.

Inigo Jones weather

12 Nov, 20:54

Capricorn ingress for Ukraine's winter. extra cold and wet, great flooding, just what Putin's has been waiting for, that's the end of NATO trying to control the east. As I posted 3 days after the war started that the west wouldn't go there and Russia would win. Nearly 200 billion given to Ukraine and they haven't been there, all into the corrupt politicians pockets.

Inigo Jones weather

12 Nov, 06:55

Never saw the Bureau of Manure forecast more rain in the middle of November with their 1600 staff a year ago. This is why the CEO wouldn't bet his salary of $570,000 against to pick a rain date a year in advance, pusy, just a branch of centre link.

Inigo Jones weather

12 Nov, 04:36

Rain due tomorrow

Inigo Jones weather

11 Nov, 22:57

Lunar eclipse on 14th March 2025 for Roma, Qld.Its right on the cusp of the 2nd House opposite Saturn, which would bring bad foreign trade and trouble with financial affairs. Its only 12 second from being in Virgo, which rules crops, so summer crops might not get the rain at the right time. This is what you have to do for each location, plus long term cycles, new and full moon plus a lot more etc.

Inigo Jones weather

11 Nov, 21:52

As you can see, very normal to get flooded, the 1853 flood could repeat next year, but its a large cycle so it would be with in a year.

Inigo Jones weather

11 Nov, 09:07

Good rain heading towards the coast.

Inigo Jones weather

11 Nov, 06:36

Flood risk coming up in my time period for better rain.

Inigo Jones weather

11 Nov, 02:05

Rain dates, 29th November, 7th December, 10th to 13th (good rain, storms) and 25th December, above average rain fall for most areas against the seasonal average for you location. The east coast will get a lot more.

Inigo Jones weather

30 Oct, 19:27

In 1913, 30 inches of rain in 2 days. Floods are normal, massive floods are normal when the cycle repeats.

Inigo Jones weather

30 Oct, 08:08

The 1780 must have been a huge flood as it was bigger than 1867 which was 63.5 feet, the 1806 was 101 feet as posted before from old newspapers, how high was the 1780 floods in Sydney, must have been higher again than 101 feet? The 1780 cycle repeats up to 2028. We know the 1780 flood ran twice as fast as 1956 and was 2 meters higher at Swan Reach.

Inigo Jones weather

29 Oct, 19:38

There's been 60 major floods at Goondiwindi since 1886, what they need is the MEGA flood line above the Major line. You would have to add 2 to 4 metres based on the rest of the country.

Inigo Jones weather

29 Oct, 17:14

The floods of 1909 worst than 1862 and the great floods of 1870. 1909 plus 120 years is 2029.

Inigo Jones weather

29 Oct, 17:00

May 1890 at Bourke, floods at 42ft 7 inches, this isn't ever.

Inigo Jones weather

29 Oct, 07:34

What does Gann say? Buy as long as the trend is up in gold. What i say yo do? have no debt, half gold half cash, the crash is coming in flood plain property etc. To much the cost of carry. The higher any market goes the bigger the correction because you are further away from ZERO. Watch around the line, this where you can trade your AAAUs or short futures against your physical position etc. Gann said trading is the best business in the world once you have knowledge. Its what you have learnt at workshops.

Inigo Jones weather

29 Oct, 07:16

Just look up the Trove newspaper for your area, then look at areas with in a few 100 klms of history, if data only goes back 100 years add 10 to 15 meters above, back 200 years add 4 to 6 meters. Then you risk factor above that and roads out etc. It's all common sense because insurance won't go down. Here's only 1950, it won't be the worst ever unless you work at the Bureau of Manure.

Inigo Jones weather

28 Oct, 06:48

As Inigo warned in 1932, I'm warning you now to get ready. Email me for the Mega Floods for the SUNSHINE COAST, but you do the same as this report for your area. Also will send the Global warming sacm and the computer scam reports. REMEMBER what Gann said "To be FOR WARNED is to be FOREARMED". This could save you assets getting wasted away or even death depending where you live. Email [email protected]
They have spell INIGO wrong here, it's not Indigo.

