Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc


Information found on this channel has been found by independent Anons and is NOT affiliated with any other channels or groups on Telegram. We are NOT Ingersoll Lockwood.

Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

23 Oct, 15:15

JUST IN: 🇨🇳 Chinese President Xi Jinping says BRICS must promote a new financial system.

"There is an urgent need to reform the international financial architecture, and BRICS must play a leading role in promoting a new system that better reflects the profound changes in the international economic balance of power."


Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

23 Oct, 07:08

Eminem came out on stage to introduce Barack Obama at a rally in Detroit, MI tonight and it’s just as CRINGE as you would expect.

Em is also known to be on the Epstein Island list and was close with Ray Chandler, which was Ghislaine Maxwell’s child procurement specialist.

I’m sure he’s been to some Diddy parties too, isn’t that right Em?

I bet Barack was there too, maybe even Kamala.

Birds of a feather flock together.


Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

23 Oct, 01:44

JUST IN: 🇺🇸 US President Joe Biden calls to imprison Donald Trump 14 days before the presidential election.

Why is the President of the United States, a so-called democracy, calling to imprison political opponents?


Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

23 Oct, 01:43

Guys, please give JP Activista @JPActivista a follow on X .

My best friend and brother Renzo Huamanchumo, dual citizen of America & Peru, is being held without due process and brutaly physically & mentally torchered. He is in the hands and custody of the DGCIM Dirrecion General Counterintelligencia Militar in Venezuela. They are Madruo's militant arm. They are communists and human rights abusers. They are designated a territorist organization. Please pray and share this. I will have JP on soon.
Please pray for Renzo, his girlfriend, and two other captives. We also have a Navy Seal and two other servicemen in custody charges from arms trafficking espionage and plotting to overthrow and assinate Maduro. They were arrested and forcibly disappeared and are now in custody. Make noise Patriots. Interview coming with JP soon.


Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

22 Oct, 20:22

JUST IN: 🇺🇸🇷🇺 American media outlet Bloomberg now admits attempts to isolate Russia have failed, as BRICS Summit becomes one of the largest foreign policy events in Russia's history.


Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

22 Oct, 19:26

JUST IN - Silver prices jump to $35 an ounce in 12-year high.


Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

22 Oct, 19:26

JUST IN - Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO, Mike Jeffries, arrested on federal sex trafficking charges.


Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

22 Oct, 11:59

In 1988, René Peoc'h discovered something strange (see images A & B above). A randomly-moving robot seemed drawn to chicks that had imprinted on it as their "mother." But it wasn't until his landmark 1995 study that things got really interesting...

When he removed the imprinting variable and added just one element - a candle in darkness - untrained chicks showed an even stronger effect. The robot, programmed for random movement (RNG in a separate room!), spent 71% of its time near the chicks' cage.

The brilliance? Three simple controls:

No candle = no effect
Sleeping chicks = no effect
Empty cage = random paths (as shown in countless control trials)

Pure consciousness seeking light, measurable in machine behavior. No complex training needed - just 15 awakened minds and their natural desire for illumination.


Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

22 Oct, 11:54

BRICS Summit officially begins today in Kazan, Russia.


Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

21 Oct, 19:03

Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

21 Oct, 11:39

Remember Loretta Fuddy??

She was the official who provided Obama’s [forged] birth certificate…

Then, she being the only witness - was also the only death from this 2013 plane crash where EVERYONE SURVIVED.

Fuddy was the only fatality in the crash.

All the passengers, including Fuddy, safely evacuated the plane and activated life-vests, but Fuddy died of heart failure while awaiting rescue…



Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

21 Oct, 11:38

Share this link to the official Obama birth certificate with any graphic designers you know.

Ask them to open it in Adobe Illustrator, and then examine the layers.

Ask them if an official birth certificate would EVER have these layers.

Remind them this file came directly from the official US Government website for Barack Obama.

This is information warfare, using weapons stored for us by patriots who came before us.


Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

21 Oct, 04:07

Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 [...]


Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc

20 Oct, 15:24

Today’s (only) delta is Post # 4903 from 10-20-20 with a link to a clip from the movie “Crimson Tide” and says “Set condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch.”

Melania Trump made her attached post about seeing a “second Air Force One” on X at 8:05 am and on Truth at 8:06 am.

Maybe it’s just a coincidence or maybe it’s a comm from the White Hats that there will be a (staged/fake) take down of Trump Force 1 or Trump Force 2. Regardless, I believe patriots are in control. 🇺🇸🙏🏼🐸