IFMSA-Iraq / Basra LC @ifmsa_iq_basra قناة على Telegram

IFMSA-Iraq / Basra LC

IFMSA-Iraq / Basra LC
The Internatinal Federation Of Medical Students Association-IRAQ
Basra LC 2024/2025
LCP: @Ahmed_alasadi_1
VP: @bbyff
LOME: @prettyzeynep
LORA: @min_ro
LORP: @el278af
LPO: @hajar2888
LEO: @Nabaa_muslim
LMMPSD : @Tabark_3
1,666 مشترك
2,186 صورة
68 فيديو
آخر تحديث 09.03.2025 14:32

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Introducing IFMSA-Iraq: A Network for Medical Students in Basra

The International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) is a global platform that brings together medical students from various countries to promote healthcare, education, and advocacy. Established in 1951, IFMSA serves as a voice for medical students worldwide, helping to shape the future of healthcare through a student-led approach. In Iraq, particularly in Basra, IFMSA operates a local committee that plays a crucial role in nurturing the medical community and empowering students to engage in various initiatives aimed at improving health standards. The Basra Local Committee (Basra LC) is a hub for collaboration, training, and innovation, where future healthcare leaders can learn, grow, and contribute to the medical field. The 2024/2025 leadership team, comprised of dedicated individuals, is focused on advancing the mission of IFMSA in Iraq, fostering a sense of community among medical students, and addressing health-related issues within the region.

What are the objectives of IFMSA-Iraq?

The objectives of IFMSA-Iraq encompass a wide range of initiatives aimed at enhancing medical education and promoting health awareness among the community. One of the primary goals is to provide medical students with opportunities for professional development through workshops, conferences, and practical experiences. By bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world practice, IFMSA-Iraq supports the growth of well-rounded healthcare professionals who can effectively respond to the needs of their communities.

In addition to educational objectives, IFMSA-Iraq is committed to advocacy and public health initiatives. This includes raising awareness about pressing health issues, such as maternal and child health, infectious diseases, and mental health. Through campaigns and community outreach programs, IFMSA aims to engage medical students in service-learning activities that foster a sense of responsibility and compassion for the well-being of others.

How does IFMSA-Iraq contribute to medical education?

IFMSA-Iraq plays a significant role in shaping medical education through its various programs and activities. By organizing training sessions, seminars, and guest lectures, the local committee provides medical students with access to valuable knowledge and resources that complement their academic studies. These events often feature experts in the field who share insights on current medical practices, research advancements, and innovative healthcare solutions.

Moreover, IFMSA-Iraq facilitates student exchanges and internships, allowing members to gain hands-on experience in different healthcare settings both within Iraq and internationally. Such opportunities not only enhance clinical skills but also promote cultural exchange and collaboration among future healthcare professionals. This exposure is vital for understanding diverse healthcare systems and developing a global perspective on health issues.

Who are the key leaders of IFMSA-Iraq Basra LC?

The leadership team of IFMSA-Iraq Basra LC for the 2024/2025 term comprises passionate medical students dedicated to advancing the mission of the federation. The Local Committee President (LCP), Ahmed Alasadi, leads the committee in implementing strategic initiatives and coordinating various programs. His vision and leadership play a crucial role in fostering a collaborative environment where students can thrive.

Other key positions include the Vice President (VP), Bbyff, responsible for supporting the president in managing the committee's operations, and the Local Officer for Medical Education (LOME), Pretty Zeynep, who focuses on educational initiatives and training. Each leader brings unique skills and perspectives, contributing to a well-rounded team focused on achieving the goals of IFMSA-Iraq.

What types of events does IFMSA-Iraq organize?

IFMSA-Iraq organizes a variety of events aimed at enhancing the learning experiences of medical students and addressing community health issues. These events can range from workshops and seminars on specific medical topics to large-scale health campaigns aimed at raising awareness about prevalent health concerns in the region. Additionally, they often host conferences where students can present research and connect with professionals in the field.

Furthermore, IFMSA-Iraq frequently collaborates with other organizations to organize health fairs and outreach programs. These initiatives promote healthy living and educate the public about preventive measures regarding common health problems. By engaging the community, IFMSA-Iraq not only benefits its members but also contributes positively to public health in Basra.

How can students get involved with IFMSA-Iraq?

Students interested in joining IFMSA-Iraq can start by reaching out to the local committee through their social media platforms or official website. The organization welcomes all medical students who are eager to contribute to its mission and participate in various activities. Membership provides opportunities for personal development, networking, and involvement in meaningful projects that impact both the medical community and society at large.

Additionally, IFMSA-Iraq hosts introductory meetings and orientation sessions for new members to learn about the association's goals, upcoming events, and ways to get involved. By becoming an active member, students can take on leadership roles, work on specific projects, and gain valuable skills that will serve them well in their future medical careers.

قناة IFMSA-Iraq / Basra LC على Telegram

Welcome to IFMSA-Iraq / Basra LC telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to the International Federation Of Medical Students Association in Iraq, specifically focusing on the Basra Local Committee for the year 2023/2024. The current leadership team includes LCP: @hakim_asaad, VP: @Ahmed_alasadi_1, LOME: @rihamaltaha, LORA: @itzlosha, LORP: @tabarkjabbar, LPO: @karrar_nad, LEO: @m0hammed_madhi, and LMMPSD: @ZMHQMA. IFMSA-Iraq / Basra LC is a platform for medical students in Iraq to connect, collaborate, and engage in various activities related to their field. Whether you are a medical student looking to network with your peers, stay updated on the latest medical news, or participate in educational events, this channel is the perfect place for you. Join us today and be part of a community that is passionate about advancing medical education and healthcare in Iraq!

