بتمنى حد يتمسك بيا مثلما تمسكت بيا انت.
Welcome to the 'أنثى نرجسية' Telegram channel, where self-love and empowerment are celebrated every day! This channel is dedicated to all the strong and confident women out there who are unapologetically themselves. 'أنثى نرجسية' is a place where you can find inspiration, motivation, and support to embrace your inner goddess and shine brightly in the world. Whether you're looking for beauty tips, self-care routines, or just some uplifting quotes to boost your mood, this channel has it all. Join us in celebrating the power and beauty of womanhood, and let's empower each other to be the best versions of ourselves. The username of this channel is 'ikram345', and it is a space created for women to come together, share their stories, and lift each other up. The title, 'أنثى نرجسية', translates to 'Narcissistic Female' in English, but here, we redefine narcissism as self-love and self-care. It's about embracing your uniqueness, loving yourself unconditionally, and standing tall in your own skin. So, if you're ready to join a community of empowered women who support and uplift each other, look no further than 'أنثى نرجسية'. Come be a part of this empowering journey towards self-love and confidence. Let's celebrate the beauty of being a woman together!
03 Jan, 17:42
03 Jan, 17:42
03 Jan, 17:42
22 Nov, 19:52
22 Nov, 19:49
16 Nov, 16:49
16 Nov, 16:49
16 Nov, 16:49
16 Nov, 16:49
16 Nov, 16:49
16 Nov, 16:49
16 Nov, 16:49
16 Nov, 16:49
16 Nov, 16:49
16 Nov, 16:48
26 Oct, 13:18
26 Oct, 13:18
11 Oct, 20:34
11 Oct, 20:30
11 Oct, 20:30
11 Oct, 20:30
11 Oct, 20:30