โ๏ธ The Photo as Media and Trailer Video as Media
have been updated. Telegram X users can now use the bot without the annoying unfixed bug ๐ or workaround that we had to use for this feature.a bit of rant on the current state of the bot
๐ค five years ago ๐ฒ @imdbot was introduced with very basic features.
โก we introduced both
and โญ Custom Template v1 features which was not available in any other Telegram Bot at that time, and ๐คฏ still is not available in any other Telegram Bot, even after this five years.Fast Forward to four years later, ๐ this ๐ฌ person ๐ introduced an open source bot to search in IMDb, OMDbAPI, and JustWatch but without the settings or Custom Template options.
Recently, in our @IMDbOT the following options does not seem to work correctly!
Horizontal Photo as Media
, Awards
, Check on OTT
, Letterboxd Rating
๐ค At the same time, the bot was growing old with many legacy code and various backward compatibility codes to preserve older non functional pieces of SHiT code that was written five years ago.
Custom Template v1 was a frankestein monster, with a lot of bloated code, written in an unmaintainable manner. Hence, it was decided that Custom Templates v1 would be shutdown on December 4, 2024 (