أحدث منشورات IFMSA-Iraq / Basra LC

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رمضان مبارك اعضاء لجنة البصرة المحلية،

نمدّ أيدينا معًا في هذا الشهر الكريم لدعم حملة ماجينا الخيرية وتوفير السلات الغذائية للعوائل المحتاجة. إليكم الطلبة المسؤولين عن جمع التبرعات، يمكنكم التواصل معهم للمساهمة في نشر الخير.

و يمكنكم التبرع عن طريق زين كاش وكي كارد
او في داخل احد فروع مؤسسة سبع سنابل الخيرية

“The true value of giving lies in the love we put into it.” 💚🌙

رمضانكم خير وبركة ويّانه 💚

Head of OC | Ibraheem Al-Ali |@ibraheem_alali
Basra LC LORP | Elaf Ali | @el278af

08 Mar, 09:14
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[SCOME] [National Opportunity] [Call for Organizing Committee] [MedMotion: Revolutionizing Medical Education] [Application Form: here] [DL: 13/3/2025]

أعزائي أعضاء الجمعية العراقية لطلبة الطب،

من اهم اهتماماتنا داخل لجنة التعليم الطبي هي تسهيل عملية الفهم لمختلف المواضيع الخاصة التي لها علاقة بأنظمة التعليم الطبي

▫️ في العراق، العديد من المواضيع الهامة في التعليم الطبي مثل التعليم المهني المتداخل بين الاختصاصات ، الاعتماد وضمان الجودة، وطرق تطوير المناهج , و المشاركة الطلابية والتي لا يتم التطرق اليها بشكل كافٍ، مما يترك الطلاب غير مستعدين لممارستها في المستقبل. إضافةً إلى ذلك، الأساليب التقليدية في التدريس تفتقر إلى الطابع البصري والتفاعلي، مما يجعل فهم هذه المفاهيم أكثر صعوبة.

لذلك، يسرنا أن نعلن عن إطلاق مشروع MedMotion، وهو مبادرة وطنية تهدف إلى تقديم هذه المواضيع بشكل ممتع وسهل الفهم من خلال مقاطع فيديو تعليمية متحركة وعالية الجودة، سيتم نشرها على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بـ IFMSA Iraq! وهذه فرصتك للانضمام إلى الفريق الذي سيصنع هذا التغيير!

ما هي الأدوار المطلوبة في مجموعة العمل هذه؟

🔹 كتّاب محتوى (عدد 4):
– البحث وصياغة المحتوى العلمي بطريقة مبسطة وجذابة
– الأفضلية لمن لديهم خبرة في التعليم الطبي أو إنشاء المحتوى العلمي

🔹 Video Maker (عدد 4):
– تصميم وتحرير الفيديوهات التعليمية المتحركة
– الأفضلية لمن لديهم خبرة سابقة في تعديل الفيديوهات والأنيميشن

📅 الموعد النهائي للتقديم: 13/3/2025 عند الساعة 11:59 مساءً بتوقيت بغداد

📩 لأي استفسار، لا تترددوا في التواصل مع منسقي الحملة:

🔹 Ibraheem Al-Barzengi (NOME GA)
[email protected]

🔹 Hasan Mohanad (NOME)
[email protected]

07 Mar, 21:16
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‼️للتذكير: باقي 24 ساعة فقط للتقديم لحضور الجلسة التعريفية🤍.

07 Mar, 17:02
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[Pre-Departure/Exchange Training] [Call for OC and Sessions Team] [DL: 10/03/2025 at 11:59PM]

كل سنة ترسل الجمعية العراقية طلاب للمشاركة ببرنامج تبادل احترافي، و لكون تجربة التبادل تعرض الطالب لثقافات و أنظمة مختلفة، من المهم ان يكون هناك تدريب يهيأهم لهذه التجربة الجديدة، لذلك لهذا الموسم فتحنا مجال التقديم حتى تكونون جزء من اللجنة التنظيمية و فريق تقديم الجلسات لل PDT

زين شنو هو الPDT/PET؟
هو تدريب يهدف الى تعليم و تحضير طلاب التبادل قبل السفر، من نصائح قبل السفر، الفيزا، المهارات الناعمة، و غيرها الكثير. يقام التدريب هذا من قبل الفريق الوطني المسؤول على لجنة التبادل الاحترافي و بالتعاون مع جميع اللجان القائمة بالجمعية و اللجان الداعمة.

الوقت و مكان التدريب؟
التدريب حيكون اونلاين في عطلة العيد يوم 3 و 4 و 5 من شهر الرابع القادم.

عدد فريق التقديم: سيتم تحديد العدد الدقيق حسب عدد المقدمين وموافقة المسؤولين الوطنيين لكل لجنة.

عدد اللجنة التنظيمية: 3-4

للتقديم: هنا
آخر موعد للتقديم: 10/03/2025 الساعة 11:59 مساءا

لأي استفسار او سؤال، لا تتردون بالتواصل مع:

IFMSA-Iraq NEO | Dhay Alshalah @dhayalshalah
NEO DA | Basmala @Basmalasalah
NEO GA-Out | Ahmed @ahmedali114

06 Mar, 21:00