Welcome to the ❤ ایمان آذری❤ Telegram channel, managed by the username @imanazarii. This channel is dedicated to the artistic group of Shabahy-e Khorasan, where they showcase their talents and artistry. If you are looking to reserve for events or get in touch with the group, you can contact them at 09377852001. The channel admin can be reached at @IMANAZARII_051. Join this channel to immerse yourself in the beautiful world of art, creativity, and cultural expression. Stay updated on upcoming events, performances, and artistic collaborations. Let your imagination soar and be inspired by the talented individuals of Shabahy-e Khorasan. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of a vibrant artistic community. Join today and be captivated by the creativity and passion of ❤ ایمان آذری❤!