Inigo Jones weather

28 Oct, 05:53

You must study all the planets for each location. Here Jupiter is at the same degree as the Mega floods in 1825 for Brisbane in March 2027.

Inigo Jones weather

27 Oct, 20:25

At Maleny having a coffee before golf and sitting at the coffee table sacred metatron cube.

Inigo Jones weather

27 Oct, 17:35

`100 feet high in 1825, BOM will never mention that. 200 years is 2025.

Inigo Jones weather

27 Oct, 04:10

If you read is you can see that there was MEGA floods before 1918 in Rockhampton. If you work backwards from 1918 to the great MEGA floods also talk about around 1740s in Brisbane ( about 100 years before the 1841 great floods) you know its correct by going back two 84 year cycles and 165 year cycle is 1750. 1918 minus two 90 year cycle is 1738. As Gann said "Prepare for the worst and you don't have to face the worst". It what old tribes did as well, they knew their history otherwise couldn't survive at all.

Inigo Jones weather

26 Oct, 23:51

Sunspots going back up, probably to my major change in the dry cycle to wet mid November.

Inigo Jones weather

26 Oct, 21:47

Time in the bible is 360 years, so 720 years is 2034 when added to 1312, can start early around 2026 due to other cycles. 2025 is the square of 45, Gann's death angle. 45 x 2 is 90 years, still in the depression in 1935, The economy collapse from 1980 to 1982 as well being 45 years. 16 x 45 = 720 years. As explain in the workshops the Queens funeral was coded with TIME (360).

Inigo Jones weather

26 Oct, 20:58

The next Gann/Inigo workshop is 7th June 2025, 1/2 full already. This is the Gold chart you can see in the bronze version that the square of 24 is use (same Gann's wheel of 24 and Tesla wheel of 12). You see gold will make a short term top in a few months at he 180. I have drawn the Gann angle from the low, then on the 45 on the 144 line the square of 12. This where you can trade futures short if you want against your physical position or buy AAAUs on a good correction next year. For workshop details email me at [email protected]

Inigo Jones weather

26 Oct, 02:33

Here's some free course on futures and interest rates.

Inigo Jones weather

26 Oct, 00:33

Australia bonds closed below the 25%, means 50% is the next level in 2025. That puts rates at 12 to 14%. Stay in cash and gold.

Inigo Jones weather

25 Oct, 22:47

Add 84 years to 1946 is around 2030

Inigo Jones weather

25 Oct, 22:46

See also great floods in 1787 (high sunspots as well).

Inigo Jones weather

25 Oct, 22:36

When you add 84 years to 1780. its 1864,1948 and 2030, peak in sunspots was 1778, floods can come early than the peak in sunspots so makes it 2 years each side of 2028. You can add other cycles as in explained in workshops to get closer.

Inigo Jones weather

23 Oct, 08:34

If you go to my telegram you will see I posted where I said to buy cocoa at 3,000 and sell it at the top of 11,500 ( half the bible number 2300 X 10 ) , bets silver my miles. You just really trading $US not the commodity.

Inigo Jones weather

23 Oct, 05:59

Inigo Jones weather

23 Oct, 05:58

If I was to buy silver as a trade it would be here, but way better markets that are trending better than silver. Plus you can short futures when it has a change in trend down and make money on the collapse.

Inigo Jones weather

22 Oct, 22:25

See the spread, you would have to be an idiot to buy silver coins. Silver is a poor mans gold. You are better to buy AAAUs if you cant afford gold bars. Look at the charts before you buy as explained in the workshops.

Inigo Jones weather

22 Oct, 16:32

Gold just hit $4100 , why would you still have real estate in flood plains

Inigo Jones weather

22 Oct, 06:29

Next week's rain

Inigo Jones weather

21 Oct, 21:44

If you can't follow natural laws, you need help as you mind is stuffed. A have to change to have spare time and money. You can get advise on this here.

