Introducing Newton Bank Kumar, the channel that brings you satirical insights into the world of public banks. Led by the witty and humorous idesibanda, this Telegram channel is a must-follow for anyone interested in a unique take on financial institutions. Whether you're a banking professional, a student studying finance, or simply someone who enjoys a good laugh, Newton Bank Kumar has something for you. From poking fun at the latest banking trends to providing hilarious commentary on the state of public banks, idesibanda keeps his audience entertained and informed. With a touch of humor and a dash of sarcasm, this channel is sure to brighten your day. Join Newton Bank Kumar today and get ready to see the world of banking in a whole new light! Follow idesibanda on Twitter for even more delightful content.
19 Jan, 05:09
15 Jan, 14:57
05 Jan, 02:06
04 Jan, 23:38
04 Jan, 16:53
04 Jan, 01:53
01 Jan, 15:37
29 Dec, 05:35
28 Dec, 15:49
28 Dec, 06:02
25 Dec, 15:37
24 Dec, 13:58
21 Dec, 16:27
19 Dec, 05:12
29 Nov, 11:00
27 Nov, 14:37
19 Nov, 08:23
07 Nov, 14:03
23 Oct, 16:24
23 Oct, 16:23
23 Oct, 15:05
23 Oct, 13:53
22 Oct, 17:09
06 Oct, 03:43
05 Oct, 02:25
30 Sep, 16:46
21 Sep, 02:39
05 Sep, 17:44
17 Aug, 07:27
13 Aug, 14:17
26 Jul, 04:58
23 Jul, 10:25
05 Jul, 14:13
15 Jun, 04:35