Inigo Jones weather

21 Oct, 21:44

Home | Explore Best Life | Online consulting | Life after divorce

Inigo Jones weather

21 Oct, 21:36

Every cycle has a death square, the average of life is 84 years old, at 63 years old you are in the death square. You should have no debt, plenty of cash by 60 years old or earlier. See how cotton collapses in the death square as taught at workshops

Inigo Jones weather

21 Oct, 21:29

Stop complaining if you haven't made any changes to your life. If you have no TIME and no MONEY you are doing life completely wrong. We need losers because every trade there's a buyer and a seller. Its mind over matter, I don't mid and you don't matter. I like people to be in debt and borrow at highs, its how i get more for my term deposits, its great, happy days.

Inigo Jones weather

21 Oct, 21:21

As Gann said "I can give you all the rules in the world but you wont follow them", "If you don't change your mind, you have no change to mind". Even what I have taught at workshops people aren't making any effort, some are still guessing without charts, you will lose i know this for a fact, been there , done that. You need to deprogram yourself from the government brain washing and programming.

Inigo Jones weather

21 Oct, 20:18

Inigo Jones weather

21 Oct, 19:41

The 144 shown at the workshop isn't a 5 minute learning either. There's many place to put it, at the 50% level of high etc. I could do a 2 day workshop just on that. You also need accurate data other wise wrong time cycles which you get through The gold version has this 144 overlay or you can do what i have done on the data program. Both are monthly cotton charts. See lines at 144 and 72 on the data program.

Inigo Jones weather

21 Oct, 19:30

Over the next few weeks I will send those who have done my workshop how to put all the swing highs and lows on current data. Got to pick up this chart paper today.

Inigo Jones weather

21 Oct, 08:41

Rain dates for November:- 4th, 12th to19th is one of the better periods for rain/some flooding for 6 months, 25th to 27th. 2025 is way wetter than 2024.

Inigo Jones weather

21 Oct, 05:20

Gann used ancient numbers for Cuban lottery and Horse racing.

Inigo Jones weather

21 Oct, 05:14

Gold Standard (AUS)

Inigo Jones weather

21 Oct, 05:14

You can buy gold tokens as well if you can't afford gold bars.

Inigo Jones weather

25 Sep, 08:00

If you lose money it's because of what Gann says here.

Inigo Jones weather

25 Sep, 03:48

The gold Silver Ratio. The long term above the Red line is Bullish, 2nd long term above Blue line is Bullish. So Gold is strong uptrend compared to Silver. Once above the Yellow line at 94 its extremely bullish. Every one is taught at workshops to do long term research first. On top of that the Silver spread is between 16% and 30% for buy backs. But if you want to guess go right ahead, its your money. As Kerry Packer said "Everyone has the right to go broke".

Inigo Jones weather

25 Sep, 00:53

I posted before watch the double top and doubling the low of last year. That was 344 x 2 = 688. Double top was 679 and 686. Now it has broken the swing low of a month ago its turn down. Back in the bear market is back below those tops around 620 which is also the 50% level. Al this taught at workshops. Its not a market you can hedge forward, best is cotton, then sugar, then grain, then wool, Lambs, sheep and cattle have nothing. If you cant hedge you have more price risk.

Inigo Jones weather

24 Sep, 23:37

You can predict 1000s of years in advance. I have made many public forecasts in advance. Here's wheat predicted in July 1996 to peak in 2008. It's exactly what happened. Over $300 million was lost because farmers sold low before the low sunspot cycle hit bottom and to buy back all there contracts at a lost.

Inigo Jones weather

24 Sep, 23:14

Inigo Jones weather

24 Sep, 23:14

Business, commodities and weather use the same cycles of natural laws. You should be managing your own super fund. Minimum you need this books. Read the first 62 pages at least 6 times every 10 days of the commodity book. Also those who have been to my workshop were shown the square of 144 on my cotton chart and on weather. This 144 square has been released in new material of Gann's commodity and stock courses, only $895 US for both. It hasn't been in the public hands before now. If you are losing money its because the lack of knowledge, which one of Gann's main principles.

Inigo Jones weather

24 Sep, 20:45

When you read the Astro information here on Gann's cotton course you realise no one in the world is doing what he's doing. He's not just looking at aspects, its how he looks at cycles and aspects. All in the new cotton course coming out.

Inigo Jones weather

24 Sep, 19:47

Gold at record highs, no cost of carry like with real estate , no people required , flood proof, drought proof, transportable. Cash and gold are the best. You only need one house one car.

Inigo Jones weather

23 Sep, 15:43

Lower sunspots this month adding to the cold weather.

Inigo Jones weather

23 Sep, 05:39

Rain is building on my rain dates as posted on telegram for 28th, build more again in October followed by some great floods in 2025, all posted monthly on

Inigo Jones weather

23 Sep, 03:53

This add was ban in the Canegrowers magazine, two years ago. They don't want you educated about markets and weather, they want you in sugar pools. I got $119 a tonne extra selling at $939 a tonne instead of a pool of $820 a tonne. Got to keep you dumb and poor. Learn before you lost, next workshop 1st March 2025, email [email protected]

Inigo Jones weather

23 Sep, 03:42

Yep you need a UN-A-VERSA-TEA degree to understand the rules and laws that aren't natural laws.

Inigo Jones weather

23 Sep, 02:01

Looking Back from 1940 of TTTTA. Secret to bible numbers is counting from eclipses. The Total solar eclipse from 31/8/1932 gives you count from 9th May 1927 to be 6 days out to 911.

Inigo Jones weather

22 Sep, 20:47

Malcom Roberts proves BOM is always wrong.

Inigo Jones weather

22 Sep, 20:11

BOM have no idea. Its a branch of centre link.

Inigo Jones weather

22 Sep, 14:56

People just don't follow natural laws. If it doesn't work 100% of the time , delete it. Of course they keep repeating bad habits then want handouts

Inigo Jones weather

22 Sep, 07:29

The next Gann/Inigo workshop after October 2024 which is the last one in 2024 is 1st March 2025. Great group on 21st September. More and more people are understanding that natural laws are the only laws. Limited to 24 people. Email [email protected]

Inigo Jones weather

22 Sep, 05:53

The rain is coming around my rain dates the 28th.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Sep, 20:50

Why would you borrow in a BOOM, at the top, dumb idea. The line here is the peak of wheat in 1919 at $3.0 a bushel, it never got higher until 1973, so 54 years. long time to negative gear that if you didn't go broke in 1932 and low sunspots and 41 cents a bushel, that was 88% drop in price. Don't study history people don't like facts.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Sep, 20:15

Subscribe to this for the truth, it's free.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Sep, 16:34

Imagine being that stupid you get upset with weather because the earth rotates around the sun. OMG my feelings are hurt it's summer and a drought , OMG it's winter and it floods. OMG it's sunrise, OMG it's sunset.

Inigo Jones weather

20 Sep, 09:21

All weather is normal, 6 year drought in 1830s. 1839 was 43c (109f) in the shade and not in a city. Droughts and Floods were way bigger in the 1800s. 6 year droughts will happen again, 10,20 or 30 years time. So what's your plan? Debt isn't good in these cycles. The next major drought is in 2032, need to save now for then.

Inigo Jones weather

19 Sep, 20:35

If you are a sugar farmer you should have rolled the spread commitment at the recent low, thats when you do it when it's in an up trend, the prices aren't fixed though. My clients were advised to roll at the bottom. The peak is where I sold last year's crop at $939 and bet the QSL pool by $119. No knowledge no money.

Inigo Jones weather

19 Sep, 05:01

The lunar eclipse for Adelaide showed the frost and cold weather. Very obvious as it was angling Uranus which is cold in winter. Moon also at perigee.

Inigo Jones weather

18 Sep, 22:48

This was the 6 years in the 1830s, 7 -year drought was 1896 to 1903, so on 70 years two major droughts. So that nearly 20% of that time. Will it happen again, of course may another generation in the future. Doesn’t count the small droughts and floods in between. As you can see all weather is extremely NORMAL.

Inigo Jones weather

18 Sep, 20:56

Seriously I have no idea why this isn't built into the rural business plan? There were also major droughts and floods in 1800s and 100s of year before. Major 6 year drought in the 1830s, and 23 year drought as posted before from 1500 to 1523. You must have no debt and off farm investment that isn't real estate. If you grow every year and there's a 6 year drought of course you will lose money. You cant grow those years is the only way to avoid losses.

Inigo Jones weather

18 Sep, 04:05

How much is the lack of knowledge of the sugar futures costing you being in pools. If you are in a. pool it costs you $119 a tonne compared where I sold at $939 for last season. So your marketing cost $119 a tonne being in. QSLs pool. Had a number of sugar farmers that have completed my workshops. The next workshop starts in March 2025. As Gann says learn before you lose. Email [email protected] for workshop details.

Inigo Jones weather

18 Sep, 03:30

What you do in high sunspots is pay off debt for low sunspots which 95% of my clients were out of debt before the 2019/20 drought. the sunspots average between 11 and 12 years, so 3 years of droughts and 3 years of floods. The further inland is a different weighting. It might be 6 years of drought,3 years of floods and 3 years of average rainfall. Great floods start on the coast and more inland. The best floods are after November to April 2025, then more in 2026. The 1780 floods repeat from 2025 to 2029. Don't live in flood plains either.

Inigo Jones weather

17 Sep, 21:18

666 is the Magic square of the Sun, nothing evil about it 144,000 divided by 666 is 216, X 2 is the square root of the speed of light 432. Why has Gann used 666 count in his cotton course then if it is bad . Our education is just one big scam.

Inigo Jones weather

17 Sep, 18:08

Gann said all his cycles came from the bible. 12 tribes of 12,000 men is 144,000 Ganns square of 144. Uses Daniel cycles in his cotton course. Secret use of 144 shown in workshops. Works on weather as well as markets 144 overlay on my software in the silver version. www wdganntrader com

Inigo Jones weather

16 Sep, 21:49

Gann's recent cotton course said you can make up the square of 24, exactly what I have done here from the low in 1947 and added the Gann angles, this chart tools is in the Bronze version. Software shown at the workshop as well.

Inigo Jones weather

16 Sep, 20:44

Bureau of Manure forecast for September to November posted 8th August 24. They have bought 100 years of red paint, this is the same map for the future, just cut and paste. Everything is global warming as you know, so its never wrong.

Inigo Jones weather

16 Sep, 20:05

The slower moving planets give you the theme, this is Neptune going through the signs. The Australia shows when Neptune is in Aquarius as example its drier than average, 22 year drought was when Neptune was there in 1506, dry in 1834 which was 6 year drought and dry in 1998 which was dry. You can see Neptune coming into Aries in 2025, the great floods of 1867 and 1870 was when Neptune was in the same sign. Then you need to look at the other planets as its "Wheel with in Wheels".

Inigo Jones weather

16 Sep, 09:04

Inigo Jones weather

15 Sep, 22:10

Gold from the 1980 high runs up to 2028 and 2029. Wont go in a straight line, you want the creeping marketing like now so no one notices it. The higher it goes the bigger the swings, $100 to $300 a day, its normal the further you get away from zero. All in the first 62 pages of Gann's commodity book "How to make profits in commodities" which you need to read and read again.

Inigo Jones weather

15 Sep, 21:02

Rain dates for October, as per last month 28th September, but still coastal with patchy inland. Rain will slowly improve after 10th, but not as good as after mid November. 13th to 15th, hotter 17th with more storms in the north. 28th to 31st but nothing really exciting.

Inigo Jones weather

15 Sep, 20:30

Minus 6 identifying as hottest ever

Inigo Jones weather

15 Sep, 19:36

Even with all the farting of the public servants at Canberra the temperature still drops to minus 5.2. Better get the major fudging team on to this so it's the hottest September in 125,000 years.